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Thread: Racing Capri's - photo thread

  1. #101
    A Weber st up like that is rare. In 98-99 I trimmed a XJ6 Jag for a guy Fred, helicopter engineer . It had a v12 and this weber set up, and it was off a racing car. Does anyone know if it was the one ?

  2. #102
    This Weber set-up was apparently out of a Porsche John.

  3. #103
    Tony Mann had the Capri down at Speedfest, was great to see it back in the original Cardinal colour scheme
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    There was this Essex V6 Capri in the Clubmans Saloons, loving that it still had the vinyl roof on it!
    Name:  1920392_10202124780254776_1985764234_n.jpg
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  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Mini.Mad View Post
    Tony Mann had the Capri down at Speedfest, was great to see it back in the original Cardinal colour scheme
    Name:  1690329_10202124771934568_1379120963_n.jpg
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    There was this Essex V6 Capri in the Clubmans Saloons, loving that it still had the vinyl roof on it!
    Name:  1920392_10202124780254776_1985764234_n.jpg
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    Tony Mann's Capri looks real good, love it. well done Tony that is trick and a lot of work I bet.
    Last edited by Rod Grimwood; 02-19-2014 at 12:52 AM.

  5. #105
    Would that be Clyde Collins Fordina next to the Capri?

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Would that be Clyde Collins Fordina next to the Capri?
    Yup, it's a replica of it

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by John McKechnie

    Would that be Clyde Collins Fordina next to the Capri?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mini.Mad View Post
    Yup, it's a replica of it
    Built and raced by his son Adam...

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Jac Mac View Post
    Pierres car as it is currently, was white/blue/red originally, will be vastly improved with those wheels hopefully, the first set of SH Simmons were damn near square...
    O M G, what have they done! : (

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by rf84 View Post
    Quite right Malcolm-the gold Capri belonged to Tony Wypych. He used to live in Hastings but is no longer in the HB phone book.
    Hi, this is Tony Wypych, in Napier.
    That is indeed my beloved gold Capri.
    Built and owned by me, 1981 - 2001.
    Last edited by pole pot; 02-19-2014 at 12:12 AM.

  10. #110
    Semi-Pro Racer
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by pole pot View Post
    Hi, this is Tony Wypych, in Napier.
    That is indeed my beloved gold Capri.
    Built and owned by me, 1981 - 2001.
    Hi Tony, The Simmons I mentioned were not the wheels that you had used on the car ( which were Hallidays IIRC and ended up in John Abbots collection of parts), but a set that Pierre had procured ( 15" ) to use on the V8 conversion, I had noticed they were out of round during the build process and was led to believe that they had been repaired, found out that had not happened 'yet' the first time I test drove it at Teretonga and steering wheel had a mind of its own.
    Last edited by Jac Mac; 02-19-2014 at 12:24 AM.

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Mini.Mad View Post
    Tony Mann had the Capri down at Speedfest, was great to see it back in the original Cardinal colour scheme
    Name:  1690329_10202124771934568_1379120963_n.jpg
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    What is the history of this Capri? Was this the old Ian Shrimpton car from the early 1980s?

  12. #112
    Semi-Pro Racer
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    What is the history of this Capri? Was this the old Ian Shrimpton car from the early 1980s?
    I believe its the original Jim Kennedy (Greymouth ), Bob Slade and others OSCA car, would have to do some research on this though.

    If my understanding is correct he must have this car + the ex Frank Ryan Capri + the Alec Dickie Victor + the Sidchrome Imp ( Brian Patrick-Jim Richards ).

    One of these days I must make a post on this thread with ALL the owners of the SI V8 OSCA stuff, perhaps make it a sticky & that way I could edit it as reqd as info comes in.
    Last edited by Jac Mac; 02-19-2014 at 12:38 AM.

  13. #113
    Thanks for this Jac. So this car really has some history! I vaguely recall it raced by Shrimpton in the early '80s, as the flares are quite unique, but I didn't realise it had such a long career prior to this. Could this be the first V8 powered Capri race car in NZ?

    Yes I think you are right about Tony having the ex-Ryan car, plus the Jenkins Victor and the Imp.

    We have an OSCA database thread in which the histories of some of these cars are posted, and it'd be awesome if you could post what you know in here, be really fascinating reading:

  14. #114
    Is the ex Ryan etc car the blue one.

