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Thread: Great Motorsport Quotes

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by John B View Post
    "Auto racing began 5 minutes after the second car was built."
    - Henry Ford

    "Aerodynamics are for people who can’t build engines."
    - Enzo Ferrari

    "If you’re in control, you’re not going fast enough."
    - Parnelli Jones
    We know these people are veeeeery clever BUT as time went on Enzo would have found out why he had wind tunnels.... As for Parnelli..... Hey Ive witnessed a few people completely out of control ??......most of us have had turns at that lol ... great quotes all the same

  2. #42
    What about `I`ve only got 560 horsepower' : Dale Mathers, Ferrari Festival 2014. That`s a bit like `I was born at night, but it wasn`t last night!!!'

  3. #43
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by fullnoise68 View Post
    What about `I`ve only got 560 horsepower' : Dale Mathers, Ferrari Festival 2014. That`s a bit like `I was born at night, but it wasn`t last night!!!'
    Probably about right might even be a few less, but the real question is how many HP have some of the other fellas not got

  4. #44
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    oops, double post....too much mouse power!
    Last edited by Jac Mac; 03-01-2014 at 03:58 AM.

  5. #45
    Offcourse Jacmac you’re rite it’s probably less, made 567HP on Marsh’s dyno a year ago when I refresh it at 51 hours of racing(took 4 years), previous rebuilds have been around the 558HP to 561HP so guess it depends on the day, air temp and a whole bunch of other variables(it’s always made 500 foot lb torque) But what these guys don’t understand is I’ve been racing this same car for 10 years straight, very rarely spin out or throw it of the track because I know my wheels(or im not trying) it’s called “seat time” and sure chuck a kid in it and he’ll probably knock a sec or too of that but he ain’t paying the bills!!

    I’ve told Steve and others it works like this, there’s about 3.5 seconds a lap between us two around Hampton but Steve is getting quicker, Hampton has 6 corners so times that by two(entry in and exit out) equals 12 so divide the 12 into 3.5 seconds and you have your answer, if I get into the corner about .3 of a sec quicker and off the corner .3 of a sec quicker there my friends is the time defence rite there and the answer, one always need to work on car set up, braking, seat time, etc before they need more HP!!

    As far as quotes go a saying Parnelli Jones used on a DVD I watch some years back, he was involved in the Indy car league at the time and it went like this, “If someone invents a washer that makes your car go quicker, and that washer cost a hundred thousand dollars, all you’ve done is make everyone spend a hundred thousand dollars” im sure most on this forum will get it.

    Dale M
    Last edited by Kiwiboss; 03-01-2014 at 07:16 AM.

  6. #46
    Race 40 -26 Jan 2014.
    Fastest laps-
    Dale Mathers-1:13.964,
    Steve Elliot- 1:19.426
    Doesnt look like 3.5 seconds here, whats the HP again?

  7. #47
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    H'mmm. Six seconds difference. My car puts out just 95bhp at the wheels and I am six seconds slower again... Been running the identical unmodified car for 23 years.

  8. #48
    Ray- so what were your lap times 23 years ago, that way we can see your improvement?

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Race 40 -26 Jan 2014.
    Fastest laps-
    Dale Mathers-1:13.964,
    Steve Elliot- 1:19.426
    Doesnt look like 3.5 seconds here, whats the HP again?
    Thats my fast ever lap John which was done on one cool morning first up race and not what i do all the time, mostly in the mid 1:14's, and i was sure Steve had gone faster but didn't look it up? im trying to explain is that knowing your car and having it set up correctly should come before you bolt in more HP, even so just divide the 12 into 5.462(not 6 sec's) sec's and you can still get a possible scenario of 0.455 so come on!! and my HP is easy to check John, we have the same engine builder!!

    Ray, the HP don't matter, its all about power to weight ratio(the Boss is 1520KG without driver, im a 100KG)!! anyone else want any lessons? because wait until i start on HP per litre and other mathematical calculations!! LOL(my engine is 94HP per litre, in today's world not very efficient) but all this is nothing new.

    Dale M

  10. #50
    I did a 1:18.350 on the first Saturday of the Festival John. It was said in jest and Dale is right in what he is saying....... but I should be getting quicker with PS and not BS!!

