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Thread: 1:1 Scale Model - Maserati 250F

  1. #21

  2. #22
    World Champion
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Brilliant Steve - love the Barn find look

  3. #23
    see this is for sale on TM. wonder how long before it appears at Bonhams auction as the latest barn find
    auction number 624473554
    Last edited by 928; 08-09-2013 at 10:57 PM.

  4. #24

  5. #25
    I visited Brett again a couple of days ago, and snapped some more shots of the Maserati, which has progressed further since my last visit. It still required a small amount of paint work to finish, but Brett had already started on his next project, a 1:1 scale model of the twin-Triumph powered Gyronaut Bonneville racing motorbike, in its final guise, as pictured. Will post photos in the next day or so. Man, this thing is crazy!

    Name:  gyronaut.jpg
Views: 1493
Size:  68.5 KB

  6. #26
    Weekend Warrior
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Carterton, New Zealand
    I drove past the maserati on the way to the carterton tip a weekend or two back, looks great in the flesh...I had to do a double around to have a second look, it is the only time I have had a honk from another motorist in Carterton for holding up traffic!!!!

  7. #27
    It will be interesting to see Brett's recreation of the Bob Leppan Gyronaut, originally powered by two pre-unit 650 Triumph Bonneville engines on carburettors. Story here

  8. #28
    Weekend Warrior
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Carterton, New Zealand
    Name:  DSC_0004.jpg
Views: 1226
Size:  71.3 KB
    I'm not to sure how far this was from being finished when you saw it last Steve but I drove past it on Sunday.... nice!!!

  9. #29
    Wow, that looks great!

  10. #30
    Now for something up to date. Check out!

  11. #31
    Just reviving for those who never saw these.
    Does Brett have visitors Steve?

  12. #32

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