As I am not one to complain, at the end ,were you lucky eneogh to spot that old white haired gent walking back and forth to get on the camera,bloody egos!!
As I am not one to complain, at the end ,were you lucky eneogh to spot that old white haired gent walking back and forth to get on the camera,bloody egos!!
I know it has been said to me i have to be nice here,yes i did see that gent he comes from the same place as len brown is that right,what do they call that place again ---auckland big little city is that right.
Is that all jim thats not like you thats a bit short for you, there was a lot of talk about this gent sometime back ,about him and nzv8s how did that turn out.
There are times I wish I knew what some of these posts were about - and what they have to do with the thread subject.
just had a look again at what i put up i see where you are coming from jim ,did not look at it the way you have so shall we put that to one side .what about this gent and nzv8s how did that turn out.
Look at it this way erc, maybe there are some who think this old white haired gent had a lot to do with the state of nz motorsport today, telling nz what we need not what we want maybe you could look at it this way.
That would be fine if I knew who you are talking about, but I don't, hence my comment. The same would presumably apply to everyone else who didn't see what you saw. I haven't seen the TV coverage that I presume you are referring to.
I think he appeared in the herald in an article very recently about taking the circus overseas, they would fit in with all the other bang ups and fights going on in the region.
right erc i will see if i can,it was after the last race for the supertourers at ruapuna that was on tv3 on sunday,the reporter was talking to a driver who had raced in that last race for the year for supertourers.There was this gent who was in the back ground walking back and forward in and out of the view of the reporter and the driver he was talking too,as jim said that old white haired gent walking back and forth to get on camera .my view is that gent was mark petch the boss of supertourers ,is he not the gent who was fighting with the ones who run nzv8s it was all over tv some time back ,so like i said before there may be a lot out there who think this gent had alot to do with the state of nz motorsport ,and the shit that is going down today and you must understand this is only my view at what i see and hear about this sport today.
Last edited by CUSTAXIE50; 11-27-2012 at 12:51 AM.
Thank you for that clarification. I think you'll find that most "one man bands" can have a postive and a negative effect. I always hark back to the Issigonis comment (I think it was his) - "A camel is a thoroughbred horse designed by a committee."
A dictatorship is fine as long as the dictator gets it right and doesn't polarise people too much. However, there are very few of those.
By their nature, these 'leaders' or 'innovators' can be difficult to deal with as they generally only see things through their own eyes and sometimes, they poke their noses into areas they shouldn't. Whatever your opinion, ST got off the ground, when many said it wouldn't.
The real test is which classes survive 3, 5 or 10 years or more. Motorsport is littered with classes that have appeared and disappeared and all that means is that there must be 100's of ex race cars sitting in sheds, unused, which augurs well for the future of classic racing, where many cars will be able to run - just as long as people don't get too hung up on the level playing field or purity concepts and like the Hulme Festival, fill the grids with a variety of cars, just for our entertainment.
I did see jim richards on tv at puke he was asked about his view on this class,from what he had to say its all a bit of a joke and is going no where.
How about your view on the state of nz motorsport russ.
Would you care to elaborate where you believe Historic motorsport is in a mess?
It certainly isn't "Money motorsport" at our level, even though a small group are indeed moneyed, but that doesn't mean they will get any more points than the guy with a $5,000 MG. The only meeting that I can think of locally where money/time is an issue for some, is the Hulme Festival, but if you want a top class international event in NZ, of course it is going to be a bit more expensive than a clubbie, but it is not over the top.
I have no wish to see us go down the ten tens road but its hard to see how to run a ST that cost this past yr.$400,000 is cheeper than Martin{grandson} who pays $20,000 per race x 6=$120,000 a yr .The white haired man on tv stated there motors will do 3 yrs with out touching{perhaps he ment 3 motors a yr}ect
So your grandson pays all that out to race in a st for what, $400,000 to make up a st my view is nz does not have to go down that road .what would it cost to being back sports sedans,tranzam and cars like that there must be a lot of cars like that out there just sitting around .Thats the racing most would like to see out there racing again is this right or not ,Allso have a look at some of the new central muscle cars that will be racing next year that class is going somewhere ,as JR said st are going no where and he may be right.