Hirsty is the man, he is a 'real' mechanic, he fix's not replace's.
Done a lot of brilliant work on my toys over the years.
He has a history of 'making' things going way back to the 'Morrari' and before and has a neat little sports car at moment.
Here are some more photos of the car. Definitely a ground up restoration
Last edited by kiwi285; 12-17-2014 at 08:13 PM.
Is that the same hood latch cross member we used to lean against and have a few beers after work and listen to Rod Coppins stories at Spinner's workshop on Thames Street in Morrinsville in 1969 ?
(Ken Hyndman )
It is stretching my memory a bit but the names I remember at that time were; Bob Summerell (Summerell Panel & Paint (2003), 166 Thames St, Morrinsville, 07 889 7227 ) and Greg & Julian Tordoff.
If they did not do it I am sure they could tell you who did.
I hope this helps.
Ken H
That is a blast from the past..Graeme Williams..we did crazy stuff in Anglias back then.
Give my regards to Bob Summerell if you reach him..fond memories of his cheerful attitude always.
Also check your private messages as it stated it was full up. (Do I have your email ?)
All the best John. What a great job you guys do of bringing these cars back to life.
That car is looking great John. Really looking forward to seeing the original Cambridge Racing Team colours again on track. Loved the Fahey 70 Boss Mustang in those colours and the Anderson BMW 2002.
You are the last person anyone should refer to as a 'gunna'. You have done more building, repairing and organising in the last year than most others would have done in a couple of years.
Do you have any timeline set out for the car now ?
Car is looking good John. Such good history. cheers, Bruce
Agree with that. There's always some sad sack offering free advice, but you seldom line up bedside them on the grid. Car's looking good mate, and back in the days when it was running in the Cambridge colours it was still quite distinctive from the Mustangs and Camaros, so looking forward to seeing that again. Truth be known, it did look pretty good even in stock colours : was it turbine bronze metallic ?
Hi John, have a look at posting #18 on Racing on Sunday. David Hunter has a photo of the Monaro....might be worth following up.
Looking forward to catch up at Manfeild in November John.
Cheers, Bruce
You may have seen this already but if you go to this site and click on the superb photos that Jack Inwood took of the Roger Anderson BMW you will get a very good example of the Cambridge Racing Team colour scheme.
(Remember to click on the photos )
Cheers, Ken
Last edited by khyndart in CA; 04-21-2015 at 06:28 AM.
Grady Thomson at Levin 15.02.1970. The bronze Monaro was the tow car for it. My understanding at the time was that Rick Rimmer was racing this. Interesting that it has #13 on the window.
( The Cambridge car) To me the bonnet looks dark blue rather than black but the sun is shining on it so it could be deceiving. Also the leather straps holding the bonnet shut have been dispensed with.
Photo quality is not brilliant. My camera was a Agfa Clack. About one step up from a Box Brownie.
David Hunter
Last edited by Noo Noo; 04-22-2015 at 07:44 AM.
Glad you find it of interest John. I only had one exposure left in my camera (8 exposure film) after using the first 7 at Wigram in January and thought the Monaro the the most worthy car to use it on.
I noticed recently in the book Rally New Zealand- Celebrating 25 Years, a photo of the Thomson/Rimmer Monaro in the 1969 Shell Silver Fern rally showing it was number 13. Presuming the number was allocated by the organisers did Thomson then adopt it as his lucky number after winning the rally?
David Hunter
It's a cool photo John. No cage....gauges on the dash pad and those wheels....David has done well and he may have other gems in his photo collection.
Hi John - I've just re-read this and noted your e-mail request. I won't try to do it myself because I'll make a pigs ear of it but it's alright, I've got a crack team of computer experts on call (my wife and the young bloke next door). I'll get one of them to do it this evening.
What is your opinion on the paint colours of the Roger Anderson's BMW on the post # 565 link ?
Ken H
Dulux used to have a historical listing of old colours and what matches them today. Try Dulux HO in Wellington John.
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