It would be great to hear if there are any owners of Leitch Super Sprints on The Roaring Season.
I understand that around 70 were built. I have #12 and have owned it since 1992.
Great little car - looking forward to hearing from other owners!
It would be great to hear if there are any owners of Leitch Super Sprints on The Roaring Season.
I understand that around 70 were built. I have #12 and have owned it since 1992.
Great little car - looking forward to hearing from other owners!
I just sold chassis number 2. This was the one that Barry Leitch took the jigs off. It (and Barry's car) have different chassis prefixes to the rest of the cars so there will be another 'number 2' knocking around somewhere. The new owner is is Wellington and is on the board.
Last edited by Paul Wilkinson; 03-21-2012 at 12:29 AM.
Was that Barry's race car with the Lotus T/C?
I thought it had a BDA but I may well be wrong. It is the one painted up like a Union Flag...
Now that is a pretty little car. Far more my cup of tea than the 'Lotus' S4, but I hope we are not going to have another scrap on here about numbers made, and by whom etc!!!!!!!
Sorry Paul, comment could be correct, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Lol
I heard that the Leitch race car was repowered after the T/C went to the BT21 replica
There may be three Leitch Super Sprints in Australia.
Last edited by Kwaussie; 03-22-2012 at 11:38 AM.
Thats a good story - here is a link I found the other day from Invercargill with the build count at 66!
Last edited by Kwaussie; 08-01-2014 at 11:20 AM.
I didn't see this thread until last might.
There have been 69 Leitch Super Sprints built, there are 8 in Australia, 10 in Japan, 1 USA, 1 UK and the rest here.
I still have number 1 and still powered by a Lotus Twin Cam, it will be back out this coming season, 27 years since it's first race.
There is only one number 2, I only changed the prefix from BE which stood for Beta Engineering ( Greek Letter B for Barry ). Lancia had this name registered so had to stop using it. Changed to LI, Leitch Industries and then LMR, Leitch Motorsport and Restoration Ltd.
When I first built 001 it had an Alfa 1750 but was real squeeze in the engine bay, tried a Mazda 12a rotary for a little while and then fitted the Twin Cam in 1989. It has had a Twin Cam ever since. When I built the Brabham BT21 Replica which is now in Aussie I put another Twin Cam in that that I had Alan Woolf check out for me in Auckland.
Nothing like hearing it from the constructor! Well done Barry - a run of 69 Super Sprints is very good. Cheers.
Another Leitch Super Sprint with a happy Timaru owner!
Last edited by Kwaussie; 08-01-2014 at 11:19 AM.