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Thread: Phillip Island Classic

  1. #1

    Phillip Island Classic

    Just back from PI - hadn't been since '09 but can thoroughly recommend it for bucket lists.

    The circuit alone is worth making the effort to get to, and then the variety of cars - many of which we never saw - is a real treat. The logical thing would be to combine that meeting with the GP.

    Perhaps a TRS team trip next year - there are camping grounds at one end of the accommodation scale, and luxury at the other end.

    Met a number of expat Kiwis plus a couple of hard case Aussie based TRS members in John 'Meddles' and the ace snapper Dale from Newcastle - top blokes.

  2. #2
    Thanks Michael, its certainly one of the events I need to get to. By all accounts its an excellent historic event. Did you happen to take any pics when you were there?

    I should be able to source some photos to post here like I have done in previous years.

  3. #3
    The featured car was the Mustang and the famous #9 did some demo laps.

    Lots of gorgeous cars plus a car club setup in the carpark that had something for everyone - who knew that there so many variations of Isuzu Bellet and that they would be worth keeping in concours condition.

    Yes Steve, plenty of photos but because I took them, they're average but I'll forward a sample to you and you can decide for yourself.

    For the HMC enthusiasts amongst us, there was a great scrap at the front of one race I saw with Mustangs, Camaros and Falcons battling away. What else that we haven't seen here - 962 Porsches, a Milano, Elfin monos, various Aussie built Formula Fords from the days when you couldn't race anything else, the SR4 Matich in a display, an ERA - I wish I had a programme to reel some more stuff off.

    Book an airfare sooner than later - the other advantage is you get all the seasons!

  4. #4
    Results on >circuit racing>08/03/2015 26th Phillip Island Classic Festival.

  5. #5
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Apr 2011
    Launceston Tasmania
    There are only 2 seasons at Philip Is.....January and Winter

  6. #6
    World Champion
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    Pics courtesy of Peter Bain-Hogg
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  7. #7
    World Champion
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    Pics Peter Bain-Hogg
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  8. #8
    World Champion
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    Pics Peter Bain- Hogg
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    Last edited by bry3500; 03-10-2015 at 10:55 AM.

  9. #9
    Whats the best way to find out when this is on?

    I want to get there next year and try my hand at some photos!

  10. #10
    I guess I've been there five or so times Snoozin - always been the first weekend of March

  11. #11
    Weekend Warrior
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    Sydney, NSW
    Snoozin...just check the VHRR website early next year...Cheers, Mick

  12. #12
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    How does it rate as an amateur photographer's track?

    Having been bitterly disappointed with some tracks, where there is either high fencing or no spectator access at all - or you are so far away that decent photographs are impossible, it can make a huge difference to my personal enjoyment. It is still on my bucket list though...

  13. #13
    Very good circuit for photography. Only real issue is how far you want to walk. Although you can drive all the way round the outside of the circuit.

    Only barriers are on the pit straight to hinder photography from the inside (including standing on the roof of the main pit garages).


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Snoozin View Post
    Whats the best way to find out when this is on?

    I want to get there next year and try my hand at some photos!
    Actually its almost always the second weekend in March, and always a week before the F1 Grand Prix.
    Well worth the visit. Its better than the F1 GP these days in my humble opinion.
    Book early for accommodation, as the second weekend in March is a long weekend in Victoria.

  15. #15
    Weekend Warrior
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    Sydney, NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by Cooper997 View Post
    Very good circuit for photography. Only real issue is how far you want to walk. Although you can drive all the way round the outside of the circuit.

    Only barriers are on the pit straight to hinder photography from the inside (including standing on the roof of the main pit garages).

    Accredited media/phots can get dropped off/picked up around the circuit ...
    Last edited by 275 GTB; 03-27-2015 at 10:15 PM.

  16. #16
    Right... this event is on the list of things to gain accreditation to, and attend!

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