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Thread: The State of NZ Motorsport.

  1. #281
    [QUOTE=Trevor Sheffield;15974]Crunch or whoever, whatever?

    N.B. ---- Your reply post # 246 “I will contact our legal advisor to get a more legally worded reply.” --- No legally worded reply has been forthcoming. What is more, in spite of ongoing requests no direct answers have been posted

    1. Trevor; the sports legal advisor is a busy man, we need to submit requests for work on our behalf in writing. That is all I'm asking for. An email is not enough.

    2. ERC, yep; T&C has been changed but not as much as some wanted. However we had to take into account not only the submissions from that meeting we had in Auckland, but also submissions from other competitors around NZ. Some wanted NO change at all.We hope we achieved a balance

    Raymond Bennett

  2. #282
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Auckland, North Shore
    As we said before Crunch, our stance has always been that we need an "umbrella" code that we can all accept (we being those who run either race meetings or race series). Under that umbrella, series convenors/committees can apply TIGHTER rules if they require, but not looser, to remain within T & C.

    The areas that don't work, are where competitors are running older or rarer cars where conforming to some aspects of originality are impossible under T & C. As they do not affect track performance one iota, we do not see the need to have them applied.

    Running a Mini, MGB or Ford Escort where model numbers and spares availability (and external trim) are easy, T & C works well, but we are trying to attract variety in the cars and to that end, as you well know, we have succeeded, so we don't see the need to change, to lose that variety, just to conform 100%.

  3. #283
    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Sheffield View Post
    Crunch or whoever, whatever?

    N.B. ---- Your reply post # 246 “I will contact our legal advisor to get a more legally worded reply.” --- No legally worded reply has been forthcoming. What is more, in spite of ongoing requests no direct answers have been posted

    1. Trevor; the sports legal advisor is a busy man, we need to submit requests for work on our behalf in writing. That is all I'm asking for. An email is not enough.

    Raymond Bennett
    Kia ora Raymond,

    Trevor; the sports legal advisor is a busy man, we need to submit requests for work on our behalf in writing.
    You had the option of writing and if this was too much trouble, the alternative of excusing yourself by posting advice that communication was proving difficult. You did nothing and failed to abide by your words, i.e. “I will contact our legal advisor to get a more legally worded reply.”

    That is all I'm asking for. An email is not enough.
    I have carefully perused the thread and can not find where you have asked me for something, email or something more, or is it that you are now asking for something? You are unable to say what you mean, or are being intentionally obtuse. Whatever, I cannot see you being effective within a committee situation.

    Those who have genuine interest in the matter, as a result of the defensive backhanded replies, now have the answers called for and a very clear picture of the overall situation. It is time to abide by Steve’s request and close the subject.

    As a good sport I have afforded you the opportunity of having the last word, but be careful. Ongoing procrastination has dug you a very deep hole and one more side step will drop you right in it so deep that you will never climb out.


  4. #284
    Journeyman Racer Chris Read's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Arrowtown, Central Otaaaaaaago
    Haven't followed this thread much but on the Queenstown race - I was racing that day and what a sorry state of affairs as to the ultimate police action but I will say no more as I have been in trouble before for my opinions on this.
    BUT that day the racing was held up as the track inspector wanted some changes. When we got to practice and immediately at the end of the straight at the 270 degree L turn was a row of water filled drums......booompha - 120mph to zero in 5 yards as it was then. (having spectators on the other side of the drums was ok)
    I asked the inspector and he said no run off allowed as cars would turn around against the traffic - fair enough. So I suggested we move the drums down the road a reasonable distance and paint a yellow line at the entrance and if anyone goes over this then they continue out the exit at the end and wait for the race to end. My interests were that we were all in 50 yr old cars and we did not need to test the machinery nor our bodies...... response NOPE!
    Many others (espec the single seaters) had the same concerns over the daft situation so I asked for a second drivers briefing where we all agreed to the change and under this weight of opinion in 10 minutes we had it all done, albeit with a grumbling inspector.
    The point being (finally) that at times practicality and safety has to triumph over 'the Rules' especially when they don't make sense such as the brief flirtation with having the red flag meaning you stop immediately where you are on the track instead of 'stop racing and continue back to the start/finish'.
    There has to be a compromise so its MSNZ and (not or) organisers if we want to sort this out. Chris Read - Arrowtown.

