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Thread: The State of NZ Motorsport.

  1. #321
    Quote Originally Posted by CUSTAXIE50 View Post
    So your grandson pays all that out to race in a st for what, $400,000 to make up a st my view is nz does not have to go down that road .what would it cost to being back sports sedans,tranzam and cars like that there must be a lot of cars like that out there just sitting around .Thats the racing most would like to see out there racing again is this right or not ,Allso have a look at some of the new central muscle cars that will be racing next year that class is going somewhere ,as JR said st are going no where and he may be right.
    What planet are you on,or has the illness returned?? where did I say Martin spent $400,000???

  2. #322
    why dont you read what i put down again let me help you with this jim ,did you not say my grandson pays $20,000 per race--$120,000 a year is that right. so where did i say he spent $400,000 jim on a st ,sometimes jim you can be one dick head and know all.

  3. #323


    Quote Originally Posted by CUSTAXIE50 View Post
    why dont you read what i put down again let me help you with this jim ,did you not say my grandson pays $20,000 per race--$120,000 a year is that right. so where did i say he spent $400,000 jim on a st ,sometimes jim you can be one dick head and know all.
    Perhaps some full stops might help me understand the point you are trying to make?

  4. #324
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Auckland, North Shore
    Don't worry Crunch. There are one or two posters on here where it is far too difficult to try and work out exactly what is being said. If you try too hard, your brain hurts, so it is far easier to overlook those, as the chances are, you won't get their intended message anyway!

    It is a bit of a worry, as I sometimes wonder if they actually read what they have written.
    Last edited by ERC; 11-30-2012 at 09:25 AM.

  5. #325
    before you shit on what we put up here have a look at what you have just put up ,and you must understand we can not all be like you a bright and shining pin from the north shore.
    Last edited by CUSTAXIE50; 11-30-2012 at 11:31 AM.

  6. #326

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