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Thread: RiP Dave Brodie

  1. #1
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Auckland, North Shore

    RiP Dave Brodie

    Probably best known for his black Ford Escort 'Run Baby Run', but from my perspective, he was also a driver for my jazz hero, Chris Barber, in the short-lived Lotus 62, one of only 2 built. He also contributed a piece to the booklet accompanying a Chris Barber CD collection produced after Chris Passed on.

    Where did the evocative legend 'Run-Baby-Run', which became a well-known trademark on David Brodie's racing saloons, come from?

    I was racing at Snetterton in the ‘60s and looked at a fast Hillman Imp in the paddock that was being raced by John Calvert and there was a small plastic sign on the dashboard saying 'Run Baby Run' and it captured my imagination enough for me to adopt it as my own. About 40 years later, I went to a Chris Barber jazz concert in London and John Calvert came over and introduced himself to me. He told me that the sign had fallen out of a packet of sweets his son had bought in Essex.

    April 1970 Mallory Park

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    Name:  170_0419_684a Dave Brodie.JPG
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    Last edited by ERC; 01-05-2025 at 10:49 PM.

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