  5. #285

    I know a number will have seen this!

    I think this is well reasoned and sensible. Probably too much so to get the consideration it deserves!
    Too sensible for me to have penned.
    The writer has not been involved in the sport for several years now and acknowledges that handicap (or benefit) in drafting this paper. Looking from the outside it is clearly in turmoil with what was the premier category torn asunder and support categories either no longer existing e.g. Porsche and Formula Ford, or mere shadows of them former selves. The one exception to this being TRS, which can now legitimately claim to be the premier category in the MSNZ, stable. No doubt largely due to the professional discipline and resources of Toyota. The new SuperTourer product is now clearly the greatest attraction for owners, drivers, sponsors and spectators. I do however question its viability as a stand alone product.
    Of course I know not what strategic and business planning processes are being worked through but I will not let that deter me from proposing a complete makeover. It is acknowledged that the problem is not unique to NZ with even FIA categories in deep bother. This is largely as a result of the GFC but the aftermath of that is not going away any time soon so get used to managing within it. Is it appropriate that the promotions company drives the sport?
    This paper is confined to Tier 1 categories and events. The lower levels seem to be alive and well. When I refer to product it is in the context of Tier 1 categories, events and people.
    The current product is jaded, same old, same old and needs a paradigm shift of categories, events and people. It is not a time to be footling around with Quaife v Hollinger et al issues. Whilst TRS is admired let us accept that NZ, like AU, is a tin top society. Sadly, we do not have the sophistication of Europeans. If a product is to be commercially viable it must play to its audience. The product cannot be taken seriously if the sport’s major attraction is playing in another sandpit.
    1 The Categories
    A. Premium Categories
    [Sponsor] SuperTourers (From 2012/13)
    Germane to any of this is integrating SuperTourers into the MSNZ stable not only assuaging their egos by recognizing them as the star category but deploying some of their good people in meaningful roles and giving them a disproportionate share of the financial cake (small as they may be). Almost the entire latest investment in NZ motor racing has been into this category. The sport’s leading competitors be they owners or drivers have demonstrated their disenchantment with the current MSNZ product by voting with their feet. Sure the end is nigh for Commodore and Falcon but other world cars will take their place and we should tag on to AU for make extension.
    NZV8s (2012/13 only)
    That brings into question the place of the new generation NZV8. I have constructed many such space frame cars and do believe myself to be knowledgeable enough to form a view on their respective merits. All I can say is that the NZV8 is indeed an unfortunate experiment no further advanced technically than an old OSCA car. I was incredulous at the low cost numbers being bandied about for them. I know what they cost. It would be farcical to see them in the company of SuperTourers. However as a new plan is rolled out the old cars probably have a season left in them. Appropriate resource needs to be appointed now to reconcile the technical/parity issues.
    TOYOTA Racing Series (From 2012/13)
    The good offices of Toyota have ensured the success this currently is and it should just be left alone for them to manage.
    Junior Open Wheelers (From 2013/14)
    Given the success of TRS is driven off aspiring internationals and a super short series contemplation needs to be given to a replacement for F Ford so that there is a serious single seater category outside the TRS rounds. A wonderful solution would be for Toyota to amortise their on track investment across another category but on a commercial return basis e.g. engine leases and parts supply. Appropriate resource could be part of the package.
    [Sponsor] Saloons (From 2013/14)
    The NZ market is predominantly compact to mid size saloons with a rapidly increasing Asian presence. To encourage a proliferation of these into the sport a new 2WD category to be developed with engines uprated to a level readily obtainable by all (and capped) and performance equalized by capacity to weight breaks. Modified road cars not BTCC type.
    e.g. 1300cc – 750Kg, 1600cc – 900Kg, 2000cc – 1050Kg
    As with all categories maximum deployment of controlled parts and strict cost control. Maximum age? This is a very significant exercise ideally headed by senior resource seconded from MSNZ technical.
    B. Entertainment Categories
    (Sponsor) Utes (From 2013/14)
    This is off the wall! As I understand it 25% of new vehicle sales are diesel utilities so there is plenty of cheap stock around. Virtually standard but equalized, as are the V8 utes in AU. Trucks are dying (and an effront to the senses anyway) but the utes would have appeal to a different group of competitors. Once again dedicated resource.
    Allcomers (from 2012/13)
    No rules, as long as it complies with Schedule A. Impossible to police the vehicles or the people so let them rip, “race what you bring”. A home for the new generation NZV8s. A reasonable contemplation would hopefully be oversubscription with pre qualifying needed.

