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Thread: Photos: The Ian Peak Collection - Part 1

  1. #21
    Another shot of the Sabre, with what appears to be the Rod McElrea Chevy coupe just darting out of shot. Whose is the left hand drive Escort giving chase?

    Name:  Levels, Sabre Allcomer.jpg
Views: 1927
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  2. #22
    The amazing aero-engined Continental, in one of its few races before creators Tyrrell Turtle and Gary Mulholland were both killed in a road accident. Is that a Mallock U2 tucked in behind? And the Lotus in the background, could that possibly be the old Jim Palmer car? If so, could this possibly be John Armstrong driving?

    Name:  Continental Sports.jpg
Views: 1711
Size:  94.6 KB

  3. #23
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Jun 2011
    Post #20, the liteweight chopped top mini is Lin Neilsons IIRC, white LHD Anglia would be Bob Slade, trying to think of the LHD escort owner, Carlo might remember. Light Green Morris Minor would probably be Warner Collins, Ernie sprague also drove the anglia on occasions, & Peter Kocis bought it later on, though it does look like Gary at the wheel in photo.
    Last edited by Jac Mac; 02-08-2013 at 05:22 AM.

  4. #24
    This is Timaru 68.
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  5. #25
    Timaru 69.
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  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by seaqnmac27 View Post
    Old racing says its Peter Yock also that its a Lotus, McCully would be 69 using that site
    McCully didn't feature in the results at all in 1968, but ran #10 for the 1969 Teretonga Tasman race. The pic is not Peter Yock's Lotus-BRM.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    Someone here with more knowledge than me will be able to correct me on this one. I don't think this is the Tasman Series Teretonga race. The photo caption says this is Allan McCully. If so, he is driving the Brabham Tony Shaw had campaigned in the National Formula Championship. This photo would then be one of the races from the 3 Round Teretonga Championship? Can anyone help with this?

    Attachment 15915
    Having a look at the excellent Teretonga 25 book, Alan McCully was car # 10 - 13/10/68. Same number for 8/12/68 and 25/1/69.
    Prior to these races he ran his BT18 on 17/3/68 and 9/6/68 with car # 12
    Last edited by Kwaussie; 02-08-2013 at 11:29 AM.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    OK, something a little different now. In fact, something a LOT different! The next small group of photos are from Timaru, kicking off with this mixed bag of saloons. Some help here with names would be great. The leading Anglia looks to be the ex-Dave Simpson/Frank Radisich car, which Gary Sprague took to the South Island. But is this still Gary pictured here or another owner? The purple Mini with chopped lid looks a lot like the car raced in the late '60s in the North Island as an Allcomer by Tony Gilbertson. Can anyone help? The tall wing behind the Mini of that attached to Scott Wisemans E Type, while further back, the orange A40 looks like the Peter Bennett Lotus powered car that ran as an Allcomer in the '60s. Next to the A40 is the Sabre sports car! Definitely plenty of variety.

    Can we fill in all the gaps here?

    Attachment 15927
    Just to check my memory banks I showed this to a few at Levels today and we are all agreed on pretty much everything except for the A40, the red & white mini and the LHD Escort. One good old lad is going home to check out his old program collection and hopefully we can fill in the missing details

    Peter B#@*&Y F@#$*$@g Kocis in the Anglia, Speed (Graeme) Richardt also drove it for a season whilst still in the Sprague Motors ownership but here it is in Peters colour scheme. Then Lyn Neilson is in the Mini and Scott Wiseman in the Jag. Bob Slade is in the white Anglia. The red & white mini still has a few of us guessing but the Morris Minor is probably the 1340cc ford powered one of Graeme Gosling. Ansley Murray in the Sabre and the team is still working on the A40 and the Escort. One possibility for the A40 is Kevin Ryan as after he rolled his one at Craigmore hillclimb it did get the roof lowered and the top cut out of the front guards and rolled down a bit like the Anglias

  9. #29
    World Champion
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlo View Post
    Just to check my memory banks I showed this to a few at Levels today and we are all agreed on pretty much everything except for the A40, the red & white mini and the LHD Escort. One good old lad is going home to check out his old program collection and hopefully we can fill in the missing details

    Peter B#@*&Y F@#$*$@g Kocis in the Anglia, Speed (Graeme) Richardt also drove it for a season whilst still in the Sprague Motors ownership but here it is in Peters colour scheme. Then Lyn Neilson is in the Mini and Scott Wiseman in the Jag. Bob Slade is in the white Anglia. The red & white mini still has a few of us guessing but the Morris Minor is probably the 1340cc ford powered one of Graeme Gosling. Ansley Murray in the Sabre and the team is still working on the A40 and the Escort. One possibility for the A40 is Kevin Ryan as after he rolled his one at Craigmore hillclimb it did get the roof lowered and the top cut out of the front guards and rolled down a bit like the Anglias

    Carlo, just looking at it, surely the A40 is Ron McPhail, now I am going on the entry list because I am sure I read it as being #62.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by seaqnmac27 View Post
    Carlo, just looking at it, surely the A40 is Ron McPhail, now I am going on the entry list because I am sure I read it as being #62.
    The Fordina had a different profile roofline and nose and in Rons hands it was coloured black.
    This shot is from pre OSCA days and Warner Collins is one of many who viewed this photo and he too is scratching his head to come up with a name. Ron lurks about here so will wait and see if he is able to contribute any ideas.

    Re the LHD Escort John Gobbe recalls picking up a LHD Escort from Allan Woolfe and driving it to Chch for Brian Hessey so that line is being checked out too

  11. #31
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    I dont see Lin Neilsons name in either of 'Woody's' programmes so they might not be relevant to this event, Mini might be Dick Jackson from Winton.

  12. #32
    Weekend Warrior PaulieG's Avatar
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    Cool photos. Love the early single seater photos. Will keep an eye out for either Tony Shaw or Graeme Baker in my Lotus.

  13. #33
    After much discussion we resolved that the A40 was Dick Tout from Nelson

  14. #34
    Bloody awesome work guys, well done! Re the orange A40 in the saloon car race, it looks very similar to the car Peter Bennett raced in the last season or two of the Allcomers. Pretty sure he was North island based. My understanding is that Peter still owns this car, so maybe its not the car pictured at Timaru. Or did he sell it and eventually buy it back?

    Name:  03 Early Levin Mid 60s f011.jpg
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  15. #35
    OK guys, another brain teaser for you!

    Name:  Timaru Saloons.jpg
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  16. #36
    More from what I assume is the same race.

    Name:  Timaru Small Saloons.jpg
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  17. #37
    Timaru 70.
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  18. #38
    Where Holden number 59 that would be Grady Thomson. Coppins and Thomson would have been late entries as they bought their cars just prior to this series. This series bought out all the big boys-just look at the drivers list and the cars. $1000 was not to be sneezed at. No Bob Homewood? A real NZ saloon car championship-and not a porsche in sight. Lots of Fords and BMC- one Chev, one Holden.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    More from what I assume is the same race.

    Name:  Timaru Small Saloons.jpg
Views: 1544
Size:  100.6 KB
    Jim Little in the Mini #7 and Keith Pickford in the Anglia with the chequer pattern on the roof

  20. #40
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Did Brent Hawes run a Fiat 1500 Crusader in timaru events?, & I would suggest Elwyn Latta in the Vitesse, dont think Barry robinson ventured north much in his.

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