Clyde Collins ran a Ford 302 stroked to 326 cubic inches in the Cortina.
From memory, all the cars subsequent owners, (Bruce Bellis, Tony Newton and Steve Vigurs) ran Chev engines.
Clyde Collins ran a Ford 302 stroked to 326 cubic inches in the Cortina.
From memory, all the cars subsequent owners, (Bruce Bellis, Tony Newton and Steve Vigurs) ran Chev engines.
Last edited by bigbanger; 08-09-2011 at 12:01 AM. Reason: spelling, grammar
Clyde fitted & ran the Chev engine before selling the car to Bellis, the 326 Ford was sold to Frank Ryan & used in the Capri that he had built up by Bryan Taylor Invercargill.
There was another owner of the Collins Cortina after Bellis, John Beattie or Beatty, he was a builder & Alec Dickie maintained the Cortina for him at the time & raced his own Victor V8....
Last edited by Jac Mac; 08-08-2011 at 08:14 PM. Reason: xtra..remembered surname
Slipstreaming or pushing - hard to tell!
That last shot is an absolute gem Nigel! What was going on here? Was it some sort of slipstreaming between team mates, or was the second car just removing the other one out of the way?
Just slipsteaming I think - they were both going flat stick down the back straight!!
Any idea of drivers, Nigel?
Looks like Gavin Bain in his ex-Roycroft Ferrari, and Sir Len Southward (with Mark Petch?) in the Stutz
Is it it the man himself in the ex-Amon 250F?
And who's driving the ex-Hyslop/Palmer Cooper-Climax?
Not sure of the first 3 but I think it is Chris Amon in the Southward 250F
I have a clearer pic of the Cooper coming up & I'm sure you'll recognise the driver.
Whatever happened to that Lister Jaguar Paul Leuch used to race so enthusiastically?
Northland Special (red) above is driven here for demo by John Windleburn (man look at all that hair) now theres a guy with a little (lot of) history. Actually i don't understand how he ever kept his hair, with what he has been through. Was racing for years and then had Tony Rutherford as an apprentice, if that wasn't enough then his sons, committee of Sports Sedan Assoc. and involved in numerous cars as rebuilds or built from new as in his Trans Am Firebird with the Algie boy's frequenting the workshop. Thats enough to loose your hair. John has never really changed, quitly spoken, polite and not to much bothers him but if it does, get out of the way.
The Stutz at Pukekohe 77?
and the GT40 is Phil (ACDC) Rudd. Amon drove it on the day also
Phil Rudd has a great collection of exotic cars now including an F40 Ferrari. He put them on display at the Farmer Auto Village here in Tauranga back in March to raise funds for the Christchurch earthquake appeal.
Jim Palmer