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Thread: chassis numbers, hlstory, and who drove them

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    Smile chassis numbers, hlstory, and who drove them

    Ok, so I have to admit, the roaring season has to be an addiction of mine, and many others I am thing about this site is all the great history, stories, and photos, and discussion on who drove what etc, etc.
    and as time goes on, things like chassis numbers seem to have a big impact on settling arguements on who drove a certain car, as well as providing sellers, or investors with peace of mind.
    so im going to start off with a chassis number of a car I have driven, that we know nothing of its first ten years history, and see if anyone can help
    its a 1988 reynard ff2000/formula continental, that raced in the states by andrew sedgwick and also barry haynie chassis no 086.
    hope someone can help.
    also if you have a car lying round you dont know much about, post its chassis no here and see how you get on.
    Last edited by paul lancaster; 10-04-2013 at 05:25 AM. Reason: didnt proof read it

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