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Thread: Northern Sports Car Club - the early years.

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  1. #11
    "Note 3, Colin McGregor drove for Cowper - this would connect with Trevor Sheffield recalling that Colin McGregor had or built a Ford 10 Special - would seem it was Jocks car that passed to Cowper Note 3, Colin McGregor drove for Cowper - this would connect with Trevor Sheffield recalling that Colin McGregor had or built a Ford 10 Special - would seem it was Jocks car that passed to Cowper "

    Not so, the McGregor car was a separate entity and went through several owners including Jim Lockley a well known NSCC office holder. Lockley senior's company was one of the first offset printers in Auckland and for several years printed Club Torque. Jim instigated this section of the business which was previously confined to plan printing and the supply of drawing instruments etc.

    "Note 4, The photo in the Graham Vercoe book is of the second Special " Aitken - Ford 10 " with a simpler less rounded body and cycle guards - not fitted for the races at Muriwai in 1954 - "

    I can not locate the photo and to the best of my memory Jock Aitken built only one special. Please explain.

    The photos shown appear to be improved somewhat and it can be seen that the car has separately but closely mounted headlights. This would tie in with my memory of the car when comparing it with the Singford. Furthermore it it brings into the equation the car suggested by "Oldfart". i.e. "rather like a TF MG. The plot thickens. LOL
    Last edited by Trevor Sheffield; 05-25-2020 at 03:06 AM. Reason: Addition

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