Route Book and Regulations for the events - front cover who owned the Mazda HK6998 ??
Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 # 1 07-05-2015 02;23;43PM.jpg
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The Officials
Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 # 2 07-05-2015 02;26;22PM.jpg
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The Drivers, note 28 entries but only 23 turned up and only 18 went on from the Gymkhana, Rob Williams in Brutus was also a DNF
Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p2 List of drivers CCI21122015_0001 (562x800).jpg
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Gymkhana test and regs
Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p5 Gymkhana regs tests CCI21122015_0003 (564x800).jpg
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Trial ASRs and Route instructions - Part One
Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p6 ASR's and Trial  CRI's CCI21122015_0005 (564x800).jpg
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Trial Part one continued and part of the Sprint regs.
Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978  p7, trial & Sprint briefing CCI21122015_0004 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1683
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More of the Sprint Regs, Trial Part 2 and the Hill Climb to follow, plus the results.
Imagine co-ordinating an event like this today nearly 40 years on.