  11. #51
    Journeyman Racer
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    Some great motorsports quotes in the last half dozen posts. I can't wait to see them published. Sounds more like a great gonads post.

  12. #52
    As I was told some time ago ....this class seems to be about the cars & not the drivers....... the last class I drove in were about 6 good strong v8,s only 289.... one was 302 ... 327,s etc ... any way we were always within about 1 second... If we could find 1 10th of a second it was a god send [ Steve mentioned a while ago "your car was so much quicker" at Ruapuna ... well was only >4 tens of a second but retaining quick times in 6 laps is 3 seconds at flag fall = the distance looks like a big margine..... ..made very close racing ..parity was the name ..we were about 410 some had marsh engines 500plus but couldn't set their cars up........some were good steerers some were not this is what makes it all so interesting , & yes Dale has had some good seat time & steers the car perhaps the others need to lift the game ... & Dale yr car is heavy in my calcs not sure if you allow light doors bonnets & boots & plastic windows there wud be an other second easliy

  13. #53
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by beowulf View Post
    Some great motorsports quotes in the last half dozen posts. I can't wait to see them published. Sounds more like a great gonads post.
    Are you suggesting that weight reduction could include a surgical procedure

  14. #54
    HE HE HE Jac [RE WEIGHT] [ a good main lander] as you knew Ernie ... when I was a kid going GTX he though my weight was too heavy for the wee baby class I was like a robbers dog as it was , carting hay in weekends etc lol, very slim I thought, he was asking [making] me have hot baths with curry powder in so as to sweet off more weight BUT it worked ??... he was big on weight... I think him & Colin chapman came from the same mold

  15. #55
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    Your right Grant, your Dad seldom if ever missed a trick, first time I raced the MKIV Cortina at Teretonga he was having a quick look under the hood, comment was--* does it really need that big heavy copper/brass radiator Jac, wouldn't it be better with an alloy one *-- he was right of course, but I was thinking heavy on the car maybe, but light on the pocket!

    I remember Gary with the XD Falcon at Coronet Peak Hillclimb explaining to a spectator why they had gutted the interior of the car, his answer has stuck with me ever since, try running to the top of a hill with a sack of spuds over your shoulder, walk back down then run back up without the bag of spuds, even though your puffed from the first run your second will be faster. Sort of analogy I could imagine Ernie using. Like I was saying to someone recently, my brain is still doing 150 mph, but the body feels like its on a bungy cord that is always in stretched state.
    Last edited by Jac Mac; 03-01-2014 at 07:58 PM.

  16. #56
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Weight didn't seem to affect the late great Gerry Marshall too much!


    In my first ever season on track (1970 - sprints and hill-climbs only) with a very lightly modified 998cc Mini Cooper, I took a new lady friend with me to one of the then popular Silverstone Winter Sprints, held on the club circuit. As required by the regs, I taped the headlights.

    Unfortunately, being in the first group out on track, entering the fast Woodcote Corner on lap one, I hit a small puddle and the car spun sharply into the wall on the inside, totalling the front left corner. Lady friend, an English Teacher with a wonderfully dry sense of humour, surveying the damage merely said "That sticky tape didn't do much good then..."

  17. #57
    Ha ha Love it Eric & I love the English humour spent a few years there .. Re Gerry .... for sure he was quick but imagine if he had 100kg off him horse power ?? cant escape physics .. not only that he might still be here to day.
    I often went to Brands in the weekends & saw him race ...... first time there I & my friend could not believe they sold beer around the circuit ...... a far cry from NZ racing in those days it was like woooow often watched from Druids you cud c the men from the boys & cars that did not handle love those yrs ... Hey Jac yep Ernie use to us that anology but said to me try running up the hill with a car battery .... Great teacher miss him & Mum big time but
    Feel them about

  18. #58
    top quote
    "who remembers who finished second"

  19. #59
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Jan 2012
    second, first of the loosers......unknown


  20. #60
    Yep LOVE that one , I did not use it in race company as egos were flying & as time moves on who remembers the winners & champion ship winners mind you they are normally written in history.... lets face it u race to win I had better get back to fire wood & fert the trees talk later wwoooooooosshhhhhhhhhhhh

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