Got mine today, awesome Steve. Bet you found it hard work looking at all those treasures. You were not far from home at one stage, pity you did not call in, but then may be you knew better.
Got mine today, awesome Steve. Bet you found it hard work looking at all those treasures. You were not far from home at one stage, pity you did not call in, but then may be you knew better.
Top book Steve, shame you didn`t know about Barrys` collection of cars and classic motorbikes, as that wouldn`t have looked out of place.
Thanks Steve, I could have probably filled two or three books by the time I'd finished, I was given so many tips while travelling around of other interesting places, its really amazing whats around!
I took my copy to Manfeild hoping to get an autograph from the author...
No I wasn't there Michael, but you probably don't want my signature anyway, I'm not very interesting!
Ha ha ha, the authors signature is also really easy to forge.
Amazingly, this is part of a fully functioning workshop. Its amazing, like a time-warp and just loaded with old service station automobilia and old cars.
One of two streamliner bodies made for The Worlds Fastest Indian. This is on display at Hammer Hardware in Invercargill, owned by the Hayes family. The late Norman Hayes and his son Neville were good friends with Burt Munro, and bought much of Munro's collection not long before he died, including his famous 1920 Indian Scout, and 1936 Velocette, both of which are displayed with the streamliner body.
This is what greets you when you open the hood on a 1924 Doble Steam Car. Only 11 of these cars exist, two are owned by Jay Leno. The owner of this car has visited Jay's collection and driven one of his Doble's around LA. Its an exclusive club. When new, three Rolls-Royces could be purchased for what it cost to buy a Doble Steam Car.
My copy of the book arrived on Friday and I have spent some time going through it. Some great stories and photos in there Steve - we are all envious of you being able to make such visits.
There are some great looking cars in there and hopefully some of them will make it back on track in the near future.
A week or so ago I was privileged to be able to view a couple of cars recently imported into NZ. There was a Ford GT40 Mk I (Continuation model), a McLaren M10B and a Chevron B24 (BDG). All are due to hit the track hopefully next year.
Last edited by kiwi285; 11-19-2012 at 09:09 PM.
That photo (Largest private holden collection in nz) i have worked on most of the cars that are in that shed .The plan is to get one of each that was made ,a nice fj ute would look just the part in this big shed .Dont know about the number plates in the photos .
Do you mean publishing number plates can lead to a car being stolen?
The NZTA have tightened up the rules around accessing the information on the Motor Vehicle Register. You can also increase your security further by revoking access to your information here:
Last edited by Powder; 12-02-2012 at 01:32 AM.
Yes thats right ,i know of the new rules that are out there.they still put the information out.also word gets out about places like this ,and sometimes you have some who ask to have a look at the cars that you do have,and you have parts go missing this has been the case with this shed.
Yep, absolutely right. But every place I visited I asked the owner if they wanted their licence plates photoshopped out. Most were happy to leave them in. Also, I only used the owners first name, unless asked specifically to include their last name. Fact is, many of these cars are well know, as are their owners, and they appear regularly in various magazines along with their owners names.
yes i understand that steve,with a place like this you have to put in good security to stop parts etc walking out the door.We think we know of someone who has been doing this. The show room shed that you saw, well a new shed is going up now next to it all most the same size and when that is fill ,he will just put one next to that and on it will go the place is going to be very big in the end.He is going to have a look at horopito motors and see what could be there ,he may just take one of his big trucks up and fill it up thats the way he is.
Last edited by CUSTAXIE50; 12-03-2012 at 05:08 AM.
I have my copy under the tree Steve ,waiting for Christmas day
Are you 100% sure thats what it is? Someone might be playing a trick on you. It might actually be socks and undies packaged to appear like a book!