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Thread: SKOPE & SFOS meetings @ ChCh, Levels,& Teretonga - Photo Thread.

  1. #21
    World Champion
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    Jul 2011

  2. #22
    World Champion
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    Cambridge NI NZ.
    Well, apparently Carlo there are no kind people in ChCh who are going to post photos on this thread. Or maybe there are no RS members in ChCh who were there.

    It could be, that as several photographers on the roaringseason have pointed out, photography opportunities at most tracks round NZ are dismal, unless you are an approved operator, or have a media pass to allow you access to parts of the track denied to most of us.

    This is where HD scores so well, even though as a regular spectator, a bit of leg work is required.

    There were some good battles going on in most of the classes at Skope, but the closest finishes were with the Harold Heasley saloons where the Sylvester Chev and the Amco mini crossed the line in two of the races with less than a 1/4 of a second between them. The Chevy having just too much grunt down the front straight. Hope someone has this on film.

  3. #23
    AutonewsNZ's facebook page reported excellent crowds and has some great pics. If that was the case hopefully more pictorial coverage to follow. By the look of it some really interesting machinery which I would love to see in action, so I'm thinking one weekend at Hamptons and one at Ruapuna next year (for me).

  4. #24

  5. #25
    I have about a zillion shots from the Skope Classic, just got back into Auckland now I have to go to my day job... will post some later this week.

    I had fun. Nice laid back feel to the meet, bunch of good buggers just fanging their cars around Ruapuna.

    Cheers, Richy

  6. #26

    Bry, where you there, and if so bugger because would have liked to catch up.

    Big fields, interesting cars and with interesting extended grid starts on Sunday that made for some good stuff. Most behaved and gave each other room and was a good show put on by 'Central' crews.

    Have some static photos, but just got home so will be a bit.

  7. #27
    World Champion
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    Jul 2011
    I wasn't there Rod, just watching with much interest from over here. What was the story with that Breadvan Anglia? Yes, it would be great to have a catch up mate, any plans of coming over to Phillip Island this year?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rod Grimwood View Post
    Bry, where you there, and if so bugger because would have liked to catch up.

    Big fields, interesting cars and with interesting extended grid starts on Sunday that made for some good stuff. Most behaved and gave each other room and was a good show put on by 'Central' crews.

    Have some static photos, but just got home so will be a bit.

  8. #28
    Still trying to work out what this gent said after saying ,Well,Well,Well after the Custaxie went passed him can anyone put some light on what he said.The car looked good out there and sounded like she was running on full song,we may get to see this car at manfeild this weekend.

  9. #29
    Custaxie50- have given him an invite for our Legends of Speed, March29-30

  10. #30
    It looked like a good meeting,i see HD is running a meeting on the same dates,the thing is can you tell me what this gent said thanks.

  11. #31
    Here's a start:

    IMG_7006 by SnoozinRichy, on Flickr

    IMG_5397 by SnoozinRichy, on Flickr

    IMG_5529 by SnoozinRichy, on Flickr

    IMG_6879 by SnoozinRichy, on Flickr

    IMG_6915 by SnoozinRichy, on Flickr

    IMG_6719 by SnoozinRichy, on Flickr

  12. #32
    Wow, superb photos Richy! I love the shot of the two Jags. But the PDL II shot with the Don Grindley Buick V6 RX7 is just fantastic! What great cars those are.

  13. #33
    I remember the Prince/Hourigan Package Express Jag at the Wellington Street Race (first or second one) parked up in the concrete wall by my flag point.

  14. #34
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Jan 2012
    Weather fine and clear at Levels this morning, big crowd of racers aready camped onsite. Documentation started yesterday and have audited about 30 cars so, people just starting to move around the site and have breakfast, so far no problems, while all not quite going to plan still all good

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by crunch View Post
    I remember the Prince/Hourigan Package Express Jag at the Wellington Street Race (first or second one) parked up in the concrete wall by my flag point.
    LIke this???? Name:  jagwall.jpg
Views: 1095
Size:  44.3 KB

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by stirlingmac View Post
    LIke this???? Name:  jagwall.jpg
Views: 1095
Size:  44.3 KB
    Yep! And the noise it made about a second later when it slapped the concrete wall fully side on and facing the wrong way.....ewww

  17. #37
    You can see the damage on the left rear that it incurred when it hit the wall on the outside of the kink about 3 seconds before this photo was taken and it ended up against the wall in your photo which was on the outside. That corner also claimed Graham Camerons (CanAm Construction) flash Porsche 944 the same day and a Commodore that I cant remember the driver of...

  18. #38
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Jun 2011
    More pics, I see the black fastback anglia that someone was asking about appears to have a Ford Smallblock in it
    Last edited by Jac Mac; 02-08-2014 at 05:27 AM.

  19. #39
    Here are a few images from the Skope meeting
    Name:  3T6A1177.JPG
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  20. #40
    World Champion
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    Jul 2011

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