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Thread: New Zealand Historic Muscle Cars Under HRC

  1. #1201
    Nah, you got me confused with someone else- my suggestion was to run exhaust pipes through the bonnets to honour Rod Coppins.
    Dale said that at the Ice Breaker he would be discussing exuberant driving- something along the lines that only high dollar racers would be allowed that, us in the cheap seats would have to improvise...LOL.
    I will keep looking for your low flying effort as I got the sliding shot out of MotorAction, and the other from Motorman-peter Woods photo-nov73 ,, 4 other publications to go through. Found some good pix of Gerald Hargraves getting airborne in Jims MK1 Cotina,
    BTW- did you know what you wrote- that you would have seat belt bruising. Does that mean you would be wearing seat belts, geez, that would be like me wearing gloves.
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 07-29-2014 at 07:21 PM.

  2. #1202
    Come on guys, WE want exuberant driving styles, lots of noise and sideways!! you know, just like Jacs driving style in the imp! after all that car would now be "historic" probably like the owner A JacMac, LOL. besides its just the running into each bit other i don't like!! wish full thinking maybe but we try anyway!!

    Dale M

  3. #1203
    Semi-Pro Racer
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Hargraves prang was fairly simple cause- ugly result. Personally I don't think OSCA stuff was too bad from the contact point of view, worst I got on track from other cars was a few tire marks up the side, got a door turned inside out while parked in Ruapuna pits by the guy with Dodge truck that used to serve as incident/recovery vehicle, apparently that was my fault! A few others like the Imp as above & the Mk2 Cortina in practice at teretonga.
    Yes Imp would be Historic, so guess that makes me vintage, Imp is long gone & I am barely worth restoring!
    Yep wearing belts, but never used gloves, overalls had been used all week on day job and had the added incentive to make sure the car never went on fire as probably had a weeks worth of oil & grease in the fabric.. oh & I still have my old helmet that has probably became current again the way things go in & out of fashion these days.

  4. #1204
    Jack- I was just looking through the mags, no luck finding your low level flying efforts,sorry.
    Just noticed that Gerald rolled 2 MK1 Cortinas- his in that endurance standard production race, and Jims one. Is it true his nick name became Flipper?( LOL)
    Mk 1 Cotinas had bad runs- the two above, Jack Nazers- flames and became a dirt track car, Barry Phillips wrote his off when almost new, Bruce McLean hit something heavily and of course John Ward.
    Thats 5, can you think of any more?

  5. #1205
    Semi-Pro Racer
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Andy Threckhold rolled his chev powered version at Teretonga ( loop?) around the same time as Gerald was doing his effort at Ruapuna, don't remember many if any of the 4 cyl club versions coming to grief in a major way though.

    One funny ( well it was not at the time ) one was while we ( ESCC) were marking out a grasstrack course at Lumsden one evening, most member cars parked infield and a late arrival in a MK1 2door with fat feet arrived, bit of evening dew on the grass, Cortina with brakes locked up @ all of 10 mph with missile lock guidance aimed at a 125 Fiat, all bar the two owners retired to the outfield while the situation was resolved. Not much noise in rural Lumsden @ 7pm so it was very hard not to hear the discussion.

  6. #1206
    Great side-profile shot here from the Keith Growden Collection of the Frank Bryan/Red Dawson Mustang when still owned by Bryan. The decklid fuel filler is clearly visible here.

    Name:  KEITH_0118-2_zps623fbf08.jpg
Views: 2242
Size:  65.5 KB

    And here it is again the following season, now owned by Dawson. Note the 'NZ' lettering on the rear quarters. The car had just recently returned from Australia where Dawson, Fahey, and Coppins all took their Mustangs to compete in the one-race 1968 Australian Touring Car Championship at Warwick Farm, plus a couple of other events.

    The fuel filler is now gone, but the rear spoiler hasn't been fitted either. This came the following season, along with the chin spoiler.

