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Thread: Northern Sports Car Club - the early years.

  1. #501
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    NSCC Hill Climb at Birdwood Road, Massey in 1965

    Tjebbe Bruin, Peter Bruin's son - Peter of Lotus XI and others cars fame.
    He was involved in Trialling Hill Climbs and other Motorsport, largely with Auckland Car Club in the 1960's -70's.
    He also took or collected a lot of photographs, many from ACC events but some from NSCC, TVCC and other Clubs, and put them in Albums.
    Here a set of 4 by John Larry Lawton - the page was 6 photos - 2 from another venue, a TVCC Hill Climb at Maramarua.
    14th March 1965 Event.

    The photos - from a Peter Bruin Album. Tjebbe Bruin has been posting many images on Old New Zealand Motor Racing with details where known of people and the photographer - if not him.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #021 Birdwood Road Massey 14 Mar 1965  4 photos - crop photos John L Lawton Album Pete.jpg
Views: 908
Size:  179.9 KB

    Results from the Event - from NSCC " Club Torque " Magazine of the time - Graham Woods archive.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #016 Birdwood Road - Massey NSCC hillclimb 14 Mar 1965 results Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 920
Size:  164.8 KB

    Originals of the individual photos were published by John Larry Lawton previously. Thought they were familiar.
    Jamie Aislabie Cooper - Jaguar [ ** Bobtail ],
    Barry Munro Beach Buggy,
    Rod Coppins Zephyr Corvette,
    Jack Nazer Lotus Anglia.

    ** see notes about the Cooper - Jaguar of Jamie Aislabie . the Cooper Jaguar was not a Bobtail rear engined car but a front engined car

    The full page from the Album with both the TVCC and NSCC events.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #019 Birdwood Road Massey 14 Mar 1965  4 photos - w 2 Maramarua H-c 177kb Album Peter .jpg
Views: 888
Size:  177.9 KB

    A busy Motoring weekend TVCC 13th and NSCC 14th March 1965
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-12-2024 at 01:10 AM. Reason: TVCC images ** Bobtail notes ###47

  2. #502
    Quote Jamie Aislabie Cooper - Jaguar [ Bobtail ],

    The Cooper Jaguar is not a Bobtail, it's a front-engined sports car and it was driven by Jamie's brother Brian.
    Last edited by Milan Fistonic; 07-30-2024 at 04:25 AM.

  3. #503
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Milan Fistonic View Post
    Quote Jamie Aislabie Cooper - Jaguar [ Bobtail ],

    The Cooper Jaguar is not a Bobtail, it's a front-engined sports car and it was driven by Jamie's brother Brian.
    Thanks Milan - yes, my oops - the " Bobtail " note is on the Album Page - and here is the JLL photo. described as " Cooper Holden ".
    seems like I mixed up the cars. - the " Cooper - Jaguar " name is on the results from NSCC Club Torque - confusing

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #014 Birdwood Road - Massey NSCC hillclimb 14 Mar 1965 Jamie Aislabie Cooper Holden J .jpg
Views: 852
Size:  86.1 KB

    The same photo as in the Peter Bruin Album, now with Tjebbe Bruin
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-12-2024 at 01:12 AM.

  4. #504
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Meeting 9th March 1975 - BNSW Championship Rothmans Saloon Race.

    Entry List and the Official " Club Report " Results and Incident Report on the Race.

    Images from Milan Fistonic vast archives - may post on the " Pukekohe " thread too as have similar data from others BNSW events in different [ previous ] years.

    Entry List;

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #043 BNSW Rothmans 4 litre 6 litre Saloon Entry List Race Mar 1975 arch Milan Fistonic.jpg
Views: 688
Size:  179.2 KB

    The NSCC " Report ".

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #044 BNSW Rothmans 4 litre 6 litre Saloon Entry List Race Mar 1975 Results incident re.jpg
Views: 697
Size:  179.3 KB

    Father Allan and Son John Woolf both there, Allan had moved to an Escort and John had the Vitesse.
    Fastest Lap to Paul Fahey in the 3400cc Capri.

