Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Sheffield View Post
The extent of keyboard pounding on display is truly “awesome” but inconsequential.

I am taking a special interest because the current situation mirrors problems I was involved with over fifty years ago when secretary of the Northern Sports Car Club, i.e. the attitude and performance of the governing body and most important the situation effecting individual members who directly finance that governing body.

MototSport NZ confines itself to a single constitutional obligation and that is towards member clubs, not in any way motor sportsmen as individuals. All member clubs have equal voting rights regardless of the number of individuals they represent. The government of N.Z. motor sport therefore is and always has been, undemocratic.

A virtual anarchy holding a monopoly was created way back, whereby a group of not necessarily qualified bureaucrats, can and have over the years, had a ball playing at/with motor sport to the detriment of the majority involved. Change the situation or lump it. I could get no takers in respect of action over fifty years ago and sadly find this thread full of hot air.

Sincerely, Trevor.
Spot on. What happened 50 years ago at a hillclimb is a reminiscence, (sorry Jim, but we could all recite examples of what it was like 50 years ago or name cars and drivers) but it is the administration that is undemocratic and until it either represents the drivers or offers genuine leadership (or both) we are lumbered.

Like any sports association that is a membership of clubs, individual preferences are channelled through one vote and whilst it may be fine when it comes to some issues, it is most definitely not fine when it comes to the day to day issues affecting thousands of paid up members who are seemingly powerless.