    Name:  KEITH_0048-2_zps1e55570b.jpg
Views: 2234
Size:  101.7 KB

  7. #1207
    Hey Guys, go grab the latest copy of Classic Car Magazine and read Steve's fantastic 3 page article about what Historic racing cars are suppose to be and why HMC has the rules it has, its very good read with excellent detail because in any historic class like HMC its the attention to detail that sets us a part.

    Dale M

  8. #1208
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Auckland, North Shore
    Sorry Dale, just cancelled my standing order for NZCC. I am so far behind reading the others I subscribe to, that something had to go and NZCC was deemed the weakest of the bunch.

    We get all the important info from here!

  9. #1209
    Just to follow up from Dale's note, HMC guys don't forget your COD's for the Icebreaker. I need to get those who haven't already sent them to me. Only 4months to go before the pressure comes on. If you are still building an HMC compliant car get those into MSNZ as soon as you can so I can record them on our HMC register.

    Dave Graham
    MSNZ COD Auditor
    Licence # 23013

  10. #1210
    Since I won`t be racing the Camaro at the Icebreaker Dave, can I bring the latest MRI scan of my right knee, as it`s not being very compliant either at present.......

  11. #1211
    World Champion
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Pukekohe 1969.
    I took these 2 B&W photos of the Dawson Mustang in the paddock at Pukekohe.
    Do correct me if I am wrong.
    I think the first one was in September 1969 and the second was early December 1969.
    (Sorry I did not do colour photos back then.)

    Name:  Dawson Mustang 1969_0001_NEW.jpg
Views: 1831
Size:  146.5 KB

    Name:  Dawson Mustang 1969_0002_NEW.jpg
Views: 1802
Size:  155.0 KB

    ( Ken Hyndman )

    Hey if anyone in NZ wants see an interesting auction, check this out !
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 09-02-2014 at 09:13 PM. Reason: ..

  12. #1212
    Quote Originally Posted by fullnoise68 View Post
    Since I won`t be racing the Camaro at the Icebreaker Dave, can I bring the latest MRI scan of my right knee, as it`s not being very compliant either at present.......
    As long as the wheelchair is compliant then I don't think we will have too much of a problem!!!

    Cheers Dave

  13. #1213
    Semi-Pro Racer
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Whenuapai, NZ

    Red Dawson Mustang

    This colour photo of mine is labelled March 1969 (Pukekohe).
    The car looks unadorned by advertising etc, was it a fairly new import then? There must have been too many people looking at the car, so that I had to get too close to even get the number "35" in the shot.

    Check from the programme shows that Fahey's and Dawson's Mustangs were 1 & 2 on the grid for the main 23-lap feature race, Red led for the first 2 laps then retired, Spinner Black and Fahey fought it out for the next 15 or so before Fahey dropped out leaving Spinner to win.


  14. #1214
    I thought the car was ex-Frank Bryan, and Red painted it blue. Red's other, dark blue car was ex-Segedin.

  15. #1215
    Semi-Pro Racer
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Whenuapai, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by GD66 View Post
    I thought the car was ex-Frank Bryan, and Red painted it blue. Red's other, dark blue car was ex-Segedin.
    Yes, slight brain fade, I'm sorry. I should have looked back a few posts. Can you see the rear spoiler??


  16. #1216
    Some HMC racers went over to the MCM in Sydney on the weekend, smaller event this year and the wet cold weather didn't help either but still a great event. We helped support Australian Trans Am and they put on some great racing in the wet, infact they really never had a dry race the whole time. Been a smaller event we didn't have to wrestle with crowds and got to catch up with plenty of people, ideal weekend for that.

    See you all at Hampton this weekend for the Ice Breaker

    Dale M
    Attached Images Attached Images    

  17. #1217
    Invercargill's Colin Dawson ran his HMC 68 Camaro on the weekend at Teretonga, sounds like the weather was as bad as the Ice Breaker? he's looking forward to bring it north for the two Festival events in January.

    Our next event is the TACCOC Pukekohe one day meeting Saturday 4th October, TACCOC is very keen to have HMC on-board and we are keen to race at their events were the theme is "Historic" racing.

