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Thread: Gold Kawasaki 750 H2

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  1. #1

    Gold Kawasaki 750 H2

    Hi Everyone,
    I am rebuilding a Kawasaki 750 H2.
    Chap I got it off lived in the South Island, history he gave me was that apparently it was raced, and went down damaging the front frame. It was repaired, but never was finished , and reassembled.
    I dont have any dates, and have spoken to the usual suspects- Crosbie and Eric Bone,and Barry Algie- they dont remember, and the Roger Freeth one is accounted for with impeccable history.
    It is Candy Gold in colour, the petrol tank is missing, and one side cover.There is a ShellSport sticker on one side of the tailpiece, and North Sales on the other side. There was a Peter Jackson Sticker with F5000 on the middle of the top tailpiece, regretfully, I took it off to see the colour underneath, and it has disappeared. On one of the oil tank covers, also the same Gold -there is an Ocean Pacific clothing sticker., but no 750 sticker....definitely a repaint as the lighter gold is underneath.
    So this makes it a NZ machine
    The bike was originally H2 Candy Gold, but some one repainted it the next model Gold, which is different , and put the H2A stripes on
    Will put up pix as I can.
    They came in only 2 colours for H2
    Blue was the usual colour for these to NZ, Aus and Britain,
    Gold was US and Asia.
    So this one could been imported for racing....who knows?
    My question is- does anyone remember this bike either racing or on the road, could be either North Island or South Island historyName:  imgonline-com-ua-CompressToSize-qElSfw8zZg1EBdq7.jpg
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    Last edited by John McKechnie; 08-22-2018 at 03:34 AM.

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