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Thread: Just A Mix Of Pics - Ray Green Collection

  1. #621
    The April 2015 issue of MotorSport magazine has an interview with Kevin Wheatcroft. Although he loves the racing cars his real passion is WW2 military vehicles and they are providing the new exhibits in the museum. The interviewer notes that while they were there (in January) only 4 people were looking around so my experience obviously was not unusual.
    Mr Wheatcroft is propping the place up financially and is optimistic for it's future but you have to wonder.

    When I went I thought it very good but then learnt later on that it used to be better. But that's ok. When I saw the final version Vanwall and the P25 BRM I was overjoyed. I've always had a thing for post-war front engined single seaters and, for me, seeing them was worth the visit on it's own.

    David Hunter

  2. #622
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Hi David. I am sure that having once touted it as "the Worlds largest collection of single seater race cars" and being alongside a great race track, racing cars should be the focus. Kevin's sand pit, he makes the rules, but mixing military vehicles does not attract racing car fans.

    Separate entry fee, separate collections maybe, or add another building and expand to include sports racing cars to 're-invent' the place, but if he is struggling to keep it afloat, maybe he has made a wrong decision. I used to go on every trip back to the UK but can't see the point now and I suspect other car fans may well feel the same.

    It would be a sad day if Sir Bernard "Tom" Wheatcrofts incredible collection was broken up, given that they restored or had restored, so many truly iconic cars. Like you, I love the front engined single seaters, but sorry, a hall of Williams or McLarens from the modern era are too samey to be of real interest.
    Last edited by ERC; 08-21-2015 at 02:39 AM.

  3. #623
    Quote Originally Posted by ERC View Post
    On to 1966...

    Same day - what was I saying about Lotus? Note the leading car? I think it was a Shapecraft (fastback) Elan
    Attachment 14372....
    I'm replying to a post from page 8, so a long way back!:

    This is the unique Ian Walker Lotus Elan 26R coupe, reg no FRX 176C, which is still around today. Was raced a few years ago by Martin Stretton at the Goodwood Revival. But agree, it does look a bit like a Shapecraft Elan...


  4. #624
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    Not much new to add from a three month trip away. Must be the first time I have ever been away and not managed a single worthwhile car related visit. Illness thwarted the plans to visit the Gaydon Heritage Museum, so this a just a sample of the few pics I did manage to take. Later, I'll get back to the 1,000's of older pics that need scanning.

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    Last edited by ERC; 08-21-2015 at 02:27 AM.

  5. #625
    Quote Originally Posted by ERC View Post
    Not much new to add from a three month trip away. Must be the first time I have ever been away and not managed a single worthwhile car related visit. Illness thwarted the plans to visit the Gaydon Heritage Museum, so this a just a sample of the few pics I did manage to take. Later, I'll get back to the 1,000's of older pics that need scanning.

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    That is a Tesla frame right ? I saw one a couple of days ago in their showroom.

  6. #626
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Correct. They have a showroom on 3rd Street Santa Monica which I where I took that pic just two weeks ago. The showroom seemed to be attracting a fair bit of interest too, though I suspect that like me, most were just interested, rather than potential buyers.

  7. #627
    looks like a truck chassis

  8. #628
    I was in the San Jose store, there are a lot of the cars on the roads, and they look good too.


    Quote Originally Posted by ERC View Post
    Correct. They have a showroom on 3rd Street Santa Monica which I where I took that pic just two weeks ago. The showroom seemed to be attracting a fair bit of interest too, though I suspect that like me, most were just interested, rather than potential buyers.

  9. #629
    Bruce302, hope you were not near the bank or the other 2 crooks that the police slowed down in San Jose last week.
    The bank guy only attracted 600 odd shots, and the police were lucky to get him, but unfortunately there was a innocent lady in the area as well, and they also got her. Good marksmen. 600 shots really, but they brag on the news about it and apologize to the ladies family.
    The other 2 crooks (that killed a guy in cold blood) attracted less (around 6 each) but good job there, bet the 3rd guy is fairly nervous waiting for his appointment.

    We saw a few of the Tesla cars. Smart looking car.

  10. #630
    Tesla s have 6931 batteries according to Clarkson tonight.

  11. #631
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    Not sure about the exact date for this group, but would welcome any clarification as always. The stencilled numbers might be a clue. It will possibly date other pics, but without checking the programme, could be as late as 1987 as TACCOC used those number about that time, certainly for Whenuapai? What I do know is that it is definitely after 17th January 1983!

    Tony Roberts' car at a guess
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    Has to be Murray Sinclair.
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    Last edited by ERC; 09-07-2015 at 04:06 AM.

  12. #632
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    Yes it is Tony and behind that I think is Dr Bruce Stewart.

  13. #633
    Is that the old Coppertone Alfa Bruce? I thought Tony said he owned that at one stage.

  14. #634
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    No, that's a later 1750 GTV. I think this car is now in the South Island( I do know who). The Coppertone Alfa if it is the one I think it was, 1966 GT Junior (stepfront) ex Tony, then Dennis Marwood, Arthur Vowels, Mark Pearson is now in the UK. Tony restored it back to original and he would need to confirm who he sold it to after his ownership.
    Last edited by Spgeti; 09-07-2015 at 06:53 AM.

  15. #635

  16. #636
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    Not sure whether or not these should have gone on the Mini & Imp thread, but I opted for here, otherwise I'll totally lose track of what I have posted! To tell you the truth, I already have lost track...

    One of my earliest motorsport photographs, but the camera that Dad bought me was a recalcitrant Ilford Advocate that often failed me. An original Broadspeed GT in action. Not sure of the year, but either 1966 or 1967 at a guess.
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    So why would this be posted in a Mini/Imp thread?
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    A Lotus Elan chassis and a front mounted Imp engine... The sort of ingenious car that NZ no longer sees, because 'it wasn't done in period'...
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    Clan Crusader, probably the nicest looking of all Imp based cars
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  17. #637
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Ray, great shots wherever they are posted, That Elan / Imp '/ A30 look car is great. NZ moved from Allcomers " Run what you Brung " type formula, just had to be a saloon - very loose definition there too !!, to a UK/ Europe formula / appendix, at the end of the 1967 season .. some of the unusual cars went to the South Island for the OSCA class " Open Saloon Cars ". other went back to what they were like the Morrari, the Ferrari chassis was rebuilt as a Ferrari , unsure by whom, the Corvette Motor went and the Lowlight Morris Minor body, probably junked.

  18. #638
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    From Ice Breaker - Day 1.

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  19. #639
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    These drivers (or cars) are new to the ERC Series this season.

    Sadly, Mikes Mini put a leg out of bed in practice. Hopefully he may find a good home for the 1300cc Mini Engine I have stashed in the garage...
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    John Nuthall, also with a new steed, going well - even though he claims there was a misfire.
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    Bert Quin's 15" wheel's hadn't arrived in time for the Perana but I'm not sure we can blame the 17" tyres for this cornering approach.
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    Rex Bentham getting to grips with the ex-Mike Westall, Mike Uhlenberg (and others no doubt) Jaguar Mk 2, having found the MGB wasn't really to his liking as much as Jaguars. The car looks stunning even under the bonnet.
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    Yes, one of the two Peugeots now running with us - only using 3 wheels through turn 1.
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    Tony(?) Morgan, ... late entry, late addition to the series. Not in the race programme either.
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    Last edited by ERC; 09-13-2015 at 03:50 AM.

  20. #640
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    Ice Breaker - Day 2, the complete field of combined Historic Muscle Cars, Historic Sedans, U3L Historic Saloons.

    part 1 of 2

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