    Dale M
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  18. #1218
    This is from the Ice Breaker, Hampton Downs previous weekend!!

    Many thanks to Phil Noble working with Sky Speed to put this together.

    Dale M

  19. #1219
    Here is David Grahams updated auditors report. Dale M

    NZ Historic Muscle Cars October 2014

    COD Auditors Report

    Hi Team, this is the first report for HMC on the activities of your auditors who inconvenience you by requesting information and inspecting your vehicle for compliance with HMC rules and regulations, otherwise known as the COD police!!!!!LOL

    A little indulgence if I may. By pure chance I became involved with HMC through a comment on The Roaring Season. Steve Elliott mentioned a chaps name in one of his posts on TRS, the name was familiar so I contacted Steve to confirm it was the same person. Sure enough it was. Steve invited me up to HD to have a look at the HMC cars
    running in the Icebreaker meeting 2012 and I got hooked. From then on it was HMC morning, noon and night! I wanted to become more involved with HMC, rather than just watching the races, as these were cars I grew up with back in my single days and as a flaggie at Pukekohe, so put my name forward when Dale was looking for an auditor. As they say the rest is history. I am passionate about these cars and their history, so much so my wife thinks there is another women, one is enough!!!! But all good.

    I have now attained my MSNZ COD Licence and am looking to become a certified MSNZ Technical Officer and am pleased to have the guidance of Keith Hargraves - MSNZ Technical Officer - to point out things and continue my learning experience.

    Anyway down to business.
    We commenced auditing at the 2013 Legends meeting and to date have completed audits on seven cars. I think guys were initially a bit suspicious of our presence but soon warmed to the idea that our aim is to ensure all the cars are period correct and HMC compliant. This is not an onerous job, but a necessary and pleasurable one for me. If I/we are unsure of any particular point we will refer it to the Directors for clarification.

    Once we have completed all the initial audits, it will be a case of random audits from time to time. So don't be surprised if we drop by and ask you to jack up your car, remove the wheels on one side so we can do an audit. For those building cars currently, please ensure you get your COD to MSNZ as soon as you can. In other words don't let this be the last thing you get organised. This helps speed up the auditing process at our end. And please, check that your returned COD's have the red MSNZ stamp on each page, if not, return it to MSNZ for rectification. Your COD is NOT VALID if it doesn't have the red stamp on each page. I have had to send a number of COD's back to MSNZ, with an appropriate speedball, to have these rectified because of non compliance by MSNZ.

    I am currently compiling a digital register of current COD's along with photos etc which will be put on DISC or USB so that we have a permanent record on the history of each HMC car. Computer files and DISC/USB will be kept in different locations to ensure security in the event of any Act of God etc.
    Eventually I will get photos of each car (front and drivers side) with owner/driver, placed on this file. Would like to try and do that at the Festival 2015.

    Once you have received your RED stamped and approved COD back from MSNZ, please forward a colour copy to me for inclusion in our register, via email, or the original via courier to me C/- Fleetcare Group Ltd, 16 Grasslands Place, Frankton, Hamilton. Your hard copy will be scanned and couriered back to you the same day I receive it - guaranteed.

    If you have any queries just call or email, if I cant answer the specific question/s I will tell you, but will speak to someone who can and get back to you. I don't know everything - yet!!
    Well, that's about it for now, see you at the Festival if not before.
    Contact details below:-

    Work email:
    Home email:
    Work Ph: 07 847 4159
    Home Ph: 07 560 2773

    Best regards
    Dave Graham
    MSNZ COD Auditor
    Licence # 23013
    NZ Historic Muscle Cars

  20. #1220
    Very good. Staying ahead of the game, and giving MSNZ a rocket to keep up, love it ! Although I am more of bike guy, in historic racing I have always found the best eligibility arbiters are those running in your own class, so to have Dave under your wing tidying up these loose ends is just another tick in the margin for HMC.

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