Some time ago on this thread photos from Arthur Siddall a founding member of NSCC were published.
They came from an Album that Duncan Fox found at the Whitford Tip well over 20 years ago.

The images were just photos of the pages of the Album.

Yesterday I was given the Album as " Custodian " by Duncan Fox and will progressively scan /photograph the images.
I am going to try and restore the Album to some extent - photos need re-attaching and also the Covers are well used.

The front cover on the inside has a handwritten note -
" A Siddall "
" 5 A Emerald St "
" Epsom "
The cover will be retained but trimmed slightly .

How the Album looks at the moment and the first two photos.

Name:  NSCC 1942 #142 B NSCC Archives Album Arthur Siddall 1942 - 1947 The Cover Duncan Fox R Dowding (.jpg
Views: 678
Size:  167.8 KB

Name:  NSCC 1942 #143 B NSCC Archives Album Arthur Siddall 1942 - 1947 inside The Cover w A Siddall wri.jpg
Views: 720
Size:  183.8 KB

Name:  NSCC 1942 #145 B NSCC Archives Album Arthur Siddall 1942 - 1947 1942 Photos w Notes as in Album .jpg
Views: 658
Size:  177.2 KB

To save having to turn your device - the two photos and notes turned.

Name:  NSCC 1942 #144 B NSCC Archives Album Arthur Siddall 1942 - 1947 1942 Photos w Notes Duncan Fox R.jpg
Views: 655
Size:  176.7 KB

The top photo I have a very small copy of from my Uncles Eddie Dowding's archives - given to me in the 1970's.

Many of the photos in the Album are larger than as already posted.

Apologies for the repetition.

More to come once I process the photos.