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Number 21 who started just one in front of me was in fact the late great Rod Coppins....this car was upside down sitting on its roof on a straight bit of road that went over a crest on the road. (looked like they antisipated a corner ahead??) The very next stage we had Mick Quinn and co driver (another very talented driver) the late Trevor McLean in front of us... After a bit of friendly banter between us on how I am going to catch them so look out in the mirror!!......They left the start line to have a big off that cleared a fence and landed in a sodden water logged paddock ....(I also have photos from the Rex the Rats collection he kindly gifted to me when he emigrated to Oz....) and the ensuing damage the car was banana'ed and Mick had to climb in and out of the window as the doors were jammed closed. Trevor had a hurt jaw from the full face helmit that he borrowed that didnt fit him properly. Myself and top co driver of the day John Chiverrell came home in 12th or 13th ? posi about two minutes ahead of long time circuit racing rival (then and currently...) the ex- Shellsport Champion Bryce Platt. (a champion bloke as well I might add..) For the record I would take the turbo off my RX2 for the Tarmac stuff (except for the Claytons Pukekohe Tarmac Rally which was NZs first ever full tarmac rally that we had the privilege of winning from the master of control Mark Parsons...). In the following years Roger Davis of TV sports fame and was undoubtedly New Zealands finest (after Mr Jim Scott of Paeroa had retired....) co driver, took over that duty. A great association that continued for many years to come which included owning my first Group A Streets of Wellington Toyota....(which he still has..). Hope this is of interest. I have numerous tales of enthralling stuff and snippets of past that is screaming out to make good toilet reading.........kind regards, Tony Rutherford.