  15. #115
    Yes I think so Rod, though just to confuse things, the car pictured above was also painted blue up until just recently.

  16. #116
    I am confused as well, as Tony sent me a photo of the blue car in a spot of bother a little while back.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Rod Grimwood View Post
    I am confused as well, as Tony sent me a photo of the blue car in a spot of bother a little while back.

    Just been through my emails and it is same car, Tony sent me amazing last photo of it 'flying' in blue colours.

    Will contact Tony before posting.

    Email sent Dec.2013
    Do you mean this capri???

    Main straight of levels a year ago…. Not good, has gone through a big rebuild done by myself, will send you a up to date photo soon,

    Have repainted it back to cardinal network colours it ran in the 80”s


  18. #118
    I have been in contact with Tony and he has answered some of the time questions about the car, number 1 being the time that his accident happened.
    This from email that Tony kindly sent.
    In regard to photo, amazing shot and thanks that Tony was not knocked too bad and is such a keen person.

    Yes you can post it, the photo as you say is a great photo,

    Although the photo shows high impact the car was not too badly damaged, the
    grill in the car now is the same and the radiator was totally untouched.
    Bonnet only had a small corner broken, and no damage to suspension at all.
    The tyre wall was 4 empty tyres deep before solid fill tyres, the car sort
    of collapsed the first 2 tyres and then belly flopped onto the top of the
    other 2 tyres, where it came to rest.
    It took a good 3 months for me to recover from the crash, nothing broken but
    my vision was cloudy for quite some time.
    Even though I was not 100 % I started the rebuild the day I got home after
    the crash, and kept working on it almost every day for 2 years.
    The repair was only about 5 months but I decided to restore , which took 2
    The car was built by Jim Kennedy of the West Coast, Jim owned the Ford
    Dealership of there, Jim ran the car with" Greymouth Motors" on front
    windscreen as I have also done to give reference to him and his time.
    Photos of this can be seen in the 40 years of osca forum posted here.
    Then Bob Homewood, and Bob Slade worked and ran the car,
    I'll have to check my records of all the other drivers were, Shrimpton?? etc
    Mike Fitzgerald raced the car with Cardinal sponsorship in 88-90, in this
    time he won the osca championship.
    I always liked the car in the colour scheme so decided to restore to this,
    it looked good then and looks bloody good now.
    Ok better go out to the garage, loosing valuable time,


    This email from Tony a little time later:

    Just read TRS, Jac Mac is correct it is the Shrimpton car,
    Also after Mike ran the car he sold it and Jim Bolt of Queenstown ended up
    with it, it sat in his shed for 17 years, I purchased it from him in 2005-6
    It was once painted purple / red and had radio Avon sponsorship?? Don't know
    who ran it though.


    Now you South Island boys let fill the gaps, sounds like this car has a very long history and thanks to Tony's efforts is still here for all of us to enjoy.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Rod Grimwood; 02-19-2014 at 07:45 AM.

  19. #119

    V12 Jaguar engine

    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    A Weber st up like that is rare. In 98-99 I trimmed a XJ6 Jag for a guy Fred, helicopter engineer . It had a v12 and this weber set up, and it was off a racing car. Does anyone know if it was the one ?
    A bit off the subject , but in 1980 I attended the Country Gents event at Wigram.
    Sybil Lupp was there in her V12 E Type and she proudly showed us the engine they had been modifying to give it a little more "performance".
    The car was an unusual colour which she explained was the same as that of a favorite gown of hers, a sample of which she had sent to the factory for matching.

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  20. #120
    Weekend Warrior
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Australia/Melbourne/ex pat Kiwi/Halswell/Christchurch
    I thought the Bob Slade capris next owner was the Alec and Rob Farrer from Safa toolboxes who raced it at wigram painted white and red it was ford powered then they started a major rebuild including the wide body cologne flared gaurds and going to repower it with a Chev 350 as I saw it at Graham Bakers business Autorama car and truck wreckers yard Blenham road Christchurch.Next owner was Steve Vigurs who finished it as his first osca race car who painted it yellow under his shop southside motor cycles.Then Ian Shrimpton of centre point car sales cnr moorhouse ave and Lincoln road who painted it yellow and blue.It went into storage then sold again to some one who put it on the road as last seen.

    I think this blue capri was rebuilt by Chris Blackwood who sold it to Tony Mann
    Last edited by camaroman slp; 02-19-2014 at 11:27 AM.

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