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Thread: Motor Racing pics - my early years, 1964-71 ; Pukekohe Racetrack ;by - Roger Dowdingl

  1. #181
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Pukekohe - various photos - 1966-67-68 saloons at the Esses and Hairpin

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #4 Mini's #1, v2, CCI20112015_0004 (2).jpg
Views: 3267
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    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #5 Anglias & Minis v2, CCI20112015_0001 (2).jpg
Views: 3100
Size:  86.4 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 # 6 Minis 2, CCI20112015.jpg
Views: 2943
Size:  175.0 KB

    a couple of offs ..
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #7, Humber - off & Mini's on & off v2, CCI20112015_0002 (2).jpg
Views: 2878
Size:  87.8 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 # 8 Pontiac - off & Cortinas CCI20112015_0003.jpg
Views: 2879
Size:  162.0 KB

    a closer view of the Pontiac
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 # 8 Pontiac - off & Cortinas v2, CCI20112015_0003 (774x800) (2) (515x539).jpg
Views: 2890
Size:  80.7 KB

  2. #182
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Pukekohe - various photos - 1966-67-68 a bunch of Ford at the Hairpin

    All Fords here ;
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #9 Ford Anglia at hairpin CCI20112015 (800x781).jpg
Views: 2849
Size:  137.4 KB
    Mustang and Anglia
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #10 Mustang and Anglia the hairpin CCI20112015_0001.jpg
Views: 2885
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    another Anglia
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #11 another Anglia CCI20112015_0002 (800x790).jpg
Views: 2858
Size:  135.3 KB
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #12 Cortina at hairpin CCI20112015_0003 (800x794).jpg
Views: 2874
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    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #13 Anglia - J Nazer ! CCI20112015_0004.jpg
Views: 2849
Size:  179.3 KB
    close up of the last Anglia - Jack Nazers I think.
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #13 Anglia - J Nazer ! v2, CCI20112015_0004 (2).jpg
Views: 2817
Size:  72.9 KB

    Not many left unless there are some hidden away like the last 50 or so..

  3. #183
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Pukekohe - that Pontiac

    A couple of photos of the Pontiac - seen previously but now together.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 # 8 Pontiac - off & Cortinas v2, CCI20112015_0003 (774x800) (2) (515x539).jpg
Views: 2881
Size:  80.7 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #14 that Pontiac  -hairpin # 2, CCI03082015 (2).jpg
Views: 2853
Size:  83.5 KB

    Certainly used a lot of Track on and off the hairpin.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-21-2015 at 06:57 AM.

  4. #184
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Meanwhille down at Dunlop bridge and the Loop - Saloons.

    Minis and the Dunlop bridge
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 # 14 Minis - Dunlop bridge - the loop CCI22112015_0001.jpg
Views: 2807
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    another Mini - more spectators cars - a different meeting
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #15 Mini on the loop CCI22112015_0002.jpg
Views: 2817
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    Ford brigade - GM to follow
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #16  Fords Dunlop bridge CCI22112015.jpg
Views: 2783
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    Vauxhall and Chevrolet from the front 'n
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #17 GM pair the loop CCI22112015_0003.jpg
Views: 2778
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    from behind
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #18 The GM pair again CCI22112015.jpg
Views: 2789
Size:  153.2 KB

  5. #185
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    From the loop - the final few pics.

    Rodger Anderson usually had number 96, so may be him
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 # 19 Mini My Knee Mo CCI22112015_0001.jpg
Views: 2801
Size:  170.7 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #20 another Mini CCI22112015_0002.jpg
Views: 2810
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    the small capacity class go past
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #21 Minis and others the loop CCI22112015_0003.jpg
Views: 2774
Size:  148.7 KB

    Spectate from your car - went a couple of times in a mates 1950 Morrie Minor a sidevalve one - not this as his was a four door the Morrie was replaced in 1967 by a brand new Fiat Bambina at the time I brought a 7 year old Mini.
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966-68 #22 the loop - early M-Minor foreground v2, CCI22112015_0004 (2).jpg
Views: 2820
Size:  168.8 KB

    Well that is it for now - quality of the last ones not good but hope they are of interest.

    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-22-2015 at 02:07 AM.

  6. #186
    #185- If this 96 is the Rodger Anderson car,did this became the Lexington car then the Barry Phillips car?

  7. #187
    You can never be 100% sure (well, I can't !) but this is the Cambridge mini of Phillips, I always thought it was a later model.
    Name:  cambridge mini.jpg
Views: 2827
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  8. #188
    I remember Motorman article saying it had been upgraded with MK2 pieces and larger back window

  9. #189
    Could well be the case, JM. Looks like Rodger Anderson on the right saying, "Hey, that's my old nail"...

    If so, that brick had a hell of a lot of racing miles and a lot of success.
    Last edited by GD66; 11-22-2015 at 08:27 AM.

