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Understand all that Richard, but you cannot deny that if tier 1 is promoted as the pinnacle of motorsport, then surely it is far better to maintain two or three well supported classes only and fill the remainder of the meeting from local competitors and decent grids. It doesn't have to be the same old, same old format at every round.
Concentrating on just two makes is a massive step backwards and as the majority of youngsters don't even support either of them, why are we surprised when they would rather watch smokey drifters using cars they identify with?
It is very telling when you go a to BBQ and the lady of the house says how much she enjoyed her first ever visit to a race track (Hampton Downs in this case), but was surprised that all the people were so friendly. When asked why she was surprised, she said that she expected a load of foul mouthed bearded bogans.
If that is the perception of a mature Kiwi lady, then we have more of an image problem than we realise - and not just amongst the youngsters.
To encourage youngsters, we have to do what was suggested at a recent meeting in Auckland, and get out to the high schools to sell the sport and also the opportunities for helpers. As was also stated, the schools recognise excellence on the rugby field, but those involved in any motorsport no matter how successful, rarely get a mention. Ditto the press coverage.
We all know that after soccer, worldwide, Motorsport is the most watched sport of all, but you wouldn't know it in NZ as the non specialist press can't see beyond rugby in the winter and cricket in the summer. Even the NZV8s get just about zero coverage and they certainly won't even get a mention on TV1!