Just for a change - people...
Just for a change - people...
Last edited by ERC; 11-29-2013 at 07:37 AM.
Yep Parksy sold it to John Coulton.It did have tinted windows...the car caught fire at Baypark..Graham got out ok and damage was super ficial............because no one could see the fire through the windows MANZ passed a directive that all cars will tinted glass (mine included) were to have them replaced with clears.....This was a very well engineered car that had in board suspension and mid mounted P76 turbo charged V8 in it....talking to George Biscuit last week and Graham has purchased the car back and looks like restoring it back to how it was.......Thanks for great photos.....regards, Tony Rutherford.[/QUOTE]
Caught up with Parksey last weekend at Manfield, (10th/11th/12th Nov.) he was going to look at Marina on Monday. Not got it yet.
Last edited by Rod Grimwood; 11-17-2013 at 08:53 AM.
A bit older -
This 1956 pic (dad's) at Mallory Park was published on another website some time ago. Eventually, we were able to establish the date but I never knew the name of the car as I didn't have a programme.
Out of the blue, yesterday, I received a request from the owner of the car in a later form. I mistakenly thought this was a Tojeiro. Anyone KNOW as opposed to guessing what it is/was?
Dad used his own Leica at Shelsey (I haven't found the negs yet either) and handed me a 40 year old camera containing 30 year old film. No wonder this heavily cropped image is a bit rough. Is this an Elva? I can't see the race number but I think I may have a programme somewhere.
Even in 1965 (approximate date) the number of older cars around before they were treasured shows up well here. Taken at our front gate and the garage in the back ground was where dad first met my Mum, when she wheeled her pushbike in and dad inflated the tyres for her. Aaah!
Garage was later the base for Roy's buses (I could tell plenty of stories about those...), then a Volvo dealership and has now been demolished and rebuilt as flats.
Last pic is interesting on three counts. Firstly, I used a borrowed camera and the first time I'd even had access to anything with anything other than a standard lens.
Secondly, he used Fuji film - which I decided was terrible compared to Kodak (colour) and Ilford (B & W).
Thirdly, this was the only time I saw Tony Brise racing - and he also demonstrated Graham Hill's F1 car at the meeting. Can you imagine any current F1 car doing three laps of a 1.35 mile track at a national meeting today?
Last edited by ERC; 11-18-2013 at 08:54 PM.
Ray is this the car you have shown above. it is interesting that Reg Bicknell is also listed as driving a Tojeiro at one stage.
Top marks Graeme! Apparently it only ran for a season or so with that bodywork and didn't handle too well. Judging by the two pics, it also had a repaint. Interesting that it also ran with a 5 speed gearbox.
I just love these obscure cars and specials - probably why the VCC events are so interesting, as building a special today appears to be a far more difficult exercise than it used to be. Maybe I should just call mine "The Magneight Special" as opposed to "Mon ZA 8"?
No prizes for naming any of these either...
Well spotted. It does look like a Birrana wheel.
I'll have to dig out the race programme.
Just spent far too much time listing all the negative films on a spreadsheet in date order. Over 400... I don't really relish now going through frame by frame to write up the subjects, but I will eventually. Found a load more to scan, but scanning is so slow...
Cataloguing the slides is less easy as they tend to be currently stored by car make and not by date. At least with the digital pics now, it is all so simple to find out the info, even to which camera and what settings were used, but I haven't yet tripped over a way of cataloguing all that info into a spreadsheet.
To keep you guessing... I wonder if anyone can name all the cars shown in this Mallory pic.
Yes, a V12....
And this montage is on our gymnasium wall - no doubt many of you will recognise the originals. I apologise for any copyright issues but I have no way of knowing who took them.
Last edited by ERC; 11-29-2013 at 06:43 AM.
A couple I took at last months Historic/VCC meeting
No.12's the one you should have concentrated on...
David, I do have photos of Richards car, equal detail, but how many on here would have interest (apart from you and me and a very few others). He won a race in it too after a very long resto.
Shelsey again - 1965
The BRM at Curborough. I still can't get over why someone would fire up a V12 F1 car for a 900 yard sprint, just for a maximum of 5 runs per day...
Mallory Park paddock...
Super Saloons - the crowd favourite in the UK just as here. The main rule there though was that engine and gearbox had to remain in the original location.
Last edited by ERC; 01-01-2014 at 09:05 PM.
I'm going to take a stab at Kim Mather and Tom Belso for photos 2 and 3.
Whenuapai 1993
Goodwood Festival 2004. If the British Police had cars like that instead of our local Standard Ensigns, I might have been persuaded to stick to an earlier career ambition...
I never tired of visiting the Donington Collection from its opening - until 2012, when reception couldn't even supply a list of what cars were still there. Sorry Mr Wheatcroft, I am not interested in WW2 Miltary vehicles. So many iconic cars have been moved on so it is a shadow of what it once was, though still interesting for a first time visitor.
These two were taken 2004 just weeks after acquiring my first decent compact digital camera. I say decent, because the very first one (1996) was probably the first true compact camera sold to the general public (Casio) - but the picture quality was rubbish and the 4 x AA batteries seemed to last about 15 minutes.
No idea what happened here. Pics reloaded later.
Last edited by ERC; 01-01-2014 at 11:40 PM.
When I click on your last links Ray I get an "invalid attachment" message.
Why fire up the BRM, because you can!
This was the full grid for a restart... (Alfetta on the right.) Not exactly a feast for the spectators.
No doubt as a tall person, this car probably wouldn't really be my first choice!
John Holmes well campaigned Lotus 18 has a slight hiccup.
Shambles of a start at Monaco 2012 where some drivers obviously didn't understand the start light procedure, resulting in two wheels knocked askew. The McLaren was at fault. Frank Sytner the innocent one.
Last edited by ERC; 01-05-2014 at 08:57 PM.