    2 The Events
    Clearly 2012/13 would be a transitory year and it could well be that resource limitations push a new category(s) out until 2014/15. Nothing too much wrong with the product evolving so that there is a continual reason to go watch.
    [75%] of the population (and competitors) are in the North Island so commercially that’s where the events should be. This will mean something like 6 meetings in the North (two at Pukekohe) and 3 in the South from Labour Day through to Easter but not all categories at each meeting e.g. TRS compressed into 5 weekends. A genuine enduro for SuperTourers (circa 500k). The sport can squabble over this.
    The Races
    The premium categories have this recognized with longer races and a genuine enduro for SuperTourers. The entertainment categories with for example full reverse grid 10 lap derbies for Ute’s split start 6 lap sprints for Allcomers (Ruapuna distance equivalents).
    3 People
    The same people doing the same thing is likely to produce the same result. This is not a criticism of the current people nor a questioning of their endeavours. Sadly there needs to be, demonstrably, a clean out. No doubt some blood will be spent and some wrong choices made but irrespective of who is right or who is wrong there must be a complete review at all levels of the current players and a refresh.
    High levels of delegated authority must be granted to additional dedicated resource to drive the new categories in a professional disciplined manner. It is not a time for “good old boys” to have a chin wag. I have not addressed identifying or securing this resource. A prerequisite would be establishing a new steering group, no not a committee.

  6. #286

    This is exactly the reason that the remit's were presented at the AGM this year

    Whether this has been caused by the review meetings, or what-have-you we may never know, but it is no doubt the beginning of licence-holders money being further squandered.

    I suspect we can forget the term "bail out" and go straight to "submersible pump"

    I'm not really prepared to keep pumping my licence fees, and a chunk of my entry fees into this, and I'd like to hear how others feel?

    Media Statement - MotorSport Promotions Ltd
    Wednesday 1 August 2012

    MotorSport Promotions Limited, the body charged with the running and management of the MSNZ Championship race series and summer series events has made significant changes, signalling a changing of the guard and a new approach for the company.

    Following on from the appointment of new directors and the adoption of a new trading name, the company wishes to advise the resignations of Kerry Cooper and Martin Fine from the positions they previously held. Kerry and Martin will remain available to wrap up the last financial year and assist with the setup of the company for the coming season as required.

    As the motorsport community is aware, the company requires some urgent action and this required the implementation of a new, interim, structure. Shareholder representatives have been advised of these changes in advance of this message.

    An interim management team lead by David Dovey will take responsibility for the company's operations. The administration functions of the company will be contracted to MSNZ, supervised by Brian Budd. Amanda Tollemache assumes the role of Event Manager. Brian Lawrence will continue in his role of NZV8 Marketing and also extend this to series marketing.

    There has been comment that change was not happening quickly enough, however some interim steps were required to establish the correct position and plot a way forward. There has been comment from some quarters that MSNZ should not be involved in the business. However, given the events of the past seasons and the current state of the company we require administrative and if necessary, some financial back up from MSNZ. MSNZ support will strengthen the company for the future and ensure security of the Gold Star titles.

    The company faces a number of challenges, but the team now in place have a genuine commitment to ensure that MotorSport New Zealand's Championship Gold Star series remains positive and in good health.

    John Fowke
    MotorSport Promotions Ltd

    Last edited by HD TR; 08-01-2012 at 04:19 AM. Reason: Putting in the tidier, slightly shorter, official release

  7. #287
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Sep 2011
    Auckland North Shore
    I notice they may require some financial backup from MSNZ. This is exactly why the membership feel that MSNZ should not be involved in commercial activities least of all a second rate V8 series. Will they never understand.

