Does anyone have any photos or information of John Power from the 70's and 80's?

John is a friend of my wife and I and over the last few years he has started to tell us stories of his racing exploits, these include;

Navigating for Tim Bailey in the Rentokil Porsche in the 73 Heatway rally - he still has the route book!
Co driving with Lew McKinnon in the Philips Commodore in the first Wellington street race
Co driving with Kenny Smith in a Telstar in the late eighties??

John and his wife dropped in to see my wife and I at Hampton Downs on the Friday of the last weekend of the NZFMR. This was the first time he had been to a large race meeting since the early Nineties. I managed to get him back in touch with Kenny in the pits before they had to leave on a trip to the South Island on their Goldwing.

Unfortunately, on 1st Feb a foreign tourist turned in front of them just outside of Hamner Springs. John and his wife, Heather were thrown over the top of the car. Both ended up in Christchurch hospital with extensive injuries. Heather is doing alright, but John took the full force of the accident and is still in a coma with serious injuries, but is very slowly responding to treatment. Our fingers are crossed that he comes out of this and can continue telling his stories.

I know after catching up with Kenny he had a smile a mile wide and was planning a dinner on their return to Auckland. We were all looking forward to hearing the stories flow over a few drinks.

Thanks in advance for anything that anyone can provide that can help fill in some blanks just in case John can't!.
