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Thread: Quiz night

  1. #1

    Quiz night

    The HRSCC have organised a quiz night next Monday (June the 16th) at the Auckland Car Club rooms - teams of between one and five can display their knowledge of motoring trivia.

    Most questions will be multi-choice and there are spot prizes. The entry cost is $10/team member - the intention is for this to be annual fun night.

    Register with Ray Hawke at HRSCC.

  2. #2
    I see a few have looked at this

    If you want to enter - email

    Here is his email to car clubs etc:

    Hi All,

    The Historic Racing and Sports Car Club have organised a Quiz Night for Monday 16th of June, at the Auckland Car Club rooms, Stoddard road, Mt. Roskil.

    Format will be similar to the very successful Quiz night run by the McLaren Trust several years ago.

    A flyer for this event is attached

    So far only one team has entered, which means that we may have to cancel, and suffer the resulting financial loss.

    If we can go ahead it will surely be an entertaining and enjoyable evening

    Mike Clark will ask the questions .

    Subjects covered will depend on who enters. Mike assures me that he will have General Knowledge questions ready if non motorsport teams enter.

    Many of the questions will be in Multiple Choice format, so the answer will be in front of you.

    Good prizes will be given for the winners.

    Spot prizes also to be handed out.

    Please support this event and get your team entered by Friday 13th June.



  3. #3
    As some of us live on the other side of the big ditch can we have the trivia questions emailed so that we can participate?
    I took part in a euro wide event last year and it was so funny. Never got one answer correct but to be fair there was not one question about Ryall Bush, Teretonga, Timaru, Long Beach or Ruapuna!
    Last edited by Kwaussie; 06-10-2014 at 10:33 AM.

  4. #4
    Weekend Warrior
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Hockley , Essex. United Kingdom
    A very good idea, gets my vote.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kwaussie View Post
    As some of us live on the other side of the big ditch can we have the trivia questions emailed so that we can participate?
    I took part in a euro wide event last year and it was so funny. Never got one answer correct but to be fair there was not one question about Ryall Bush, Teretonga, Timaru, Long Beach or Ruapuna!

  5. #5
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Auckland, North Shore
    ...and can you please adjust for the time difference for those of us currently overseas?

    Sorry Michael. Would have loved to have taken part had I been in NZ.

  6. #6
    Ok, here's the deal.
    IF I am stuck in Auckland that night, then I would love to participate, however I would not know until the afternoon.
    And someone would need to give me a ride from Manukau...

    As an alternative, I would be happy to ring up and do it over the hell with the expense!

    Either way, I'm keen!

    Just no questions on things from the last 5 or so years...mI'm not up with the play on modern stuff!!!!!


  7. #7
    The last 5 years??

    THere's hardly a question from the last 25 years...

    First question is at 7.30.

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