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Thread: Brian Crosbie MK1 Escort History

  1. #21

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by j keast View Post
    Thanks for all the help owner ship from Dave Simpson to its end all adds up.
    Was the car imported built up as a race car or done in NZ and by who.
    I brought the car as a semi rolling car from Henry Hammond
    What I have seen somewhere was that there were 3 std twin cam road car imported new in 1968 by Ford NZ. Did Ron Rutherford get one of the 3 new twin cams. May have this wrong?????? Peter Bryan.

  3. #23
    No not all of the car but i still have some of the parts from the car

  4. #24
    The three Twin Cams brought in for motorsport purposes were the Jim Carney car, The Ward / Simpson car, Tony Batchelor / Gary Sprague car.

    I think that there was a 4th one brought in shortly after and it may have been for Ron Rutherford
    Last edited by Carlo; 07-11-2015 at 05:43 PM.

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