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Thread: Just A Mix Of Pics - Ray Green Collection

  1. #161
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Auckland, North Shore
    Thanks David. This scratchy paddock pic may identify the driver better. The two were taken on B & W positive film, rather than negative film and I don't think I have any others on this medium.

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    Monaco 2012
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-10-2012 at 08:28 PM.

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by ERC View Post
    Dad's again. I have absolutely no idea about this as it appears to be taken at Donington, but not at a race meeting, so I have no date or details. Maserati, yes, Donington, yes. That's it!
    Attachment 14445
    Slightly easier... R4D Raymond Mays 10th June 1939, Donington, taken on glass plate, not film.
    Attachment 14446

    What price this collection of BRM autographs? Albert Powell is on there as I mistook him for someone else, but as he was a noted racer anyway, it doesn't really matter. I may indeed be selling this as I clear out some of my memorabilia.
    Attachment 14447

    "Monzanapolis" Lister Jaguar single seater. THis has since ben restored and was at Goodwood 2009.
    Attachment 14448

    Whenuapai 1984. I put my recently arrived (now ex) wife and son first and missed the race meeting - but called in on the way back from the Hot Pools. Drat. I should have gone to Whenuapai as she went back to the UK anyway...
    Attachment 14449
    Hi, I'm not msure of the value of those signatures but I'd welcome the opportunity to have a crack at buying them if and when you sell them. Have been collecting signed auto stuff for a while and they'd look great in the shed. Cheers, Richard.

  3. #163
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Tom Wheatcroft was devastated when Roger Williamson died and never he never entered a Formula 1 car again. This tribute has been in the museum since that terrible day.
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    One of the things I always loved about the museum was the number of one offs that were displayed. The collection of failed 4WD F1 cars on display are fascinating. Approaches have been made to return this one to NZ.
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    During our Monaco trip, the group were told that Jacques Villeneuve would be giving his late father's car a run at the private Ferrari test track at Maranello, 30 years after his father's death. Bearing in mind the test track is surrounded by security fencing and is not open to the public and this was a private test session, extra police had to be drafted in to control the cars of 100's of spectators who hacked their way through the undergrowth to get a glimpse, and caused traffic chaos in the vicinity! This is one of those once in a lifetime shots that has a story to it and is destined to be one of my all time favourites.
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  4. #164
    Journeyman Racer
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    Jamie has requested I post this on his behalf. I suspect jamie did his apprenticeship on this car.

    Hi steve had A look at my pitcs of FEAttachment 14467RRARI for the D50 Shot please put in the FANGIO D50 Slot .

  5. #165
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Looks like the Ferrari museum at Maranello. Is this a recreation as I understood all the original Lancia Ferraris were scrapped?

  6. #166
    World Champion
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    Quote Originally Posted by ERC View Post
    Silverstone test session , probably at the same time as Howard & the de Cadanet Lola. I think from memory this is a Brabham, but stand corrected.
    Attachment 14167
    Sorry I was wrong, have been pondering this while I have been in NZ, definitely not Lella, rather this is Loris Kessel, and it would have been a test session, as Loris never drove car 33 during the 76 season, instead he was in car 32.

  7. #167
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Dad's pic again. The 1963 Silverstone International Trophy. Count Godin de Beaufort's bright orange Porsche was a regular on the GP circuits. This is another car that I think is/was in the Donington museum.
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    The garage three doors away from home, just out of shot to the left, had a simple philosophy when it changed hands and moved on from just being a petrol station (and some sort of involvement with army trucks), to car sales. It was a neat piece of marketing, to slot an exotic car out front, such as this Iso, amongst the usual dross, as the business built up. I am not sure of the year, 1966 maybe, but this is a 1965 car with a Derbyshire registration and with a Mercedes next to it, it wasn't year one!

    Over time, this exotic slot included the first Lamborghini Muira I ever saw and a Gordon Keeble. The garage owner (Chick Wheelhouse - great name!) proved to be very successful. The garage was demolished a few years ago and the developers were refused permission to build a supermarket on the site and as at my last visit, 2012, it had been vacant and overgrown for a number of years.
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    Steve Whitren's MGB engined MG Magnette at Whenuapai, 1987 - showing some evidence of having brushed the tyres...
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    One of the great things about the Goodwood Festival, is that in addition to the exotic, the concours d'elegance coachbuilt beauties and the genuine exotics on display, Lord March is happy enough to include these "Wacky Racers" as part of the day. Not just a static display either as these creations did a run up the hill too! Pic taken 2004.
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-12-2012 at 01:40 AM. Reason: typos...

  8. #168
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    All digital this time - I haven't scanned for a few days as the office was looking a bigger mess than usual with programmes, negs and slides all over the place.