  10. #190
    World Champion
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    Oct 2013
    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    The Phillips Mini had some good pedigree.

    "In 1969 Irishman Alec Poole driving a privately prepared Mini Cooper S won the British Touring Car Championship.

    The "Equipe Arden" car was originally a genuine Austin Cooper 970S and was made into a racer by Jim Whitehouse of Arden Engineering whose business was in Tamworth-in-Arden, about 10 miles south of Birmingham.

    At the end of the British season in November 1969, the car was immediately bought by NZ-based American Jim Carney for his wife Mary Donald Carney to drive in the New Zealand Championship. At the time, Mary Donald Carney was NZ’s top woman driver racing a Mini Cooper. Jim and Mary Carney took delivery of the car at Silverstone circuit where some small changes were made, i.e. twin-circuit braking for NZ regs, and a changed seating position for Mary.

    . Jim Carney formed a Racing team of his wife Mary and Jim Richards (Twin-cam Lotus Escort).
    Basically the car was a 1967 body shell with up-rated hydrolastic suspension. Dunlop 3.75/800 x 12 tyres were used on 12 x 6 inch Minilite wheels. The 970cc engine was overbored to 999cc to keep under the 1000cc class restriction. At 8,000rpm the engine developed 105bhp and extrapolating to peak at around 9,500rpm on about 115bhp. The car was a handful with the very peaky ultra short stroke engine (special short stroke Gordon Allen crankshaft with way oversize magnesium pistons in offset bores) and the diabolically difficult to handle Jack Knight 5 speed gearbox. Mary Carney won a national championship race but the engine was unreliable, mainly due to over-revving caused by the vagaries of the gear change. It was very easy to go from 4th to 1st instead of 3rd with the inevitable result to valves and pistons! The aluminium 8 port crossflow head was Whitehouse's creation hence the source of the name -: Arden head. Mark 1 Tecalamit-Jackson (TJ) fuel injection was fitted and this was very temperamental compared to the mark 2 version fitted to other Minis such as Rex Hart's 1275 Cooper. NZ’er Peter Levet rebuilt the engine and gearbox one last time for Jim Carney and tested it at Pukekohe. He lapped right on the lap record with puddles still on the circuit prompting Carney to offer him the car for the rest of the season and after Carney left, Levet went out on a dry circuit only to hook the previously mentioned 1st gear instead of 3rd going into Castrol with the tragic result of a piston getting spat out of one of the intake trumpets. That was once too many for Carney and he promptly sold the car as-is to another NZ driver Barry Phillips.

    Barry had good success in the car but now with conventional-stroke engine and various lockouts on the gear change but never completely curing the erratic change. The other gear change problem was being able to go from 1st to 4th which explains why the car would get off the line but apparently bog down on the first up change. Barry raced the car in the Team Rothmans livery (See photo of car ) post # 187.

    The Drinkrow brothers of Beachlands, NZ, acquired the car and that is where it is today. Lynn Rodgers has built a 999cc engine and Peter Levet has built a 4 speed box. Alan Drinkrow has 2 of the 5 speed boxes and has rebuilt them but Levet talked him out of using them (at least in the early stages). Levet went to Arden Engineering to search for parts for the restoration and spoke to Jim Whitehouse on the day 21/3/1981 when Mike Hailwood was so tragically killed just a few miles from Jim's workshop, in fact passing the site of the accident less than an hour before it happened. Levet recovered a lot of TJ injection gear in England and Alan has probably got that together by now. Levet hasn’t seen the car for sometime, but it is probably back in the 1969 colour by now. Levet also recovered 4 of the original Cooper 12" magnesium wheels (as opposed to the Minilites) to go with the re-drilled set that Alan recovered from Jim Maud. When Levet was speaking to John Cooper, he thought that they only cast 7 sets of them so 8 of the original 28 exist in Beachlands! "

    Story researched and prepared by Greg Wenzlick 2007.
    Contributions from Peter Levet 2007 and Michael Bowler of Motor Week magazine 1969.
    Photos; Maurice Rowe, Motor Week magazine, Peter Levet.

    (Ken Hyndman )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 11-22-2015 at 03:54 PM.

  11. #191
    Hello Ken

    That is an informative article but is somewhat misleading in that it talks about one car when actually it is about two.

    The Arden British Championship winning engine was sold to Barry Phillips out of the UK. At the same time the Carneys bought the car with a new engine. Arden engine went into the ex Anderson Mini ( Almond Green then Lexington Team ) when in Cambridge colours and went on to be in the Winfield Team.

    The photo shown in that article and above is pre Arden as it is still on 10" wheels and is not the Arden Carney car but the ex Anderson Car with MK2 updates. The Arden Carney car was bought by Barry Phillips but only raced by him after the 72 season when the Winfield team finished and his car was sold.

    Confusion might come about as he raced that Arden car in a look alike Cambridge colour scheme the following year before it became the NZ Freighter team car in 1974 car alongside Rex Hart. Arden car always had MK1 Grille and tailights.

