A shame I didn't make arrangements for today, Roger...
I've stayed at Caboolture overnight and I could easily have ducked across to Bellara by the Sea to have a chat.
A shame I didn't make arrangements for today, Roger...
I've stayed at Caboolture overnight and I could easily have ducked across to Bellara by the Sea to have a chat.
Regarding Alan Boyle and his soft drink crate. Alan worked in the Signwriting Department at CocaCola for many years,his sign written numbers are evident on a great number of race cars ,his style was unique to him and if you look closely at old photos you will see how many he did,especially the Mini Cooper brigade,[Ron Browns car is one].He raced a very quick Mini [amongst other cars]which was called Violet,it was immaculate of course.He did the Morris 1100 i partnered with Bruce Blacklock in the 1967 Wills 6 Hour,sponsered by Coster Motors.
I met Ron at Pukekohe and Alan as at the time Ron's girl friend then - the blonde in one of the crash pictures was my childhood neighbour, our parents were great neighbours and stayed friends for decades.
as you say Alan's cars were always well painted and looked very smart, Ron and Alan ran as a team at the time of the reverse track meeting at Pukekohe.
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-14-2017 at 03:46 AM.
From Pukekohe 1966-67 unsure of which meeting(s).
Have put Rod Coppins as driver but may be Ken Bailey - photos from different print runs and no details on the back.
Just noticed, Stack pipes have gone so probably '67 and with Ken Bailey
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-19-2015 at 11:17 PM. Reason: additional notes
A photo from the book " 30 years of Grand Prix racing 1954-83 " about Ardmore and Pukekohe.
Laurie Powell early member of NSCC and ACC, used race a Ford V8 convertible in the 50's then did this in the 60's 70's.
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-20-2015 at 06:58 AM. Reason: info from Trevor S
Moss Tait and Stan Baird on the front in the L&P cars, Fahey's Escort third on the left, Coppins' Cambridge Camaro fourth right.
More details have emerged on the Pontiac, a 7 litre..
see recent posts 2023/24..
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 02-13-2024 at 08:04 AM. Reason: Notes added ###47
Is that Jack Nazer sideways ?? in the Anglia
the White car looks like an old Vanguard - too small to tell
poor qaulity photo's- some different cars
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-20-2015 at 10:19 PM. Reason: spelling ####47
There was a "humpy Vanguard" that ran in that field and seems right. One commentator at the time referred to it as "the guards van comes round, as you would expect at the back of the train".
"Is that Jack Nazer sideways ?? in the Anglia " Looks like it. That's Jack behind Robbie in #65 as well
You have turned Laurie Powell in his grave. He would never have had a bar of a closed coupe. He drove a Ford B4 Roadster fitted with a Ford v8 flat head. He purposely had this car so as to comply with the Northern Sports Car Club early insistence on open cars.
Below is a message I sent to the Classic Driver magazine 22/12/09 which may prove of interest. Possibly it should be transferred to an alternative section. In direct and unlikely comparison, Laurie also owned a side valve Morris Minor open tourer which was also noteworthy.
The Editor, Classic Driver.
I particularly like your magazine, because you make it clear that the correction of historical information is sort after and welcomed. Unfortunately a great deal of inaccurate car related data, has in the past bean published without prior confirmation, subsequently to become transcribed as being fact.
The mystery Ford Roadster, issue 29, page 105 and issue 30. page 22, could very well be the car once owned by the late Laurie Powell, and a quite legendary vehicle. However the photo most certainly does not show Laurie in the drivers seat.
Laurie affectionately referred to the car as “The B4”, which in fact it was, having only later in life been transformed with the fitting a venerable side valve Ford V8. Around 1947/8, when raced at at the old Seagrove air strip, I remember it being a smart piece of kit.
At that meeting Laurie because of the price differential, was content with second place in a flying quarter, when up against against as I recall an Auburn speedster. At the time I had ridden out to Seagrove to watch the racing, with a couple of cycle racing friends and wound up with a puncture beyond repair. Laurie gave me a lift home. He had his midget also raced at the venue, in tow on a trailer behind the B4, and this provided a place for my bicycle.
Around 1956/7 I drove along with Laurie, to a race meeting at Ohakea, where we were both entered to compete. This was probably near the last time Laurie used the B4 in competition. On that occasion his entry was refused by the race scrutineers, because of its overall poor condition. At the time I was driving an AC sports car of similar vintage, also Ford V8 powered and another car which has also vanished into the unknown. A trial blast on the way, proved that the B4 had a little more in top speed, due to a few more cubic inches and some Ron Hogan tweaking.
After driving Laurie's B4 V8 I was amazed regarding the quite stiff suspension and relatively direct steering, i.e. when compared with other Americans then on the road. Sideways in loose metal did not present a problem. It was indeed a sporting roadster.
Some years later, post Laurie’s ownership, I ran across what I was sure was the old B4 V8 parked in Vincent Street, Auckland City. It had received very kind treatment and the front axle had been changed and sported disc brakes. A sensible modification with which I agreed, as the car was obviously being used in modern traffic.
Laurie would never have fitted a sissy bar, and I am sure he never ran the car with cycle front guards. However the photo appears to show a tubular front axle, which would suggest that it very well could be Laurie's old car as I had seen it. On many occasions I have asked of anyone who might know, what had happened to the car as it was truly historic. Unfortunately I have always drawn a blank.
your knowledge is great I will correct the heading, and thanks for your notes on the Man, who ran the start line with authority.
J W Le Baige from the Auckland University Car Club raced a white Standard Vanguard at the December 10 1966 meeting at Pukekohe.
T Taylor raced a blue and white Vauxhall Velox at the same meeting. He was from the Tauranga Car Club. Could be the one in post 69.
Laurie Powell was responsible for the observations required to get a full racing licence and Mr Le Baige was one of 27 drivers he was vetting that day. One of the others was Magaret Duff.
Trevor, Laurie's 32 has survived im sure. when I last saw it ,maybe 25 years ago it was owned by a guy in Papatoetoe with, im certain the surname Powell also but not related to Laurie. It looked just as I remembered it parked in his garage in Pt Chev in the 70's, still fully fendered and that pastel green colour. I don't think the car you saw was Lauries as it hadn't been modified.
Duncan, I have no desire to start an argument. LOL However:-
Laurie’s “B4” was always painted a metallic dark maroon colour, i.e. in accordance with the house colours of his carrying business, as were his Bedford trucks, Morris Minor convertible, V8 Special and DeSoto? sedan.
Years ago I heard a rumour which I have just now had confirmed, that the car was turned into a hot rod and this tied in with the modified car I came across, and that later it was broken up for parts. Please send me a PM, whereupon we may be able to arrange a phone conversation.
Ill Pm you , meanwhile is this the car we are talking about? I went to buy this of Laurie in the early seventies to replace Gp Deuce but I walked away because it was quite rusty. Thats why I was so amazed to see it in Puhanui Rd .I talked at length with the guy who restored it. It was definatly Lauries 32.
In this shot at Seagrove its a light colour not the Maroon his trucks were. Another thought comes to mind here , who in their right mind breaks a 32 Ford roadster up for parts ? Even Pink Panther was ressurected after Eddie had crashed it .Something not right here. I love a mystery ........
Information provided by Milan and others has enabled me to work that the photos in the last couple of sequences Sallons and these ones are all from the same film and will be the December 1966 meeting.
Sports Cars - some of my favourites, as owned 10 English ones BMC / BL over a period of 20 + years.