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Thread: Mystery sports car

  1. #41
    World Champion
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    Cambridge NI NZ.
    Isn't lateral thinking a great thing. We started discussing the provenance of a rather sharp looking 'homebuilt' into a discussion as to how its name was were into 12 foot Parkercraft with trailers that aren't homebuilt but never the less the LTSA thinks they are, so it's no wonder that when we try and trace the history of car, the Government Dept that is responsible for all this is no help. I think I'll just go back to my knitting!! The comment on the ruinous duties of our neighbours reminds me of an chap here in Cambridge who had built a rather nice Jaguar D type replica with assistance from the manufacturer in the Sth Island. He wanted to sell the car but there were no takers in NZ but managed to find a buyer in Oz. To avoid all these duties and to get the car into the country, he had to completely dismantle the car and send it to purchaser in pieces. I think he then followed the car over and reassembled it. Sounds crazy to me but I think thats how it goes. Reminds me of a Dick Emery skit where Dick is talking to a friend about a dodgy mate of his who has been 'eliminated'. The friend says' I hope he is resting in peace' Dick replies ' He is resting in PIECES my friend' !!!!! There you go, lateral thinking again.

  2. #42
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    And if youv'e not watched Dick Emery, youv'e not lived.!!!!

  3. #43
    Slightly off topic but in the same vein, bike rider John Boote is famed for being a great natural rider - but also for taking his TZ750 Yamaha to race in Daytona. To get it there he stripped it to constituent parts, packed it all into suitcases and took it on his flight as his luggage. Assembled it all at the other end (if my memory serves me, DNFed the first year and got second the following year).

  4. #44
    Journeyman Racer
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    Jun 2011
    From memory you had to have the registration plate attached to your race car. It was even checked at scrutineering. Having a farm was a big help as you always had a rego plate for something. To say nothing of rebate petrol. I remember Angus Hyslop having petrol problems in one of his cars due to dirty farm petrol. It was probably worth about 2 bob (shillings for the younger generation, 20 cents for the even younger) a gallon. Some of the trailers now and then are definately "home built". It would be mildy interesting to wander through the trailer park at a race meeting and check the WOF and rego. Incidently since ACC started ripping off motorbike riders the number of bike registration has plummeted. Down 25% according to one source. Taking less income now that they were when the levy was at the old level. Don"t ya love politicians.

  5. #45
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    Yes, a mechanic who works at my local garage where I go for my warrants, rides a new Triumph bike. because of the ACC levy he only registers it for half a year now.....the summer months, and uses his 1961 Morris 1000 van the rest of the time. Of course the Morrie is on the cheapish plus 40 year registration now so is a big saving, and who wants to ride a bike in winter anyway.

  6. #46
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMCO72 View Post
    And if youv'e not watched Dick Emery, youv'e not lived.!!!!
    I wondered if Dick Emery might not be related to Paul and Peter Emery, who (separately) made Emeryson racing cars in the 1950's and 1960's. Paul Emery in particular seemed to have a somewhat eccentric turn of mind, like Dick.

    Probably not.

  7. #47
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    In fact at a Taupo test day last year, I did go round having a look at trailers, not to check on WOF's etc, but to get some ideas, as I was about to build a 'homemade'. I was amazed to discover that a good few of them did not have either WOF or Rego and a couple of them had come over from Napier!!!! Beowulf, you will remember that day.

  8. #48
    Yes the trailer makers name .I think that must have sort of been up to clerk at the office doing it .I had a country garage for a time and we used to make and modify lots of trailers ,from memory they used to put wss as the maker on ours which was the initials of our business.mind you we did it our local Post Office which was just next door

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by stubuchanan View Post
    I wondered if Dick Emery might not be related to Paul and Peter Emery, who (separately) made Emeryson racing cars in the 1950's and 1960's. Paul Emery in particular seemed to have a somewhat eccentric turn of mind, like Dick.

    Probably not.
    Stupid boy PIKE !!
    As to trailers with WOFs and regos- how ridiculous !!
    and as for the sheep fornicators across your " Tasman pond" and its daft import rules a duties they suffer from too many people in government positions akin to people that our grandfathers fought against in WW2
    Yes I know Im behind you guys, i like warm beer and it rains a lot here too.

