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Thread: Photos: The Ian Peak Collection - Part 1

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Jac Mac View Post
    Did Brent Hawes run a Fiat 1500 Crusader in timaru events?, & I would suggest Elwyn Latta in the Vitesse, dont think Barry robinson ventured north much in his.
    Tiny Latta with the Vitesse, pretty sure that the driver of that particular Fiat worked for Brent & Leo in the service station side of things, just can't recall his name right now.

  2. #42
    Great work guys, many thanks. I really enjoy these types of grass roots racing photos (the ones from Timaru). Many of these cars didn't get any media exposure, so are often overlooked.

  3. #43
    These are the last of the Timaru shots.

    Name:  Scott Wisemans E-Type.jpg
Views: 2071
Size:  99.5 KB

    Name:  Timaru Mini.jpg
Views: 1979
Size:  116.7 KB

    Name:  Sportscars timaru.jpg
Views: 2043
Size:  99.3 KB

  4. #44
    OK, back to Teretonga, and a bit more of a mixed bag now, kicking off with a couple of action shots of Alec Dickie in his ex-Neil Doyle Anglia Corvette.

    Name:  Alec Dickie Anglia Corvette.jpg
Views: 1677
Size:  72.6 KB

    Name:  Alec Dickie Anglia Corvette 2.jpg
Views: 1617
Size:  72.3 KB

  5. #45
    Andy Buchanan's beautiful Ferrari 250LM

    Name:  Andy Buchanan Ferrari 250LM.jpg
Views: 1684
Size:  123.1 KB

  6. #46
    Visitors to this years Denny Hulme Festival at Hampton Downs would have seen this car at the Historic Muscle Cars display area, the Barry Phillips Lotus Cortina.

    Name:  Barry Phillips '69.jpg
Views: 1617
Size:  142.5 KB

  7. #47
    Many people thought Clyde Collins' A40 Allcomer was Lotus twin-cam powered, but this wasn't the case, as this engine bay shot shows.

    Name:  Clyde Collins A40 Fordina.jpg
Views: 1963
Size:  130.1 KB

  8. #48
    In post #43 the photographer in the white overalls watching Jim Little go past looks to be Stuart Smith, he used to get some cracker shots with a simple camera, some were what you could call close ups of cars and drivers in action

  9. #49
    In post 46-love the green Mk 1 Consul.That car shows up regularly in this position on many pix at this track.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlo View Post
    Tiny Latta with the Vitesse, pretty sure that the driver of that particular Fiat worked for Brent & Leo in the service station side of things, just can't recall his name right now.
    I vividly remember Leo racing a Crusader that looked like that one at Ruapuna. So he could be a possibility?

  11. #51
    Just checking my Motorman collection-June 1968 page 33, Leo racing a blue Fiat 1500 at Ruapuna.Could have number 3 on the side

  12. #52
    Green Morris minor is Dave Saunders From Ashburton who later raced single seaters.
    Mustard Anglia is Keith Pickford also from Ashburton.

  13. #53
    Post #46 is the only time I have seen Barry Phillips with out 86 on side of car.

  14. #54
    [QUOTE=Steve Holmes;24173]Visitors to this years Denny Hulme Festival at Hampton Downs would have seen this car at the Historic Muscle Cars display area, the Barry Phillips Lotus Cortina.

    Actually this is Bruce McLean in his Cortina 1600 ( not a Lotus ) painted Team colours. Normally it would be numbered 87. Very well prepared and driven car by Bruce that boxed above it's weight.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    Visitors to this years Denny Hulme Festival at Hampton Downs would have seen this car at the Historic Muscle Cars display area, the Barry Phillips Lotus Cortina.

    Actually this is Bruce McLean in his Cortina 1600 ( not a Lotus ) painted Team colours. Normally it would be numbered 87. Very well prepared and driven car by Bruce that boxed above it's weight.
    Wondered that, but the sign writing on back guard looked like 'Papakura Autos' that Barry ran.
    Also sitting up fairly straight so shore could be Bruce McLean

  16. #56
    Rod, I thought it was Bruce McLean also, but wasn`t prepared to face the firing squad! For the record it was `Papakura Motors Ltd'.

  17. #57
    I hear you on the "firing squad", doesn't pay to come too far out of the trenches.

    Same Papakura Motors livery just missing the lower Lotus Stripe along the sill that Barry Phillips had.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  18. #58
    GPBK, I`ve sent a PM to Bruces` son Steve (macpac) as he was looking for photos of his dad a while back. No doubt he`ll be along shortly.....

  19. #59
    Steve, This is another from your collection. Bruce McLean in the Cortina, Jack Nazer, Rod Coppins and Ernie Sprague at the dogleg at Pukekohe. What year would this be ?

    A great crowd on the infield.

  20. #60
    Late 66? Bob Homewood should know, if not Motorman will have the answer.....
    Last edited by fullnoise68; 02-13-2013 at 08:49 AM.

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