Think the Renault went upside down at Taupo i think it was in practice. Wheels were still spinning when we came through esse's and it was in middle of track.
The Renault also featured in some action at Wellington street race I think.
As you say, The Imp was quick but tended to have it's own mind on bumps etc.
The Jensen Healey was a Jensen squealy, being driven hard - until the left rear wheel parted company with the rest of the car.
Last edited by ERC; 01-25-2013 at 06:22 AM.
Did he catch it? Nope...
Last edited by ERC; 01-25-2013 at 06:20 AM.
Rasmussen senior and junior.
Nice to see another little brother...
Last edited by ERC; 01-25-2013 at 06:19 AM.
Yes - the Aurora has a Rover V8 out back. George no longer has the Roller, but does have a Bentley T series - with a Nissan 6 cyl diesel in it! He also has an XJ6 S2 - with a Nissan 6 cyl diesel in it! The BMW Isetta does have a Mini engine in it - looks quite tidy, too.The other Picture is of George Spratt's Aurora. I think it was mid engined. George was an interesting but very clever chap who used to drive around in a Roller. I think he put a Mini Engine and Subframe into the rear of a BMW Isetta. Post Certification (1990) guys are still building cars but we dont see as many one offs as we did in the 80's. Graeme
George is an Electrical engineer and works for Bill Buckley making machines that make silcon chips. (I shared a house with him for some years)
Just a comment or a plea. If you want to use any of these pics, (or from any other contributor for that matter), such as for your own Facebook pages, or any publication, whether for profit or not, it would be polite to ask for permission first - and also acknowledge the photographer if you do use them - please.
In recent times, one of mine has been used on a race programme cover (without permission) and at least one I have found as someone's Facebook profile.
It takes a lot of time and effort (just ask Steve!) to scan and edit so that pics are at least worth looking at, particularly from old negatives and slides. Cropping sensibly, colour balancing and correcting fading is not quick work, even when you are confident. At least 30% of the ones I have scanned have been deleted as not being of sufficiently high quality to show - and I don't really want to cover mine with a watermark/logo even though the uploaded quality is considerably reduced, but I can see why others do.
Last edited by ERC; 03-07-2013 at 07:54 AM.
Yep, well said Ray. I think once photos are placed on the internet you really have no control over them anymore, they're there for everyone to be enjoyed. But I think its just a respectful thing to at least credit the owner if they're being shared elsewhere. Lately I've been putting The Roaring Seasons web name watermark at the bottom of each photo I post on here so photos can be traced back, and the owner recognised.
1986 Whenuapai - Oh how we miss those meetings...
Last edited by ERC; 11-09-2013 at 09:21 AM.
July 1967 - Shelsey Walsh Hillclimb
Wridgeway Horton - a regular locally
Note the registration number of this E type... 86 PJ
E Type Egal - 7 litre power I seem to recall
What would this Porsche be worth today?
Last edited by ERC; 11-09-2013 at 09:32 AM.
Ah, Whenuapai.........the trouble with airfield circuits is because of the wide open spaces, drivers tended to explore the handling limits of their the limit!!!!!!
I remember at that meeting, Paul Leuch in his Aston Martin converting some carefully placed hay bales into an abstract haystack......with a little bit of damage to the Aston.
The Amco Mini looks a bit bare without its signwriting.
Would the sliding Jag in #270 be big Mike Westall?
Right colour.......bonnet louvers.....and looks like Mike behind the wheel. The car was usually shod with Minilites so don't know why it has these steel wheels on.
Graham Park I think it was, its mentioned in the Lost Cars thread, ran with tinted windows and I think from memory on that thread it was burnt out at Baypark?[/QUOTE]
Yep Parksy sold it to John Coulton.It did have tinted windows...the car caught fire at Baypark..Graham got out ok and damage was super ficial............because no one could see the fire through the windows MANZ passed a directive that all cars will tinted glass (mine included) were to have them replaced with clears.....This was a very well engineered car that had in board suspension and mid mounted P76 turbo charged V8 in it....talking to George Biscuit last week and Graham has purchased the car back and looks like restoring it back to how it was.......Thanks for great photos.....regards, Tony Rutherford.
The MKIV GT Replica built by Baker? in the NI has popped up on several websites in the UK/Europe for sale over the last ten years, holding its price quite well in regards to other replicas, been a couple of times where sellers have tried to pass it off as the real thing , but with all the internet detectives about these days those adverts vanish quickly.
Porsche 906, seem to get very big money, especially with race history. Several very good replicas available of them now.
Jac Mac. You have highlighted a very serious problem for those of us taking pics today, (not buying cars). That is "Have I snapped the real thing, or is it a replica?"
I categorise/file all my pics as best I can, so identifying a genuine GT40, Cobra, Lotus 11 used to be so easy. There weren't any replicas! I have large directories/folders for specials and another for replicas.
When we were in Broadbeach a couple of years ago, dining at a street restaurant, I noted in the distance a Lotus 11 shaped car heading towards us. I snapped it, but not being able to verify it I have no idea whether it was a genuine Lotus 11 or a Westfield or other replica. How to I categorise it? A folder for "unsure?"
Should I ever decide to produce a book, (you never know...) I'd have to add the disclaimer that it was produced based on the knowledge available at the time.
One replica I missed snapping was the lovely Lister Jag replica constructed locally that even had the personalised plates for the UK original! (Clive Pilkington's name rings a bell.)
I think the brown Jag was indeed Mike Westall and if he was cornering like that, he probably had to run a spare!
One of the hidden joys of flagging with a full crew, was that we'd take it in turns to stand down and I managed to get pics I wouldn't normally have been able to get from the public enclosure! How I wish I'd had today's camera back then...
Earlier UK photos were usually taken with dad's old standard Leica - no rangefinder, standard lens only and a mix of slides and negative film.
Its Jag time!
The original - for my money, one of the most beautiful cars ever built.
The earlier pic was 1986, this Whenuapai pic is 1991 - with Minilites...
Last edited by ERC; 11-09-2013 at 09:55 PM.
No prizes for naming two... Probably January/February 1983 - Pukekohe short track. This was the first time I had seen this super star in action and I have to say that the crowd were most enthusiastic! I remember that much very well. I hadn't heard a Mazda on full song before this and was suitably impressed. Racing without different noises isn't racing - but we won't go there.
Last edited by ERC; 11-10-2013 at 07:45 PM. Reason: Photos rearranged - 11/11/2013