  10. #50
    Elin sports cars. Graeme (WOP) Amos built 3. The first two were built at Otematata in Central Otago. The third built at Ocean View near Dunedin. Graeme McKerrow raced the third one for a season. Anyone know where any of them are?

  11. #51
    Regarding rego plates on race cars, in those days you had to nominate an insurance company on the registration form. In my case I had the ex-Bisman Begg back in the early 70s, jumped the safety bank at Bay Park (well the Begg did) and landed in the trailer park area, unfortunately running over several people on the way. Later on there was some sort of liability kerfuffle with my insurance co (NIMU) after Bay Park put some claims in, NIMU quite rightly not happy that they were unwittingly covering a racing accident.

    Quote Originally Posted by beowulf View Post
    From memory you had to have the registration plate attached to your race car. It was even checked at scrutineering. Having a farm was a big help as you always had a rego plate for something. To say nothing of rebate petrol. I remember Angus Hyslop having petrol problems in one of his cars due to dirty farm petrol. It was probably worth about 2 bob (shillings for the younger generation, 20 cents for the even younger) a gallon. Some of the trailers now and then are definately "home built". It would be mildy interesting to wander through the trailer park at a race meeting and check the WOF and rego. Incidently since ACC started ripping off motorbike riders the number of bike registration has plummeted. Down 25% according to one source. Taking less income now that they were when the levy was at the old level. Don"t ya love politicians.

  12. #52
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    Pretty sure Alec McLennan of Riversdale, Southland still has the ex Orton Bros Elin car ( which might also be the ex McKerrow car..). also the JBS & currently restoring another little car, model etc escapes my memory at moment
    Last edited by Jac Mac; 01-01-2012 at 09:07 PM.

  13. #53
    Weekend Warrior
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    My first Mini 7 (ex Gerald Fava) in the early Eighties had a reg plate bolted to the floor. The registration document had been hand altered over the years from Morris Mini 850 up to Cooper S 1000 when it had a brief life as NZ saloon champs entry. Each time I registered it the classification on the paperwork baffled the post office so I told them to treat it as a tractor. Insurance? Nah. Trailer reg and WOF....not often. I toyed with getting an official replacement (lost paperwork?) for the ersatz Cooper registration and faking a Cooper. Too chicken. The thing broke in half eventually anyway.

  14. #54
    Never owned or lived on a farm, but have had a couple of tractors. (no smart commments about my cars either)

  15. #55
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Maser Masar Masser ..

    Quote Originally Posted by faminz View Post
    Can anyone identify this red car and the date/track... I have an idea who and what it is but Ill wait and see if someone can confirm it... lol
    " Faminz ", the " Masararri ", " Masserari " and other spellings.
    Have just come across some photos of the car at Levin in 1962 ..
    More to come on this.

    Needs a thread in its own name or a Graeme McRae thread perhaps.

    David McKinney posted [ post #28 July 2011 ] about a lot of events that the car was in and the photos that have come to light are from this; David also commented on the spelling of the name of the car.

    " 27/7/62 WCC Levin sprint
    Evening Post: Masarrari
    WCC Bulletin: Masarrari "
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-29-2024 at 03:43 AM. Reason: Masarrari ###47

  16. #56
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The Masarrari - using David McKinney spelling.

    Photos from 1961 - 1962. by Gary Lang - shared by his son Greg Lang recently.
    Believed to be from Levin Sprints in 1962 Race #22 and some others

    Car #22 before and after a fire.
    Notes about the incident from the Wellington Car Club Bulletin - archive from Milan Fistonic.

    Name:  Special NZ #098 Graham McRae built - Masararri - Race #22 Levin 1962 w Jaguar XK120 in paddock G.jpg
Views: 171
Size:  179.9 KB

    Name:  Special NZ #099 Graham McRae built - Masararri - Race #22 Levin Sprints WCC 1962 after fire padd.jpg
Views: 179
Size:  160.4 KB

    The Wellington Car Club Bulletin article with another Spelling the " Massarri "
    Name:  Special NZ #100 Graham McRae Masararri - Levin Sprints 1962 WCC article with results arch Milan .jpg
Views: 177
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    On track - no race number - event not known.

