How is that Angle Box, what a darling.
How is that Angle Box, what a darling.
Sorting through some of the on track photos - here's a few of them
Seeing the Ferrari F1 car running was awesome, the V12 was one sweet sound!
The Vitesse crash wasn't good to see, hit the bank that hard, I felt it through the bank and I was about 20m away. Was great to see that Angus came back to see if the driver was okay
I like the starlet and that cortina,is that a chick driving that mk2 cortina,you folks down that way put on some great meetings and you can see it all.This friday and saturday you fine folks in Christchurch are running the nz sidecar champs at your speedway,at last count there are 44 chairs that will be there on the night,if you want to see some wild racing thats the place to be this weekend.
Post #66 pic #3 for photo of Dianne, Vittesse was also driven by a 'chick' ( your words not mine, end result of that slide was not pretty as Mini- mad pointed out. Brendan Mason also came off second best in the Camaro after a bit of a 'real estate' dispute with Inky, think I saw Dale taking a pic of that but wouldnt blame him for not posting, mainly f/glass etc which always makes things look worse than they really are, but wouldnt be surprised if its a little tweaked around the front end .)
Too rite Jacmac, don't feel the need to post and I know Brendan pretty well, as bad as it looked you are correct in it was mostly fibreglass bits and he may have tweeked the front end a little but an easy fix id say, unlike the Vittesse, that one was OUCH, but as long at the girl(driver) is doing OK that's all that matters.
Mini.mad, got any of Colin Dawson's Camaro pre his little bingle saturday, lost all my sat pictures, damn camera!!
Dale M
I've got one in the pits and one on track I think, also have one on track after him and the pink XU1 had the coming together
The only pre-crash photo I have of it on track, not the best shot
And after it ran up the back of the XU1
I also have a photo of Brendon Mason's Camaro and the Vitesse post-crash, both weren't looking too good but hopefully both will be rebuilt (the Camaro just looked like a heap of broken fibreglass)
Thanks for the pics Mini.Mad. Great stuff - really cool to see the Clyde Collins Farina in there. Any more?
I took nearly 1000 photos over the weekend, of the pits, on track and also from the carpark (some real nice cars showed up too)
Here are a few more;
Last edited by Mini.Mad; 02-19-2014 at 09:55 AM.
Some more pics on this link, first few are 2013...
How many cars entered at the meeting? How did that compare to previous years? Just trying to get a grip on current trends.
ERC........there were about 90 competitors, give or take a couple, which compares with what was racing last time we were down there in 2010.
The breakdown is as follows.........
Classic saloons 2500cc+ 11
Classic saloons up to 2500cc 15
Vintage 9
Formula libra 11
Clubmans 24
Historic touring cars 8
Sports cars 7
As you can see some of the fields were a bit thin, but there was still some damn good racing.
Now, compare that to Skope and there is a big difference......234@ Skope
Central Muscle. 33
Harold Heasley saloons 45
Mainland muscle 27
Formula libra 30
Ron Sylvester saloons [large]32
Sports & GT's 28
F5000 14
Vintage 25
Good racing here too. If you haven't raced on Teretonga, I suggest you put it on your bucket list. It is without doubt my favourite track.
As someone said....pity it's so far away.
Wow was it that long ago you were down? That was the first Speedfest I went to
Last time I was at Ruapuna there was a gentleman running an Alan Moffat Coke Mustang look alike. Does anyone have any photos as I have lost mine of that car.
As i've found out personally Gerald, getting to Skope is one thing, getting to the bottom of the SI to Invercargill is another!! I too prefer Teretonga just wish it was a bit closer but did fly down for this event and prefer there low-key style and fantastic no stress racing, even as a visitor i had lots of fun and managed to "hob-knob" it with a famous racing driver from up north!!(yes i know but it is a big) LOL
Dale M