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Thread: 1986 Nissan Mobil images

  1. #61
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Peter Brock - Nissan Mobil 1986 Buildup

    This was on TV on the Saturday of the Wellington round of the 1986 Nissan Mobil 500 broadcast.

  2. #62
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  3. #63
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    Will post a few more as I get time to upload them.

  4. #64
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  5. #65
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  6. #66
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  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by TonyG View Post

    Great pics, but I think these two pics are from the first of the two Nissan Mobil's that were held in 1987 (Feb round rather than the Nov WTCC round and the 1986 round). The reason I say this is that the VL painted up like a race car is registered as an 1987, and so is the LE next to the Transporter.

  8. #68
    World Champion
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    Any chance the footage previously posted through mega can be reposted via an alternative means??

  9. #69
    Whats the story with that Mobil coloured VL? With those wheels fitted makes me think its a genuine Brock SS road car, but it has the interior stripped out. Was it an HDT promo vehicle? Interestingly, although HDT did paint one of their VLs (I think it was a converted VK) in that colour scheme, they never raced like that, as Brock and Holden split in early '87.

  10. #70
    not sure about the road car, but i understood (but may be wrong) they made and painted a VL race car in that paint sceam
    May not have been used by HDT but went to Perth (farrell)
    Was running at the MCM this year.
    Some one will know more

  11. #71
    Yes thats correct rogered, although the Farrell car was an '85 HDT car which he bought at the end of the '85 season, then upgraded himself in WA to VL. HDT did convert one of their VKs into a VL for promotional purposes, and it had the '86 colour scheme, but then Brock and Holden fell out, and Brock raced the early part of '87 in a VK, before upgrading to a VL with a new colour scheme with the red and blue stripes flicking up over the rear wheel arch.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by seaqnmac27 View Post
    Any chance the footage previously posted through mega can be reposted via an alternative means??
    Hi. Do you mean my videos ? If so what is Mega ! Have not heard of that one which was why I chose You Tube as I thought it was the most common.
    Happy to change it to another if any suggestions of what to.
    Last edited by TonyG; 02-13-2012 at 08:22 PM.

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    Whats the story with that Mobil coloured VL? With those wheels fitted makes me think its a genuine Brock SS road car, but it has the interior stripped out. Was it an HDT promo vehicle? Interestingly, although HDT did paint one of their VLs (I think it was a converted VK) in that colour scheme, they never raced like that, as Brock and Holden split in early '87.
    Im unsure what the car is, it was registered as a Holden "Group A", that doesnt mean that it is one though, just what the office girl at the time could have called it when she had it registered. Interestingly though it has Momo Stars, Sheel seats and the Group A bodykit, all of which would have cost big dollars back in the day. The car was NZ and was on the road until 2003, also it seems of interest to the Police (see carjam link below):

    As for the paint job, its the 1986 scheme, but Brock used this for his 1987 promo for the VL. The promo pics of the race car looked like it had a VK dash with a VL front so you are right Steve. Brock had built a new VL for the start of 1987 but after the spilt with Holden had to sell it. Allan Moffat had a third person purchase it on his behalf and race it in the WTCC in Europe under Rothmans colours.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by TonyG View Post
    Hi. Do you mean my videos ? If so what is Mega ! Have not heard of that one which was why I chose You Tube as I thought it was the most common.
    Happy to change it to another if ant suggestions.
    Sorry no, imeant the footage on Page 1 of this thread posted by Faminz.

    How about a video of the 1986 ETCC race at Donington showing many of the same cars

    note you will have to click the RED play button and then the GREEN play button

    (I have all the rest of that season on video as well... Spa, BRNO, etc... sorry about the quality, bit pixellated but thats all I had at the time. Since then Ive got the actual VHS tape and could redo them better sometime.

    The thing is that this is hosted on Mega meaning its via Megaupload and I am sure we have all sen what has hapened to the DUtchman Mr Dotcom who runs or ran that site.

    But anyway, since then I think this may be the piece of footage

    which is part 1


    Part 2

  15. #75

    Couple from my collection

    Couple of Photos of Gerald Kay Jagparts VK at the track and in the workshop with Grice car.
    Attached Images Attached Images   

  16. #76

    Some paperwork that may be of interest

    Some paperwork from the 1986 event
    Attached Images Attached Images      

  17. #77
    Wow, Peter, these are fantastic photos and info. Thanks for sharing.

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