  8. #288
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Jan 2012
    The President of Motor Sporft New Zealand gave an assurance to a question I put to him at the AGCM, there would be no more monies put into this new company? while I do support MSNZ, and some of the resaults of the press release, are a step in the right direction, I do wonder what has changed? comment Roger H?

  9. #289
    Quote Originally Posted by Racer Rog View Post
    The President of Motor Sporft New Zealand gave an assurance to a question I put to him at the AGCM, there would be no more monies put into this new company? while I do support MSNZ, and some of the resaults of the press release, are a step in the right direction, I do wonder what has changed? comment Roger H?
    Hi Roger - my understanding is that the comment in the MSP (TMC rebranded) media release about the possible need for MSNZ financial assistance was generated by the less than satisfactory financial position of MSP. However, MSP may have not verified with MSNZ that financial assistance would be available as I agree with you that there was an unambiguous statement at the MSNZ Conference that no more member club's money would go into MSP. I suppose the next question is what happens to MSP if they can't get the financial help they need in order to survive?

  10. #290

    Ace Hire South Island Formula Ford Championship

    For anyone that's interested in the state of SIFF, this announcement just released.

    Ace Hire South Island Formula Ford Championship

    $30,000 for South Island Formula Ford Championship.

    The SIFF Club has completed negotiations with long established Christchurch machinery hire company Ace Hire for naming rights of the SIFF Championship for the next three years at $10,000 per year. That amount is to go into a prize money pool to be distributed at the end of the season.

    The SIFF Championship is a low cost single seater formula which, over its 30 plus year history, has been won by many drivers now successful on the international stage. As well as being a training ground for youngsters moving up from karts with their eye on Formula 1, it also has a core of regular competitors who enjoy the close and exciting open wheel racing that this class provides.

    The SIFF Championship is divided into 4 classes and $6000 prize money will be allocated over these 4 classes based on points won by each driver. With this concept all drivers will receive prize money, how much, will depend entirely upon their points haul. Additionally $4000 will be paid out to the outright Overall Top 10 placed cars.

    The way the prize money is structured is designed to boost the championship, reward the overall winner well and also provide tangible and excellent returns for consistent competitors who compete in all rounds of the series.

    The Championship is run over six rounds, two each at Ruapuna, Levels and Teretonga, with points going down to 15th in each class. There are up to 40 eligible cars in the SI that have not raced for some years and it is hoped the generous prize money pool will draw them out, either in the hands of existing owners or maybe with new owners. One of the four classes is a pre93 class and that gives pre93 cars the ability to “double dip” in the points tally for prize money, so even these older and slightly slower cars have the ability to perform well in the prize money stakes. It is thought the prize money pool will also entice some North Island drivers to travel south to compete.

    The SIFF Club expects to further strengthen the prize pool by attracting other companies as supporters for the individual rounds of the championship to provide prize money on the day. That round would then be known as “The (Supporters Name) Round of the Ace Hire SIFF Championship”

    Ace Hire managing director Russ Noble says “The benefits to Ace Hire from the exposure associated with this long standing premiere South Island single seater championship will be considerable. That exposure can only be beneficial in creating greater awareness of Woolston based Ace Hire and its ideal location with regard to the Christchurch rebuild in the eastern suburbs.”

    Ace Hire has a reputation in the building trade for reliable and well maintained equipment, this is a direct result of the experience Russ Noble has gained preparing and building his own race cars, and that same meticulous approach to equipment maintenance ensures that only very reliable gear is always available for hire.

    The championship has had a very stable set of rules over the last 30 odd years and the certainty of at least $30,000 prizemoney also over the next three years means competitors can plan their campaigns with a high degree of confidence that there will be no significant unexpected changes in the near future.

  11. #291
    Yes I read it and a big thankyou Russ that makes a welcome change to read

  12. #292
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Tauranga, New Zealand
    Russ Noble...........a "fecken" noble fellow. Great stuff Russ...I hope all enthusiasts in Ch.Ch. support your business. Now, all we need in someone in the Nth.Is. to do the same and we might have FF back to where it was in the seventies.
    Russ Cunningham

  13. #293
    Hey any truth in storey Amco is heading back home to England with his Mini to many sh/t cars in NZ who dont care if they dont win I myself dont beleive a word of it????

