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Thread: Old Programmes, movies and memories from the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies.

  1. #141
    Roly mentioned to me that when Jim came out from Uk he [Jim] often gave fire proof overalls [left overs ] etc to some of the kiwis, as there was nothing at that time up to speed to help drivers in case of fire etc

  2. #142
    Mike Cooper was a lad of about 6 when the 1961 NZ GP took place. He's responded to these great photos... "Amazing old pic of dad in NZ" He doesn't recall seeing any photos of his dad in NZ before.

    Mike also commented about the Cooper on the trailer, "when you look at all the saloon cars in back ground , they make the Cooper look like something from the future." Hard to argue with the Austins, Vauxhall & Ford Zephyr shown.

    Well done Gearbox Grinder for showing these photos


  3. #143
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    I would be interested to know if Mike Cooper had seen the YouTube clip of the 1961 NZGP and his dad and others relaxing at the beach with drivers and friends before the racing. So different to what takes place today.

    BTW. I have my own 1962 Austin Mini Cooper 997.
    Although it now has a whopping A + 998 in it.

    Name:  Mini in the field.jpg
Views: 1463
Size:  182.3 KB

    (Ken Hyndman )

  4. #144
    Ken, very nice looking 997. Very hard to find one still with its 997 these days.

    I've only just watched the 1961 film - a great find and some great footage. Although I'm not sure Mike will want to see his dad in his swimmers. Plus the old decree of the F1 lads "what happens in New Zealand, stays in New Zealand" (laughs). I will however pass on details to him.


  5. #145
    That was an interesting snippet on Mike ....Ken you have a pretty little u remember the one Keith owned [blue] from that parts dept where you worked in Cameron Rd..... it has been restored [lovingly] by Hank Verryt a local car dealer in Tauranga , we are heading slowly into autumn ... still warm days seasons changing big time ...Grant

  6. #146
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    I always appreciate your updates on the home front.
    I do now remember that blue Cooper going up the hill past the Summit Garage at Otumoetai & Waihi roads when I worked there in 1990 with Steve O'Donohue. ( he was a good man..sure knew all about Formula Fords & Minis )

    Ken H

  7. #147
    Got all my fuel from Summit S/S when in Tauranga.

  8. #148
    Yep well the s/ station is still there guys ...... Tauranga has grown so fast.........amazing how things change ..... I was told Timaru was a city b 4 Tauranga........... Timaru still only 32ooo approx..... you could add a 100, 000 plus now pop for Tauranga ....... I live out Pyes Pa way about 15k south ...... the new development re, school, shopping centres ,new sub divisions etc is quite exciting , I mentioned to Kylie we might sell up & move back into town [been in country about 15yrs]......we had a discussion & decided to stay put as the town is coming to us ....... country life is cool , native birds , trees etc open space ..ok I am off track lol

  9. #149

    Received word back from Mike Cooper last night about the 1961 NZ GP footage, part of which follows...

    "Great piece of film. Seeing my dad in swimming trunks, lying on the beach, Ha.
    It was great to watch , I sent it to my sister and she also loved it."

    Mike also mentioned that his dad had a photo hanging at this home, when skiing in NZ.

    So a great find Ken.


  10. #150
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Thanks Stephen,
    I really appreciate you sending this to Mike and also onto his sister.
    One never knows when an old scrapbook cutting, movie or photo etc.can revive a memory for someone out there.
    Perhaps Mike will become a Roaring Season follower now and provide some of his own input.

  11. #151
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    Jan 5 1963.
    We got up early to pile into our 1960 Humber Hawk with dad at the wheel plus an uncle and the rest of us little urchins piled in the back on a hot summer day and headed off to Pukekohe.(No A/C back then !) Uncle George telling us how he was camped there before being shipped off to North Africa in WW 2. We arrived and parked over by the Loop Corner which was after the Elbow. (You will have to go to the archives to find those corners now ). We just stayed at the car and watched the racing. At the start of the Grand Prix I noticed how bright and shining were the wheels on Bruce McLaren's Cooper, which can seen in the Sergent photo. We were disappointed when he dropped out and then we cheered on Graham Hill in the Ferguson because we had a Fergie tractor at home. Graham's car came to a halt on the last lap and Angus Hyslop came in second. I think we were all disappointed in how the day turned out and it was a long haul home. ( That is my memory of the day ). John Surtees in a Lola had made it look too easy. It was not until years later when I was at Laguna Seca in 2007 and I met up with Peter Bryant that I found out more about the 1963 Pukekohe Grand Prix. (To be continued )

    Name:  1963_Start at Pukekohe.jpg
Views: 1153
Size:  165.1 KB

    Bruce Sergent photo.
    (L-R, John Surtees, Tony Maggs, Chris Amon,Jack Brabham, Bruce McLaren,Tony Shelly and Graham Hill.
    ( Note Graham Hill on the right trying to get the 4WD Ferguson up to speed.
    Also those bright wheels on the McLaren Cooper. Strange what one remembers from back then over
    52 years ago !)

    (Ken Hyndman )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 05-02-2015 at 05:37 AM.

  12. #152
    Early Pukekohe,including the Fergusson and Bruce McLarens swimming spot in the creek.

  13. #153

  14. #154
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    You have once again come through with some wonderful photos from that era. Thank you so much.
    First photo is ; Denis Hulme's Brabham BT7A at Pukekohe 1964. Then a young looking Chis Amon. Then the #48 Cooper T70 driven by Tim Mayer which was to tragically crash in the last 1964 race in Tasmania, claiming Tim's life. Angus Hyslop Cooper T45. Jim Palmer with his Lotus 20. The 4WD Ferguson P99 driven by a relaxed Graham Hill at Pukekohe and at other races by Innes Ireland. The spot by the creek where Bruce McLaren tried another method of water cooling his CooperT79 in 1965 ! Bruce talking to Phil Hill at Pukekohe in 1965...this was not a good day for Bruce. Next photo is Bruce after winning the 1964 NZGP..this was a great day for Bruce. Then Frank Gardner at Pukekohe in 1965. Last photo is of Tony Maggs at Pukekohe in 1963.

    Thanks again Grinder.

    (Ken Hyndman )

  15. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    Thanks Stephen,
    I really appreciate you sending this to Mike and also onto his sister.
    One never knows when an old scrapbook cutting, movie or photo etc.can revive a memory for someone out there.
    Perhaps Mike will become a Roaring Season follower now and provide some of his own input.
    Ken, I gave Mike the links, but I suspect because of his business interests he might be a bit short on spare time to visit TRS often. But you never know.

    Gearbox Grinder has excelled yet again with some brilliant photos. Ken you've done a great job identifying all of them. Just thinking that's more likely Jim Palmer's ex Hyslop #41 Cooper T53 in 1964.

    Is the red Lotus on the trailer with Jim, the one used by Ken Sager?


  16. #156
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    Yes, that would have been the ex Angus Hyslop T46 Cooper for Jim Palmer with # 41 on it.
    Looking at the Tim Mayer Cooper you realize how little protection they had if anything went wrong !
    The Jim Palmer Lotus 20 went on to Rex Flowers.

    ( Ken Hyndman )


  17. #157
    Grinder ....... thank you ... beaut photos absolutely [hi ken]

  18. #158
    Ken, despite what some books say, the Hyslop/Palmer Cooper was a T53

  19. #159
    World Champion
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    Michael and Stephen,
    You are absolutely correct regarding the T53 Cooper. I should have done a better job with my homework.
    Does that lower my grade for the year ?

    (Ken H)

  20. #160
    Let off with a stern warning but this time only.

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