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Thread: Motor Racing pics - my early years, 1964-71 ; Pukekohe Racetrack ;by - Roger Dowdingl

  1. #101
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    A couple more - stills from the 8mm movie - the winning Mullins & Neilson 1293cc Cooper . Weather must have clouded over at the end of the 3 hours.

    Trevor's #20 Daimler minus its number from passenger door - they seemed to have been made of paper.

    Stu Buchanan

  2. #102
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stubuchanan View Post
    A couple more - stills from the 8mm movie - the winning Mullins & Neilson 1293cc Cooper . Weather must have clouded over at the end of the 3 hours.

    Trevor's #20 Daimler minus its number from passenger door - they seemed to have been made of paper.

    Stu Buchanan
    Stu thanks for the images, what a field from Minis to Cortinas Daimlers and a Healey the Mustang ;
    - one of the first Motor race meetings I went to, [ still at school, just got my licence and my Dad took me, don't think was allowed to drive the mark 3, Zephyr Six ], well maybe drove there, and he drove back in case I decided to speed up, 2.5 litre with four on the tree, and a seat belt diagonal for the driver only - 1963 model, seat belts optional, then recommended, then compulsory, in the front by 1966, in my Mini by then , I put them in my 1962 Austin A40 Farina, and they were in my 1965 Sprite - could be a whole new topic

  3. #103

    1965 Gold Leaf Challenge

    Another Peter Bruin Photo taken before the race start

    Name:  Healey-at-Wills-Gold-leaf-C.jpg
Views: 2147
Size:  177.2 KB

  4. #104
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Note the comprehensive 3 x 2 grid markings. With all that paint, must have been a nightmare for bikes in the wet.

  5. #105
    The Mullins Cooper S is fully restored to showroom condition and lives in Auckland,I actually owned this car for 6 months,was buggered when i got it and was blue,had a great set of ownership papers though,which the current owner still has,will post a photo
    when i can find it !.Rosco

  6. #106
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The Field and the entry list

    Quote Originally Posted by BMCBOY View Post
    Another Peter Bruin Photo taken before the race start

    Name:  Healey-at-Wills-Gold-leaf-C.jpg
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    Name:  Pukekohe_1965 Wills Gold Leaf 3 hour race.jpg
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    Thanks to Ross [ photo ] and Ken [ entry list ] for providing these thought they should be together.
    Remember meeting Peter Bruin when he ran his Lotus 11 !! replica at the Concourse in Te Atatu, in the industrial road where the recycle station is, the Vintage Car Club had a bent sprint, would have been mid 1970's
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-23-2015 at 01:22 AM. Reason: spelling ### 47

  7. #107
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    I still smile about Dennis Simmons when I read this entry that I put in my TRS thread last November.

    " October 1965. Pukekohe.
    Still the highlight for me that day was watching the Fleetwood Mustang, at least for the first two hours before the rear brakes wore out.
    Just to know what was involved in bringing a large engine US car into NZ at that time makes it amazing this car even got to race, as much of the car had to be as standard. The NZ Classic Car magazine from January 2005 has some interesting information. For instance ; " unbelievably dictatorial constrictions imposed by the government of the day. This farcical situation required the car to be re-exported out of the country again at time of sale as the bond could only be recovered at the wharf of another country. "
    Also some of the modifications carried out by Dennis Simmons are amusing. "Dennis also lowered the front of the car in an attempt to make it handle, and then raised the wheel arches on inch to disguise this modification (as lowering was banned).
    Interior-wise, the cabin looked totally stock, with original bucket seats, no roll bars, a standard factory dash with strip speedometer and factory steering wheel. Every second seat spring was removed, brackets were binned, and sound deadening removed to lighten the car, but keep the ‘stock’ upholstery which was called for the current rules ! "
    It looked great that day and was my introduction to "American Muscle" cars that I will admire the rest of my days. "
    ( Ken Hyndman )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 10-23-2015 at 02:24 AM.

  8. #108
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe Nov 1967 national Meeting a few pics

    Will rely on you " TRS gentlemen " to help identify the cars, some are obvious others not so, and some blurry,
    Small saloons
    Name:  Pukekohe Nov 1967 #1, Minis v2, CCI23102015_0003 (2).jpg
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    Name:  Pukekohe Nov 1967 #2, Minis 2, v2, CCI23102015 (2).jpg
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    Name:  Pukekohe Nov 1967 #3, Mustang v3, CCI23102015_0004 (2).jpg
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    Name:  Pukekohe Nov 1967 #4 Mustangs  2, v2, CCI23102015_0001 (2).jpg
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    Cortina(s) ..
    Name:  Pukekohe Nov 1967 # 5  Cortina  v2, CCI23102015_0002 (2).jpg
Views: 2128
Size:  142.8 KB

    and a couple of favourites the Lycoming and the Stanton Corvette among others.
    Name:  Pukekohe Nov 1967 #6, Sports cars  - Lycoming v2, CCI23102015_0005 (2).jpg
Views: 2112
Size:  129.2 KB

    The only notes on the photos is 14/11/67

  9. #109
    I'm loving this thread you guys. The pics, stories, everything, its fantastic!