  14. #294
    Semi-Pro Racer
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Good on you Russ, I know we have bounced these ideas around in the past when you visited during your annual southern expeditions to the Teretonga SFOS meets, now we just need OSCA to reorganise itself along these lines, back to the way it was in the 70's...

  15. #295
    Great stuff Russ, can't wait to see a full field of FF going through Castrol again!

  16. #296
    Thanks for the expressions of support fellas. Paul, that‘d be a fantastic sight through Castrol once again! There are a heap of cars down your way so spread the word. My support of this series is the easy bit, the hard bit, as always, will be to get all the guys with cars onto the grids.

    So anyone who knows someone with a FF, give them a bit of encouragement to get it out there.

    As we all know, FF is cheap, competitive racing and to be eligible to run in the Ace Hire South Island Formula Ford Championship and pick up the prize money, you need to belong to the SIFF Club, annual membership $75 and register for the Championship, registration fee $50 for the season. Not too onerous one would think……

    For club membership and Championship registration contact :-

    South Island Formula Ford Club
    Ian Bisman
    26 Milesbrook Close

    Ph 03 3106441 03 3106441

    At this point it might be worth elaborating on the classes. There is overall of course, and competitors are fighting for $4000 prize money. $1500 for 1st down to $50 for 10th.

    SIFF has also historically had the following four Classes and these classes will collectively share the other $6000 prize money based on points gained
    Class 1 is for Hewland LD 200 trans cars from 1989
    Class 2 is for Hewland Mk type trans 1984 – 1989
    Class 3 is cars up to 1984
    Class pre-93 aligns with the Tier 1 National class

    As can be seen, early Class 1 and all Class 2 & 3 cars are eligible also for Class pre-93 points so they get 2 bites at the cherry. Class1 cars of course should get their second bite from the overall prize money stakes. Pretty equitable we think rewarding the overall winner well and the guys in the older cars will do OK too.

    A couple of examples based on last years results. Last years Class 1 and overall winner would have received $1986. The Class 2 winner who was also 4th overall and 2nd pre-93 would have received $1147. The Class 3 winner $770. At the other end of the results, the guy in a Class 2 car who finished last overall and only did two rounds would have taken home $301.

    It is interesting to note that last year there was only one Class 3 car. There are a heap of points and hence money to be picked up by anyone choosing to run in Class 3, the same, to a slightly lesser extent, applies to Class 2.

    Generally we think the prize money structure gives a little bit for everyone and rewards well those that really put in the effort. Now we just need to get them out there….

    First round is Levels Nov 11, then Dec 1 & 2 a double round at Teretonga one on the Sat one on the Sun, then Dec 15 Ruapuna.

    The Tier 1 national championship is down this way in Jan so the SIFF rounds are the perfect opportunity for serious Tier 1 competitors to bring their cars down early to get some competitive seat time in the month/s immediately prior.

    The final two rounds are at Levels and Ruapuna in March.

  17. #297
    Just to drag this out aagain...
    I watched the last 8 or so laps of the NZ Superstockcars racing around Ruapuna this afternoon. Oh sorry Supertourers.
    I don't know about anyone else, but I am heartily sick of the crash and bash. There's more on the race tracks than Waikaraka Park!

  18. #298
    WHO care$, let em go!!! a$ thi$ i$ profe$$ional racing it at lea$t created entertainment in an otherwi$e boring race.

    Dale M

  19. #299
    In a way you are right Dale, however if we want to expand the "bloke in the street" into motorsport, they think that there is a need for a panelbeater as a sponsor or more.

  20. #300
    That lot are just pulling all the money away from the grass roots racing IE Formula Ford, small class saloons, etc and until it stops NZ motorsport will stay in lumbo. There is more than V8s in NZ

    Great watching, first race first corner half field in biff, race stuffed straight away, at least in second race they waited.

    They all need to take a big look at the way they behave, mind you that is hard with some big ego's. Couple of young fellas look good but hope they don't drop into trough with the others.
    Some sponsors would be better off just going to the dunny and flushing it away if they want to shift there money.

    Any way back to the classics and the gentlemen.

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