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Thread: SKOPE & SFOS meetings @ ChCh, Levels,& Teretonga - Photo Thread.

  1. #1
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    2014 SKOPE & SFOS meetings @ ChCh, Levels,& Teretonga - Photo Thread.

    Well, I see friday practice times are up on mylaps, looks like good numbers for all categorys this year. Feel free to post any pics or video links that you stumble across & hopefully Dale from Tauranga will be able to contain himself this year after becoming so excited about the 'new' classic BMW Minis seen at last years events.
    Last edited by Jac Mac; 01-31-2014 at 07:44 PM. Reason: add year to title

  2. #2
    Weekend Warrior
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    Nov 2011
    it would be nice to see a few of the north island classics continue down to Invercargill .........It amazes me that some car owners can ship their classic car overseas to aussie but cant be bothered to travel down the south island ...........

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jac Mac View Post
    Well, I see friday practice times are up on mylaps, looks like good numbers for all categorys this year. Feel free to post any pics or video links that you stumble across & hopefully Dale from Tauranga will be able to contain himself this year after becoming so excited about the 'new' classic BMW Minis seen at last years events.
    Im so impressed with this new form of classic racing Jac that im coming for a look myself, such a trend overseas in classic racing and that you southerners have cottoned onto it so early its a must see!!LOL

    Car mad, its cheaper to ship and race in Australia than going south, I know as I've crossed to the "mainland" several times. But not only that, historic racing in Australia is more categorized hence one can race against similar cars and really Queensland is just like being in NZ anyway. And as a matter of interest, when I shipped my Mustang up to California back in 2010 it was only marginally dearer than doing all 3 rounds down south.

    Over to you "Jac Mac"

    Dale M

  4. #4
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    When I made my only trip to Invercargill there were 15 of the Auckland/North Island regulars from our own series alone competing but as Dale says, the costs for those north is huge. We could do a 14 day Baltic's Cruise (ignoring airfares) for the cost of doing one south island event. Guess which Mrs ERC would prefer?

    With an ageing group of drivers (many of ours are now Gold Card holders!) and money being tight, although many would like to do the Southern series, for those who do do it, it is usually a one off event that costs more than a whole season locally.

    The summer season is quite busy as it is, with grumbles from some quarters, that there is too much racing in a condensed period of time, which is why we and one or two other series, try to restrict events to six or seven a season and a month apart.

    Rejoice in the difference between the cars seen in the north and the south. Dales group only do about 4 meetings a year in NZ now, so adding in a South Island event would probably mean dropping at least one of those, otherwise it is just too expensive.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwiboss View Post
    Im so impressed with this new form of classic racing Jac that im coming for a look myself, such a trend overseas in classic racing and that you southerners have cottoned onto it so early its a must see!!LOL

    Car mad, its cheaper to ship and race in Australia than going south, I know as I've crossed to the "mainland" several times. But not only that, historic racing in Australia is more categorized hence one can race against similar cars and really Queensland is just like being in NZ anyway. And as a matter of interest, when I shipped my Mustang up to California back in 2010 it was only marginally dearer than doing all 3 rounds down south.

    Over to you "Jac Mac"

    Dale M
    Maybe you need to look into just shipping the car south in a container then Dale, drop it off in ChCh & pick it up in Bluff, only thing might be that reef just out from Tauranga.. IIRC your car seemed to lose performance down south though, perhaps our air is better quality, less polluted with BS & all in spite of the influx of NI dairy people. I see Mr Hoffman figuring in the mylaps.
    Jokes aside, it costs just as much if not more for southerners to venture north for events and its interesting to note the difference between airfare costs from say Wgn to Akl vs Ch Ch to Inv.
    Ive always wondered why MSNZ are paying for stewards & drivers observers from down our way to attend tier 1 events in the NI, do you not have suitable people in your region to do those tasks?

    But enough of that, back to pics n videos fom Skope & others.
    Last edited by Jac Mac; 01-31-2014 at 09:52 PM.

  6. #6

    levels video of sfos 2013

    Anyone got any formula libre footage from sfos 2013 at levels?..hope you can help

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jac Mac View Post
    Maybe you need to look into just shipping the car south in a container then Dale, drop it off in ChCh & pick it up in Bluff, only thing might be that reef just out from Tauranga.. IIRC your car seemed to lose performance down south though, perhaps our air is better quality, less polluted with BS & all in spite of the influx of NI dairy people. I see Mr Hoffman figuring in the mylaps.
    Jokes aside, it costs just as much if not more for southerners to venture north for events and its interesting to note the difference between airfare costs from say Wgn to Akl vs Ch Ch to Inv.
    Ive always wondered why MSNZ are paying for stewards & drivers observers from down our way to attend tier 1 events in the NI, do you not have suitable people in your region to do those tasks?

    But enough of that, back to pics n videos fom Skope & others.
    I’ve long looked in the container idea and several of the Central guys have done just this for the Cromwell/Skope club meetings hence I do know the actual cost, maybe you need to check the facts rather than blow ass here on the forum and now here you are having a go at MSNZ, WOW you no know bounds my man Jac Mac, such a wealth of knowledge(and opinion)!! But no matter the cost there will always be some guys that have enough wealth that they just don’t care, or the NI guys you currently have down there as a quick walk through the Central pits would tell you so. Unfortunately im just a broken ass mechanic and don’t have that affordability hence I do my historic racing where I see the most value for money and this is usually at proper controlled historic events with regulations like the recent Ferrari Festival or in Australia. I see you mention Mr Hoffman on mylaps, not sure if this is a typo or what but doesn’t everyone at this weekend’s Skope club event feature on mylaps???