    The Donington Collection is a must see, though I am not sure how many cars Kevin Wheatcroft has sold off to make room for his collection of military vehicles. I was unable to elicit an up to date list of exhibits from the receptionist earlier this year, so for the first time in 35 years, I didn't go into the museum.

    The collection of Vanwalls along with BRMs are my favourites. This was taken in 2004.
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    What is so special about this Brabus modified Meercedes? Why a pic on here? This is one of the Mercedes owned by jazz trombonist Chris Barber, who was awarded the OBE by John Major. CB OBE... Chris is my all time musical hero and has been for 50 years, but what many may not know is that this active 82 year old is not only still leading the best jazz band Britain has ever produced, and who influenced so many other musicians, from the Beatles to Rod stewart, Jools Holand to Van Morrison, but was also the owner of the first production Lotus Elite. He not only raced that Elite (successfully) but toured extensively in it too, clocking up an amazing mileage. He is also a buddy of Bernie Ecclestone and Jackie Stewart...
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    Vincent powered vintage sidecar - NZ...
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    The pale green GTO has just been sold for a massive sum. Although pale green would not be my first choice of car colour, this is a real piece of history and the BRP/Moss association is provenance indeed.
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    Another car park shot. As we were in a hurry, (we were heading back to Christchurch [UK] for a Chris Barber concert I only had about 5 minutes in this car park field. Facel Vega as a make have always fascinated me, so good to see one.
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-12-2012 at 01:38 AM. Reason: typo(s)

  9. #169
    World Champion
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    Name:  MG magnette & Mini Taupo.jpg
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    The Steve Whitren MG magnette again. Taupo 1986 giving the Cooper S a hard time.

  10. #170
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Ellerslie Concours 2004

    The MG Car Club president chats to the owner of this stunning Austin Healey 100M
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    ...who also commissioned this 100S replica. A TACCOC judge admires it.
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    One of my favourite cars at Ellerslie was this Alvis.
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    As a young lad, the Triumph TR3 and 3A were my favourite sports cars but they never looked this good!
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    An underrated classic in my opinion. The Reliant Sabre. With the amalgamations then decimation of the UK car industry, there was a time when Reliant were just about the second largest UK owned independent manufacturer.
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-13-2012 at 10:09 PM.

  11. #171

    Genuine 100S Austin Healeys at Lakeside

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  12. #172

    The ultimate shine

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  13. #173

    Australias best ever sports car

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  14. #174

    Bolwell Nagari take two

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  15. #175
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Love that Bolwell Nagari! I seem to remember a red one at Fraser cars a few years ago.

    Prescott 1971 again... Only when I scanned these two Jaguars did I notice the number plates. I wonder if there is a connection? Name:  171_0502_009.jpg
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    ...and the E Type looks to have been modified for much wider wheels.
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    Techcraft Buick. Is this the same Techcraft that had a BRM engine at a later stage or totally different?
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    Major Lambton hanging on to the wonderful HWM Jaguar. He was also running in the same class with a McLaren M10B.
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-15-2012 at 11:39 PM.

  16. #176
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Both Jaguars were owned by Bryan Corser

    The TechCraft-Buick and TechCraft-BRM were different cars

  17. #177
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Thanks David. Much appreciated.

    The then hillclimb champion, Sir Nick Williamson, giving a Bugatti Type 37 a run
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    Formula 5000 meeting, Mallory Park, 8th July 1973

    Guy Edward's Lola T330
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    I wonder how many race mechanics agree with this sentiment! Attached to Steve Thompson's Chevron B24.
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    Although David Oxton looks quite relaxed here, he was a non-starter in the Begg FM5 for the afternoon's 50 lap Rothman's Championship race.
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-16-2012 at 09:53 PM.

  18. #178
    The Guy Edwards Lola looks like it has a split rear rim! Scary.

  19. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by ERC View Post

    The garage three doors away from home, just out of shot to the left, had a simple philosophy when it changed hands and moved on from just being a petrol station (and some sort of involvement with army trucks), to car sales. It was a neat piece of marketing, to slot an exotic car out front, such as this Iso, amongst the usual dross, as the business built up. I am not sure of the year, 1966 maybe, but this is a 1965 car with a Derbyshire registration and with a Mercedes next to it, it wasn't year one!

    Over time, this exotic slot included the first Lamborghini Muira I ever saw and a Gordon Keeble. The garage owner (Chick Wheelhouse - great name!) proved to be very successful. The garage was demolished a few years ago and the developers were refused permission to build a supermarket on the site and as at my last visit, 2012, it had been vacant and overgrown for a number of years.
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    One of my all time favourites, Iso Rivolta. What a superb looking car, especially when fitted with Borrani wires.

  20. #180
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Ol Jack Ondrack has one of those Rivoltas that he keeps threatening to bring out for the SFOS series or maybe the Targa, has not appeared in the flesh yet though....TGFSM

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