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Thread: THE uncaging of a Tiger

  1. #1

    THE uncaging of a Tiger

    Hi all
    As the info on the Markson is slowly but surely grinding along, it gives me a little spare time, to start a new thread, on the recrudesce of a Sunbeam Tiger race car, that is about to be brought back to life.and a little of my history of Sunbeams and my involement with them in general in NZ over the last 45 years. Markson

    Name:  Tiger race.jpg
Views: 686
Size:  166.9 KB
    Last edited by markson; 07-25-2015 at 01:26 PM.

  2. #2
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by markson View Post
    Hi all
    As the info on the Markson slowly but surely keeps grinding along, and gives me a little spare time, I thought I would start a new thread on the recrudesce of a Sunbeam Tiger race car, that is about to be brought back to life. Markson

    Name:  Tiger race.jpg
Views: 686
Size:  166.9 KB
    Markson, was the photo taken at a STAR meeting, S-unbeam - T-albot A-lpine R-egister, hence STAR, or have they gone now, were quite big in the 70's.

  3. #3
    Yes Roger the photo was taken many years ago.Markson

  4. #4
    Weekend Warrior
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Markson, I had a look over a mk2 tiger body shell today at a mates workshop. Not the one your involved with , is it?
    Same owner for over 30yrs, Classic raced in the eighties. Boss 302 powered after the 289 died. Owner has a container business. Nice car and owner.

    Cheers Colin.

  5. #5
    Hi Colin
    Thanks for you post
    Yes I do know of the car, its owner is Alan M ??? although I have not seen it for many years
    It is or was, a left hand drive car and was once owned by a Ronnie Condon who passed away a few years ago. Markson

  6. #6
    Weekend Warrior
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Yes, that's him. It's good to keep track on these classics and you be pleased to know its getting the resto it deserves.


  7. #7
    Good to hear that Colin
    I have lots of memories of that car in the hands of Ronnie . Markson

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