Photos from today's action.
Photos from today's action.
Fantstic photos, give us more. One of the most enjoyable meetings of the year. Great atmosphere with the pits under the trees. No lap times or results. Lots of races, we ran out of cars in most classes. Good weather, just. Thanks to the HSRSCC for running the event, and the vintage car club for the wonderful array of cars that fronted up from them. Those Austin seven specials are sooo good.
Thanks guys and gals, we had a ball.
Wow, what fantastic photos! Great job, and thinks for posting them here. Got any more?
Yes beowulf......and this is how it should be in classic racing. For those who are serious about just going out and having FUN.......No timing, no results. Just go out and form up on the grid where you want to be. Always provides good racing because all the cars are mixed with slower. With timed laps and positions, all the fast guys are at the front, most of the races, going back through the grid to the slowest at the back. Now, if we have fast guys in the middle and at the back, there is always plenty of passing, and everyone has FUN.......
Well, I'm not going to have a transponder this year, so I wont get a time, so I will take off from the back of the grid each race.....cant wait. I shall have FUN passing a few cars till I get to the position I would have been if I had had a time. That is FUN...... Otherwise you just circulate around with guys who have a similar speed to bloody boring.
And dont tell me it is too dangerous...... The fast guys at the back just have to be a little bit PATIENT......perhaps wait till the straight and then of course just blast past......everyone just needs to watch their mirrors, which we should be doing anyway.
Now you watch me get shot down.
Actually, ERC on here has had as much experience as any, and more than most, organising classic style race meetings, where everyone is supposed to be having FUN. In other words results are not important, therefore timing is not important. Yes???
I would be very interested to hear his views on the style of meeting that the HSSCC run, like the one at timing.
This has always been a very popular meeting so the competitors clearly like the format.
ERC (Ray) is as Kiwi as any other person on this forum who lives in NZ (or outside it), and has been in NZ for a good chunk of his life. He has also been organising race classes and events for a long time, so is certainly well qualified, as Gerald has said.
We did consider doing the HRSCC Taupo as a round of our series and put it to the vote. (I was keen and might well have entered.) The drivers voted against it. End of story as far as the series goes.
A great format but what you also have to consider, is that there is no level playing field anyway and running handicap races the way we do, generally ensures that every car gets a race, rather than just a procession. A race in my book consists of overtaking.
I am quite happy being overtaken in a handicap race (even if Mr Fogg junior does so on lap 6 of an 8 lap race...) and one of of the reasons for NOT doing the Hulme festival, is that as a slower car, I am brassed off with just circulating on my own until 7 litre Corvettes, 5 litre TVRs and rocket Lotus Elans and various sports racing cars lap me. It means I get one lap fewer than I have paid (a lot of money) for and I don't enjoy it at all. I might as well do a track day.
Unlike some, my car is basically bog standard and I am quite happy keeping it that way. Throughout my organising history - and that goes back a fair while now, (1977) with sprints, sprint championships, hill climbs and circuit racing, I'd like to think that as an organiser I have read the needs of the competitors reasonably well - overall. Doesn't suit everyone. Never has. Never will. Can't please all of the people all of the time.
As long as the drivers enjoy their racing, regardless of the format, mission accomplished.
As for the game on Saturday night? Couldn't care less James. Hated rugby at grammar school as we were brought up on football and rugby didn't really exist. I switched to badminton at school, playing football only at weekends. As for written English (not english), don't take the hump as missing commas, capital letters, full stops, paragraphs etc. can totally change the meaning of what is written.
Try this Jim. You'll enjoy it:
"Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation is a non-fiction book written by Lynne Truss, the former host of BBC Radio 4's Cutting a Dash programme. In the book, published in 2003, Truss bemoans the state of punctuation in the United Kingdom and the United States and describes how rules are being relaxed in today's society." - Wikipedia
Last edited by ERC; 12-03-2012 at 04:33 AM.
By the way someone has a very Short memory regarding my race organisation. I seem to remember batting on behalf of the entrant of a Ferrari Replica, when others wanted it chucked out of a race meeting I was involved with. I won.
Back on to the HRSCC meeting now - please.
Ray I remember very well, also V8s into Alfa I am with you ,I said at the time ,my sence of humer,huma,hummar.,,you know what I mean,not many understand it but I chuckle for hours thinking about how some people react spelling texing twitering I just dont care,I love Jammies aproach and no one on here has more racing than Jammie,as to the Ferrari thanks to the dipstick with that ugly Riley refused my entry into the historic club that runs Chelsei,chelsie maintaned I only wanted to get 10%off my Ins.!!! It was sold to the USA Now back over and out{I will still send xmas card},
Hey Ray, I am actually quite happy your guys don't go! I got practice plus 8 races, and prize giving (the inevitable lemons and such like) was over by 1pm Sunday.
Jim this is a motorsport forum take your funny shaped ball somewhere else.
As Beowulf said our A7 specials are very cool, loads of fun and we seem to have another 3 enthusiasts running home to build some to come and play. If all the known A7s came out at once we can fill a grid.
Chelsea is STRICTLY for pre 60 cars Jim.
It was a very successful weekend for Walter Findley (Sp?) in the #74 DKW as he has, at last got it running well, and finished race after race. A real credit to perserverance, and of course to his engine man.
Powder you must have got a beauty in the last vintage race where damned near every car was at the hairpin and all in your viewfinder at the same time. Huge fun from where I was sitting!
It's when you see pics like this that you realise the real appeal of Vintage racing. I just love it! I gather that there are moves to try and get VCC & MSNZ closer together and I for one can't wait for that. I really want to be able have a grid (or two) of VCC cars at our annual race meeting, without permit or eligibilty hassles, or whatever the perceived problems are.
If I wasn't so committed elsewhere I'd love to be part of the VCC scene, but alas, I am no mechanic or engineer and doubt that I'd be able to look after even an Austin 7 properly! At least at the moment, I generally just wheel the car out at the beginning of the day and back into the garage at the end of the day and that is just how I like it...
Wish I still had my RME Riley or better still, Dad's Singer 9 Coupe, but without restoration skills, it was never viable.
Why did you say pre 60 only when you have no idea when my car was built I explained why it was not able to run what part did you not understand??How about explaining how the new P3 Alfa is ok ,and by the way anyone who would try to prevent that 1952 Ferrari Special from running needs to take a hard look at thenselves, its an insult to all who helped build it including John Ohlson,,Ferris De Joux,,Sir Tom Clark,,Chris Amon,,Dennis Marwood Peter Bruin,,Peter Benbrook,ect .It now graces the tracks in the States but as writen not good enough for deadbeats!!! in Aucckland