Thanks Ray, photos now visible. And while they might have not been what you wanted now, they are a valuable record.
Thanks Ray, photos now visible. And while they might have not been what you wanted now, they are a valuable record.
If only the British had understood the concept of JiT (Just in Time) manufacturing systems back in the late 1950s - or even later, then they might just have survived a bit longer.
These two pics from some taken by my wife's ex-hubby when on a trip to the UK. (He was in the trade in NZ.)
Maserati 450S at the Goodwood Festival, 2004. Is anyone going this year? I am probably there for the Friday only as we leave the UK on the Saturday.
The man himself. The author of one of Oldfart's favourite books. Not sure of the exact date, but maybe about 1979 at Curborough. It must have been one of the final incarnations of the car that inspired so many people. I only stood on the inside of the first corner once, so it was probably an NSCC event!
Last edited by ERC; 01-03-2014 at 09:23 PM.
Found these photos tucked away. Can anyone identify the date of this meeting as I think it may have been the last time the long circuit was used, and it had not been used for along time. Remember it took a couple of laps to find brake spots as we were used to going down straight and around bend flat and not braking at end of grandstand. Red and white Mk11 is Terry Richardson when he first built his neat little car. Porsche is uncle Jim Short, and it must be in late 80s as the Escort has the yellow/red paint (not my choice) This may be the meeting it expired on back straight in a fairly big way.
Photos are from on top of stables.
This could have been last time long track was used.
Rod-, Tony Roberts and I remember using the long track at Porsche LeMans 1991.
Is this engine expiry the one that the conrod bolt hit Ian Algies foot on the back straight- must have been a big one
I would think `87 Rod, as Terry added more fibreglass to his Escort after this and at the `88 Baypark Easter meeting it was beige and had Piako Transport on it.
That date could be right Steve, and Terry's car also grew a hair dryer on the side of engine I think as well.
If this is the date John, no engine problem as it was 88/89 I think when it expired (done a wee bit by then)
Re blow.
It was a goody John, full monty, full song, flames out side of bonnet and bottom of car, looked in mirror and all was orange, lifted my feet as the firewall took a hiding. (and wallet) The engine had done a fair amount and it was a sad end. I still have a couple of the valves sitting right on front of me on window sill.
Barry might remember me getting out and going around to front of car and scratching the dirt backwards with my feet as a dog did after it had shit. Few boy's still laugh at that one.
Last edited by Rod Grimwood; 01-04-2014 at 10:35 PM.
Not yet accurately dated - though work is continuing...
Possibly 1983? From a colour slide by the looks of it and more than likely dragged from the pile of unmounted slides, that at the time, were not worthy of mounting. With a scanner, it is possible to crop before scanning, so many slides that may have been in the dump pile, can be cropped to give a decent image. There are so many that I'll never ever get all the decent ones scanned, let alone the second rate ones!
Maybe 1987
1990? - note the rather warm front brake discs...
Last edited by ERC; 01-05-2014 at 08:01 PM.
Something a bit different, but not enough to worry my good friend Don Packwood...
A commission for Dave's 50th
This was initially rejected at the drawing stage (by me) and the replacement was done in so much of a rush, that I wasn't pleased, so I am part way through a replacement featuring the same car. This pic and the one following it are earmarked as part of a set of at least four greeting cards featuring locals racing (British?) cars. The idea being that there are very few greetings cards available for '60', '70' (my number!), '46' and so on, for guys.
Whangarei street race January 2000. This and the one above are currently on display at Hampton Downs.
Two or three commissions still to do, (RacerT is one... I haven't forgotten Tony) but unlike Don, this is only a part time hobby when I am in the mood, hence only 8 done since I took up the brushes again in 1999, after a 30 year lay off!
Last edited by ERC; 04-06-2015 at 06:16 AM.
with Inky Tulloch, that is Inky in the photo.
The Rover was a most interesting car to work on with an injection system that was operated by a cam on the throttle shaft that triggered micro switches but which worked more like an on/off switch than anything that could possibly resemble a metering device. The car had been rebuilt in Perth before shipping to NZ but all the bouncing around in the transporter whilst traveling across Australia wore out the shock absorbers and most of the new rose joints that Tim & co had fitted during the rebuild. Sure had to chase around for a few things the first couple of meetings. Winston Wrigley co-drove with Inky in the earlier races during that season.
Last edited by Carlo; 01-07-2014 at 01:32 AM.
I need to be shot for not seeing Inky.....after all I owned his Camaro for 23 years.
Tim Slako sold it to a guy called Geoff Herbert sometime 1987/88. Herbert ran it as number 40 ( Slako always ran #96 ) from ( at least ) October '88 to June 1990 at Barbagello ( Wanneroo ) with Peter Harper as co-driver when required in various WA Sports Sedan, street cars (??), Group A, and a couple of 300km races. Apparently some guy in Sydney has got it now.
Last edited by Andrew Metford; 01-07-2014 at 11:32 AM. Reason: More info
A bit of variety!
One of dad's Donington pics 1938. When Austin made their own racing cars! Not sure of the power to weight ratio with that particular driver.
1971 Prescott. I always did have a fascination for these three wheelers.
I have absolutely no idea what this is or anything about it. Snapped at Cherstey. At a guess, built on an XJ6/Daimler Sovereign.
Although this appears to be registered in 1964, it was racing in the Pre 1957 race at Cadwell Park.
No prizes for guessing this one, or where, or when...
Last edited by ERC; 01-07-2014 at 07:32 PM.
Last edited by ERC; 01-21-2014 at 12:05 AM.