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Thread: Article: The Beast Of Turin - 28 Litres Of Noise And Fury

  1. #1

    Article: The Beast Of Turin - 28 Litres Of Noise And Fury

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    I have been fascinated by this car for many years, and recently discovered this epic video produced of its blast around the grounds of the Goodwood Estate a couple of weeks ago. The mighty Fiat S76 boats a 28 litre 4 cylinder motor, and was built for an attempt on the land speed record.

    The S76, dubbed The Beast Of Turin, is to take part in the 2015 Goodwood Festival Of Speed, in a special category of 'earth-shattering Edwardian leviathans'.

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    This is from the Goodwood website:

    "The Fiat S76, unofficially the fastest car in the world in 1911 has been driven for the first time in over 100 years – tackling the Goodwood Hillclimb during its first post-restoration test run.

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    "The feat is due to be repeated at FOS this year, when the S76 will be one of the stars of a special category of ‘earth-shattering Edwardian leviathans’.

    "Following a 10-year restoration process, and a static appearance at the 2014 Festival of Speed when we had hoped the car might be ready to be coaxed into life, the S76 was actually fired up for the first time in a century last December – generating huge interest among car enthusiasts worldwide.

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    "With the mechanical issues that prevented the S76 firing up at FOS last year finally sorted, its enthusiastically ‘hands-on’ owner Duncan Pittaway brought the S76 back to the 1.16-mile Goodwood Hillclimb a couple of weeks ago for its first test run since the restoration, inviting Lord March along for the ride in the passenger seat.

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    "The amazing moment in automotive history was captured by filmmaker Stefan Marjoram who has been documenting the restoration. Watch the video and you’ll understand why the car was known in-period as ‘The Beast of Turin’.
    Just two S76s were produced by the Italian manufacturer, with the aim of snatching the records for the flying kilometre and flying mile from the ‘Blitzen’ Benzes. The S76 achieved the mile record with Pietro Bordino at the wheel at Saltburn Sands in 1911 and was officially recorded at over 135mph on a kilometre attempt at Oostenede in Belguim, only to be denied the record as it was unable to complete a return run within the specified one hour.

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    "While one car was dismantled by Fiat after the First World War to prevent rival manufacturers obtaining its technical secrets, the other was purchased by Russian aristocrat Boris Soukhanov and eventually made its way to Australia, where it was modernised and campaigned as a ‘Fiat Racing Special’".

  2. #2

    OK, want to see and hear it running? Click Here and turn the sound up!


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  3. #3
    Love Lord March's comment at the end... "It was rather warm". I guess it would be, as the four angry 'flamethrowers' were on his side of the car!

  4. #4
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Feilding NZ
    Steve, there was a video a while back re the putting the beast together and firing it up. Awesome ....

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Feilding NZ
    Yes Steve. Isn't that amazing...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Spgeti View Post
    Yes Steve. Isn't that amazing...
    So, the equivelant of four 427 cu/in big block's.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Hirst View Post
    So, the equivelant of four 427 cu/in big block's.
    Each cylinder the capacity of one of those big blocks, in total!

  9. #9
    Weekend Warrior
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Sydney, NSW
    A truly awesome sight and sound...however, be aware that there is controversy surrounding this car. Surprisingly, the controversy is all about provenance and originality

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