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Thread: The Bruce Wells Collection - Lakeside

  1. #1

    The Bruce Wells Collection - Lakeside

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    In amongst Bruce's collection are a small number of photos from two events held at Lakeside, these being the Tasman series in 1963, and the Tourist Trophy in 1965. I'm going to combine both into the one thread, kicking off with the 1963 event. The 1963 photos are in colour, which are really enjoyable to see.

    I've done my best to try and correctly name the cars and drivers, but as usual, any help from you guys would be much appreciated, and likewise, any further info you can add is always gratefully received.

    So here goes.

  2. #2
    Kicking off with the 1963 Tasman event, we only have six photos, but they're still of great interest. First up are Bib Stillwell and David McKay in their Brabhams, followed by Frank Matich in the pretty little Elfin 1500.

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  3. #3
    Wish there were more from this event, but sadly only six. Here is Graham Hill in the 4wd Ferguson P99. The Peugeot 203 is from one of the supporting races, driven by Martin Faithful.

    As for the Tasman race start shot, I don't have any reference material to work from, so feel free to dive in and help here, but I'm going to say thats John Youl in the Cooper Climax leading the field away, chased by the Cooper of Bruce McLaren. Then, of the two Lolas in third and fourth, my guess would be Tony Maggs in the #3 car, and John Surtees in the #4 car. I'm only saying that because I am sure Maggs had a yellow helmet. Can anyone here confirm or deny?

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  4. #4
    Now, moving right along, and we're back at Lakeside for the 1965 TT. The Ken Miles 427 competition Cobra was the star attraction at this event, and a big drawcard, and, naturally, Bruce captured plenty of photos of it.

    The first shot shows Ralph Sach in the pretty little Mildren Maserati. Kevin Bartlett also drove this car in 1965. Following are a couple of stunning shots of Ken Miles wringing the neck of the Cobra, while the last shot shows (I think) Bartlett in the Alec Mildren Racing Alfa.

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  5. #5
    Off the line, and Pete Geoghegan (Lotus 23B) and Sach lead away, chased by Miles and Greg Cusacks Lotus 23. Then follows some fantastic portrait shots, with Sach, Cusack, and Miles.

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  6. #6
    World Champion
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    Jun 2011
    Cambridge NI NZ.
    That Ferguson was the most gorgeous car. Absolutely magic in the rain. I know that the all the 4wd stuff sapped a lot of the available power, but what a pity 4wd got outlawed. By the way safety guys, that roll hoop wouldn't have protected much of Grahams head in the event of a R/O.

  7. #7
    OK, a few single seaters, and I think the #76 Brabham might be that of John Harvey? Can anyone confirm? Either way, a very pretty little car, and its shown again in the second photo, chasing Leo Geoghegans Lotus. Any guesses as to the car on left of shot? This post finishes off with another shot of the Mildren Alfa, and the cockpit of the Miles Cobra.

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  8. #8
    OK, kicking off this post with an engine shot of the Miles Cobra. Then we have the start of one of the sports car races, with Geoghegan getting the bums-rush from Miles, while Cusack dives to the inside. Chasing this trio is Bob Jane in his stunning E Type, and Spencer Martin in the Ferrari 250LM. Next shot shows the Martin Ferrari again.

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  9. #9
    OK, I just asked John Harvey and he has confirmed that is indeed him driving the #76 BT14 in post #7, which incidentally, was the first time he'd raced this car. He also confirmed the car on left of shot in the second photo is that of Greg Cusack, who went on to win this race. Amazing memory John, considering this was nearly 50 years ago! Thanks John.

  10. #10
    OK, moving right along, and the Spencer Martin Ferrari appears a few times here, including where its about to be passed (or lapped?) by Geoghegan. The rearward shot of this car I absolutely love!

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  11. #11

  12. #12
    Here we have Pete Geoghegan once again, plus a shot of the Ron Thorpe Cobra, which is interesting, because this car doesn't appear in the photos above of the sports car races, which makes me wonder if it had a failure in practice and didn't race. The third photo in this set, shows, I think, Spencer Martin in his Brabham, leading Leo Geoghegan and John Harvey. Last shot is a neat portrait of Spencer Martin, leaning over the Ferrari.

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  13. #13
    Semi-Pro Racer pallmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    Wish there were more from this event, but sadly only six. Here is Graham Hill in the 4wd Ferguson P99. The Peugeot 203 is from one of the supporting races, driven by Martin Faithful.

    As for the Tasman race start shot, I don't have any reference material to work from, so feel free to dive in and help here, but I'm going to say thats John Youl in the Cooper Climax leading the field away, chased by the Cooper of Bruce McLaren. Then, of the two Lolas in third and fourth, my guess would be Tony Maggs in the #3 car, and John Surtees in the #4 car. I'm only saying that because I am sure Maggs had a yellow helmet. Can anyone here confirm or deny?

    Name:  Start Main Race.jpg
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    I reckon you are spot on Steve, also a Brabham in behind I think may be Stillwell, then the other side of the guys in white, Chris Amon in his Cooper, Hill in the Fergy and Matich.
    Was this a heat race?

  14. #14
    Thanks for that info Gavin. Awesome!

  15. #15
    Time to add more pics, first up is a shot showing the sports car field leaving the line. Note that neither the Sach Mildren nor the Thorpe Cobra are there. Next shot is another superb capture of the Miles Cobra. This car must have been awe-inspiring with Miles man-handling it around the swoopy Lakeside layout. The third shot shows the Bob Jane E Type. Can anyone shed any light on this car? Is it a lightweight? The rear wheel arch treatment is particularly nicely done, as you'd expect from one of Bobs cars.

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  16. #16
    World Champion
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    Steve,you must be joking.....quote...'I just love the rearward shot of the LM'!!!! People go on about how ugly 'the other GTO'....the Hoare Ferrari special was, but the Spencer Martin car, God, words fail me. It has a bum only a Mother could love!!!! In fact the whole car side-on looks awkward. Ah well, each to his own.

  17. #17
    Yes Steve ,the E-Type is a factory lightweight and from memory Bob even took delivery of it in person at the factory. It usually ran with the hardtop in situ but I guess it was removed to compete as a sports car. was sold at auction in the US I think sometime in the nineties.

  18. #18
    Peter Briggs had in his collection 20yrs ago .in Perth saw it demoed at Wanerroo they have race for classic cars at a small town about an hour out of Perth where all sizes mix intogether Bently blower v MG j2 Model T racer XK120{ York I think} {mowing the lawn upset my memorey and spelling} I real fun day large hay bales all around the track

  19. #19
    Semi-Pro Racer pallmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pallmall View Post
    I reckon you are spot on Steve, also a Brabham in behind I think may be Stillwell, then the other side of the guys in white, Chris Amon in his Cooper, Hill in the Fergy and Matich.
    Was this a heat race?
    Steve, surprised our member from London hasn't been telling you off, there wasn't a Tasman Series race until 1964, this was just the International series and Lakeside was also an Australian Gold Star race.

    Results and grid from 'oldracingcars'

    By the way fantastic photos.

  20. #20
    Thanks Gavin, yeah I did wonder about that, and did pause for a moment before typing in that this was a Tasman event. Bruce had just labelled the folder "LA 1963 Inter", so I put 2 and 2 together, and got 5, as usual.

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