    Hope all is well up there.

  12. #192
    So which Mini did Wally Wymer buy ?
    Also the erractic gearchange could explain why Jim Boyd went into low entering the corner at the end of the back straight at Baypark.
    Will go back to my Motorman article and post what it says.
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 11-22-2015 at 10:01 PM.

  13. #193

  14. #194
    World Champion
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    GPBK, (Graeme, )
    Thanks for setting the record straight. It was written in 2007 and I thought it made good reading. Must admit it is a bit confusing to us old timers !
    Also appreciate you asking how we are up here as winter approaches. We have pretty good weather in this part of California and I have an excuse not to wash my cars. e.g. drought conditions. Plus this is the time when we have much to be thankful for. Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday Nov 26th. (The day after my birthday.)

    Ken H
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 11-23-2015 at 02:33 AM.

  15. #195
    I bought a Wal Wymer Cooper s,is was dead in the water when i bought it and not much original items left,i sold it and it has now been restored and lives in Auckland ,it was the Mullins Mini, the best part was the ownership papers,it was like a who's who of motor racing !
    Last edited by Ross Hollings; 11-23-2015 at 01:58 AM.

  16. #196
    Wal had 2 as he was racing one first, then bought the other.
    His garage was broken into and valuable parts taken from the second one.
    I was doing work for him in 82 and this is part of what he told me-was more, but wont go into it here.

  17. #197
    World Champion
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    Cambridge NI NZ.
    Yes John, all a bit mysterious about that 'break-in'. This is the car that Graeme Philips bought three years ago......Graeme is of course Barrys son, and he has been busy tracing and collecting parts for it. Is going to be a long and drawn out restoration, costing $$$$$$$$$.......must have sat in Wals shed for 30+ years. Angus and I went and checked it the genuine article....whats left, so good on Graeme for taking it on.

  18. #198
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Laurie Powell and his V8 tourer / roadster 1949.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    Thanks to Bob Homewood for supplying this image, which includes the '32 roadster in the background.

    Attachment 31240
    This photo features in Graham Vercoe's book p 17 as Mt Eden Hillclimb 1949, Ron Roycroft in the " works " Austin 7 R type " Rubber Duck " , midgets of Bill Massey and Des Herrick and Laurie Powell's Ford V8 Vercoe shows photo source as unknown, Does Bob know who took it !!
    an example of a New Zealand " run what you brung " event allcomers welcome.

    Going back through the thread Roger H thought is was 1948 and that Des Herrick won.

    Roger H's post " I think the photo is the 1948 Mt Eden hill climb. The winning car was #66 (the second car back on the left). This was Des Herrick's midget powered by a Hudson Terraplane engine. The car had an interesting life and was converted to a circuit car in 1950, pranged in 1956 and rebuilt by Bruce McLaren (with Phil Kerr and Colin Beanland), was Chris Amon's first race car in 1959 and morphed over the years by a number of owners. It now appears as in Ray's Collection of Photos thread at post #676.:"
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-02-2015 at 01:22 AM. Reason: more info posted

  19. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    This photo features in Graham Vercoe's book p 17 as Mt Eden Hillclimb 1949, Ron Roycroft in the " works " Austin 7 R type " Rubber Duck " , midgets of Bill Massey and Des Herrick and Laurie Powell's Ford V8 Vercoe shows photo source as unknown, Does Bob know who took it !!
    an example of a New Zealand " run what you brung " event allcomers welcome.

    Going back through the thread Roger H thought is was 1948 and that Des Herrick won.

    Roger H's post " I think the photo is the 1948 Mt Eden hill climb. The winning car was #66 (the second car back on the left). This was Des Herrick's midget powered by a Hudson Terraplane engine. The car had an interesting life and was converted to a circuit car in 1950, pranged in 1956 and rebuilt by Bruce McLaren (with Phil Kerr and Colin Beanland), was Chris Amon's first race car in 1959 and morphed over the years by a number of owners. It now appears as in Ray's Collection of Photos thread at post #676.:"
    No I have no idea sorry Roger ,we always thought it was a NZ Weekly news photo or similar as Les had a huge collection of newspaper cluppings and photos from both here and Australia from that era and later ones ,if it made the papers you can bet he cut it out.I do know however there was a lot more stuff than I ended up with
    ,borrowed and never returned by someone !

  20. #200
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all on TRS

    Keep clear of the Boys in Blue

    Name:  AA Mini, Anglia, A40 Pukekohe 1967.  CCI04092015.jpg
Views: 2357
Size:  164.2 KB

    so don't drive like this

    Name:  TR4A Bald Hill 1979 MG CC Hill climb V32, CCI03082015 (2) (640x514).jpg
Views: 2333
Size:  113.5 KB

    cheers, stay safe ..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-22-2015 at 10:48 PM.

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