  10. #110
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    I'm loving this thread you guys. The pics, stories, everything, its fantastic!
    Thanks Steve, mainly my photos, with lots of info being added by the TRS guys,
    there are still quite a lot more to come

  11. #111
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Thanks Steve, mainly my photos, with lots of info being added by the TRS guys,
    there are still quite a lot more to come
    This would be the NSCC meeting on 4 November 1967. As far as ID's go, I'm lost on the Cortinas and Minis etc, but the sports cars are Brent Hawes(Begg Chevrolet), Boyd of course, Geoff Mardon(Stanton) and Johnny Riley(Lotus Chev) is back there somewhere. The Mustangs are probably Coppins, definitely Fahey and Dawson then "Frank Bryan"(= Norm Barry). Bryan's car was just plain white, no stripes, and I don't see him getting a flyer ahead of Fahey/Coppins.

    I can't find any photos of this meeting, but I was obviously there, maybe there is an 8mm film waiting to be rediscovered.


  12. #112
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stubuchanan View Post
    This would be the NSCC meeting on 4 November 1967. As far as ID's go, I'm lost on the Cortinas and Minis etc, but the sports cars are Brent Hawes(Begg Chevrolet), Boyd of course, Geoff Mardon(Stanton) and Johnny Riley(Lotus Chev) is back there somewhere. The Mustangs are probably Coppins, definitely Fahey and Dawson then "Frank Bryan"(= Norm Barry). Bryan's car was just plain white, no stripes, and I don't see him getting a flyer ahead of Fahey/Coppins.

    I can't find any photos of this meeting, but I was obviously there, maybe there is an 8mm film waiting to be rediscovered.

    I thought an NSCC meeting too, and think that where the photos were taken from, I was a Flaggie that day, the point just before the lefthander on the full course, the curve to Railway on the main course. I did Flag a few times once there, once near or just after the hairpin, maybe both.

  13. #113
    This is the entry list for the Nov 4 1967 Pukekohe meeting.

    Name:  67 Nov Entry P1.JPG
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    Name:  67 Nov Entry P2.JPG
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    Stu, Riley's Lotus was powered by an Oldsmobile V8

  14. #114
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe November 1967 Entry list presented by Milan Fistonich

    - thanks for the entry list, some interesting cars and well known names Alan Wolfe [ Woolf ] Triumph Vitesse, N. Miles in the Heron Daimler - pictured in an earlier post.
    E Latta in a Triumph 2000, presume the same car as posted in #69, with the Humpy Vanguard.
    John Ward in the Lotus Cortina and Rod Coppins in the Mustang from the Ward Coppins stable.

    Have saved the entry list to my files - will now be able to better classify my old photos.

    Something not on the entry list but did some laps - demonstration ..

    Name:  Pukekohe Nov 1967 #7 Vintage car demonstration laps v2, CCI23102015_0006 (2).jpg
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  15. #115
    There was a Vintage Car Parade.

    Name:  67 Nov Vintage Entry.JPG
Views: 2064
Size:  74.4 KB

  16. #116
    World Champion
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    I always appreciate all the research and programme details you provide. I do not have very good eyesight and I had trouble with the last list so I hope you do not mind that I tried to make it a bit clearer for my eyes.

    Name:  Milan's List # 1.jpg
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    Name:  Milan's List # 2.jpg
Views: 2004
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    Milan Fistonic's edited programme list.

    (Ken Hyndman )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 10-24-2015 at 06:00 AM.

  17. #117
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milan Fistonic View Post
    There was a Vintage Car Parade.

    Name:  67 Nov Vintage Entry.JPG
Views: 2064
Size:  74.4 KB
    Thanks I had forgotten, as we do being 47 years ago, I have just dug out two series of Vintage Car photos, 1 set of 24 from the 1968 display at Western Springs [ B and W ], and the other set of 36 from the 1972 International Vintage Rally [ in colour ], I was in Napier when the cars were there. could be worth a separate thread.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-24-2015 at 07:37 AM.

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Thanks I had forgotten, as we do being 47 years ago, I have just dug out two series of Vintage Car photos, 1 set of 24 from the 1968 display at Western Springs [ B and W ], and the other set of 36 from the 1972 International Vintage Rally [ in colour ], I was in Napier when the cars were there. could be worth a separate thread.
    The alfa 2.3 is the winning car from lemans 1932

  19. #119
    Alan Woolf has found the Vitesse and is rebuilding it, had great catch up with him and family couple weeks back at Northland Car Club 60 reunion.

  20. #120
    Rod I remember Alan racing this when I was a nipper at Levels & Wigram .. it seemed fast way back then , a few pre 65 boys played about with one or two & it came to nothing .... all the experts were trying things but couldn't get it to go around corners , etc

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