    Name:  Special NZ #103 Graham McRae built - Masararri - Levin 1962 Q on track 2 arch Greg Lang .jpg
Views: 174
Size:  123.8 KB

    Name:  Special NZ #109 Graham McRae built - Masararri - Levin 1962 Q on track arch Greg Lang .jpg
Views: 172
Size:  180.2 KB

    All photos Greg Lang archive, taken by Gary Lang.

    More to come.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-29-2024 at 10:16 PM. Reason: Massarri .. ###47

  17. #57
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The Masararri - when first built and at WCC Houghton Bay Hill Climb

    Graeme McRae and the Masararri - Brian Faulkner archives.
    - photos processed in August 1962.

    Name:  Special NZ #096 Graham McRae built - Masarrari - front angled 177kb arch Brian Faulkner.jpg
Views: 172
Size:  177.9 KB

    Name:  Special NZ #094 Graham McRae built - Masarrari - front arch 177kb Brian Faulkner.jpg
Views: 171
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    In line at the Wellington Car Club Houghton Bay Hill Climb in 1962. Gary Lang photos - Greg Lang archives.

    Note from David McKinney archives and lots of versions of the name.
    " 07/04/62 Houghton Bay hillclimb
    Evening Post: Maseratti
    WCC Bulletin: Masarrari, Massarrari, Maserarri, Maserrarri

    Name:  Special NZ #104 Graham McRae Masarrari Race #14 Houghton Bay Hill Climb - WCC 1962 Q arch Greg L.jpg
Views: 177
Size:  173.5 KB

    Name:  Special NZ #105 Graham McRae Masarrari Race #14 in line Houghton Bay Hill Climb WCC - 1962 arch .jpg
Views: 179
Size:  174.9 KB

    A Euan Sarginson image from the Shell Book series, the 1963 Edition -
    - yet another spelling of the cars name .

    Name:  Special NZ #097 Graham McRae built - Masarrari #55 - Shell Book 1963 photo E Sarginson 179kb arc.jpg
Views: 167
Size:  179.1 KB.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-29-2024 at 10:20 PM. Reason: Notes added ###47

  18. #58
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    McRae and his early Race schedule 1961 - 1962. David Mckinney. post #28.

    Quote Originally Posted by David McKinney View Post
    OK - here we go. First appearance was April 1961, not February

    Primary source (ie, contemporary) references to first appearances
    (up to end of 1962 only)

    What I have always believed to be the correct version highlighted in bold

    1/4/61 Palmer Head hillclimb
    Evening Post: Austin Special
    Dominion: Masararri

    8/4/61 Houghton Bay hillcimb
    WCC Bulletin: Masarrari (twice)

    15/4/61 Levin
    Evening Post preview: “Masararri, not to be confused with Masaratti”
    Programme: as in previous post
    WCC Bulletin: Masarrari

    07/04/62 Houghton Bay hillclimb
    Evening Post: Maseratti
    WCC Bulletin: Masarrari, Massarrari, Maserarri, Maserrarri

    27/7/62 WCC Levin sprint
    Evening Post: Masarrari
    WCC Bulletin: Masarrari

    24/11/62 Levin
    Programme: Maserati (three times)
    Auckland Star Sports: Maserarri
    Dominion: Masararri once, Masarrari once
    Evening Post: Masarrari

    15/12/62 Ohakea
    Programme: late entry – not listed
    Evening Post: Masarrari

    29/12/62 Mount Maunganui
    Programme: Masararri (four times)
    The list of Entrants for the Mount Manganui races 29 December 1962. The Masarrari the last Entry ;
    - Engine 1494cc - the Humber 80 Motor ?.
    - Entrant C W Wallace Driver G McRae.

    Name:  Mt Maunganui #060 1962 Entrant List December 1962 Meeting 1st event 29 Dec 62 TRS GD66.jpg
Views: 178
Size:  157.3 KB

    bringing the information together.

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