    I gotta ask Jac, for such a knowledgeable guy when did you last race?

     Dale M
    Last edited by Kiwiboss; 02-01-2014 at 03:01 AM.

  8. #8
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    Dale, I dont know why your crying croc tears about being a broken ass mechanic, I reckon Ive got a few years more than you on that score!
    Was not having a go at MSNZ, just questioning the expense of flying people the length of the country to perform tasks that could be done by someone in the area, do you not care about how your club membership $$ are spent?
    When did I last race ~ in a Southern 200 endurance event somewhere in the early eighties IIRC, that was a one of as I had sold the OSCA Cortina in 82 and it had been parked up for a year or two then.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jac Mac View Post
    Dale, I dont know why your crying croc tears about being a broken ass mechanic, I reckon Ive got a few years more than you on that score!
    Was not having a go at MSNZ, just questioning the expense of flying people the length of the country to perform tasks that could be done by someone in the area, do you not care about how your club membership $$ are spent?
    When did I last race ~ in a Southern 200 endurance event somewhere in the early eighties IIRC, that was a one of as I had sold the OSCA Cortina in 82 and it had been parked up for a year or two then.
    Hi Jac Mac
    If you are referring to the Chief Steward who attends the Summer Series (Toyota) Rounds, it is simply because he heads the Stewards panel as he has the most experience. It's just his bad luck he lives in the deep south....

    What other ones are you concerned about?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by crunch View Post
    Hi Jac Mac
    If you are referring to the Chief Steward who attends the Summer Series (Toyota) Rounds, it is simply because he heads the Stewards panel as he has the most experience. It's just his bad luck he lives in the deep south....

    What other ones are you concerned about?
    Hi Crunch, no it was not the Chief Steward, but one of the 2? driving standards observers for NZV8's in past years, currently a member of your Historic Committee IIRC, possibly others that Im not aware of. This will probably cop me a lengthy visit from the said person!

  11. #11
    Jac Mac, a lot of us guys running in HMC would love to come down south to run at a couple of classic meetings and get to experience some of that fine southern hospitality, and with the South Island interest in our class that makes it more of a possibility. But, we are about getting a good grid together of period correct big bangers first and foremost so we can put on a show for the punters, and believe me, they appreciate what we have achieved as a group so far. Trust me, the day HMC rocks up in your neck of the woods, you`ll be impressed!
    Last edited by fullnoise68; 02-01-2014 at 07:34 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by fullnoise68 View Post
    Jac Mac, a lot of us guys running in HMC would love to come down south to run at a couple of classic meetings and get to experience some of that fine southern hospitality, and with the South Island interest in our class that makes it more of a possibility. But, we are about getting a good grid together of period correct big bangers first and foremost so we can put on a show for the punters, and believe me, they appreciate what we have achieved as a group so far. Trust me, the day HMC rocks up in your neck of the woods, you`ll be impressed!
    I will look forward to that, Im apparently very hard to impress these day's
    Basicly I think the concept of HMC is a good one, I just feel that many folks conception of a Muscle Car would suggest that you could spread the net a bit wider, where do I get that from, not from me but the number of folk who have considered racing in your series until they find out that the car they have in mind is not eligible and the only answer I can give is that your group has decided they wont be, call it drawing a line in the sand whatever.
    However I look forward to your appearance, dont be shy & call in on your way thru gore if you have the time & convince me I need to come & watch

  13. #13
    Speaking from the outside, I think a formulated set of rules for these classes has been well overdue, a reminder of the old-time BNSW saloons vs OSCA days. All prospective participants, North or South Island-based, are encouraged to submit an outline of their proposed build and the HMC guys will determine the eligibility of that proposal : seems rational and logical. It's not a situation of us-v-them, North-v-South, or anything equally sinister.
    As far as I can see, so far all the participants in this class, including the 3-litre kids, are happy to be involved under these rules, so if there's to be any probability of getting the HMC guys down South, surely a long-term goal should be established, and some constructive dialogue forthcoming. Not very constructive to jus sh1t-can a class you don't approve of/agree with.
    People don't want to see a hotch-potch conglomeration of ill-defined saloons of questionable origin bashing round together, so a little more support would be welcome Jac-Mac, instead of just firing up against a bloke who's run himself ragged setting up an entire international race series off his own bat.
    Just my 2c worth...

  14. #14
    I was hoping to see pics and read info on this event and the competitors, but only see that you dont need a boat to go fishing.
    Can someone please let us know the action at this major meeting.

  15. #15
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  16. #16
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Thank you John. A part of the title of this thread says "photo thread". Which is the reason why I started the historic racing classes thread.

  17. #17 Will give you live timing. will give you results

    Hopefully some kind person will post photos tonight

  18. #18
    How did last weekend pan out for you Kiwiboss.

  19. #19

  20. #20
    Weekend Warrior
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    thanks for sharing Jac Mac .this is what I "be moaning" about missing out on :-)

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