    Was there, probably as a Marshall Around that time - was on the Trials sub-committee and supported the Rally Speed and Race Committees.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-12-2024 at 01:06 AM.

  5. #505
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Ostrich Farm Hill Climb - 12 November 1961.

    Post #489 was about the NSCC November Hill Climb at Cosseys Farm - 10 years earlier " Ostrich Farm Road " was the venue.
    Here from Milan Fistonic archives - the report and results from NSCC " Club Torque " Magazine.

    Name:  NSCC 1961 #010 November 12 1961 Ostrich Farm Road report Page 26 Club Torque arch Milan Fistonic.jpg
Views: 594
Size:  172.2 KB

    FTD to " Sager " in the Cooper, was it Jim or Ken, ?.
    ** most likely Ken Sager as he appeared at the next Hill Climb in the Cooper.
    What capacity as the Class in Entry lists appears to have big gaps up to 750 then 3001 to 5000cc. ??
    In December the Sager Cooper was in the 751 to 1100cc Class.

    See Morrie and Ken[ny] Smith both in the Cooper Holden, I think that car went later to the Aislabie brothers with mainly Jamie racing.

    Met Jim Sager, Kens Dad, at the first NSCC Club night I attended in February 1967 with my father, the night I joined the Car Club having just purchased my first car a few days / couple of weeks before.
    NSCC used to have meetings at the Edendale School Hall in Mt Eden / Sandringham, before the the Club Rooms were built in 1972.

    Name:  NSCC 1961 #011 November 12 1961 Ostrich Farm Road Hill Climb results page 27 Club Torque Milan F.jpg
Views: 587
Size:  158.9 KB

    Next event on the Road was December 1961 - the Entry - Programme Cover - Results from Richard Bauz [ Sandmandli ].
    The Document was Keith Yeats which was with the " Orchid " documents when Richard bought it a few years ago and the car is now in Europe and competing still.

    Name:  NSCC 1961 #097 NSCC Gold Star Hillclimb 17 Dec 1961 Entry Cover Richard Sandman .jpg  (3) (600x8.jpg
Views: 590
Size:  150.5 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1961 #099 NSCC Ostrich Farm Hillclimb 17 Dec 1961 Entry List and Times Richard Sandman .jpg.jpg
Views: 587
Size:  166.7 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-22-2024 at 02:25 AM. Reason: Notes added ###47

  6. #506
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Gold Star Hill Climb 17 December 1961.

    Having posted details of the November event and copies of the December Programme - these came along.

    Thanks again to Milan Fistonic, the NSCC 1960's archive is growing.

    Name:  NSCC 1961 #015 December 17 1961 Ostrich Farm Road Gold Star Hill Climb report Club Torque 175kb .jpg
Views: 565
Size:  178.4 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1961 #016 December 17 1961 Ostrich Farm Road Gold Star Hill Climb results Club Torque 178kb.jpg
Views: 576
Size:  178.2 KB

    Keith Yeats copy of the Entry List / Programme had some times on it too.

  7. #507
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Remembering Trevor Sheffield 13 February 1929 to 12th November 2024 - age 95

    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Sheffield View Post

    Unfortunately no photos of the car exist. At the time, taking photos was a very secondary consideration. The car recorded a class win at a NSCC North Island Hillclimb Championship and I ran it at the Mt Wellington road races.

    It was subsequently owned by Ken Harris, who went on to own the Wharton Monza Ferrari. I was surprised when he drove it, along with his wife, on a lengthy road trip. It was necessary for him to visit a family sheep station involved in a legacy, which later enabled him to purchase the Ferrari. He bragged about a "dice" with a sports car on the way home, and how the special won the day. LOL
    Came across this comment from Trevor Sheffield back in April 2020 around Post #270 -# 272 about his Fiat 509 Special - he states " no photos of the car exist " Trevor did find some photos later and they appear on this thread.

    A photo of the Car upon completion by Trevor.

    Name:  Fiat 509 #027 Special front view Trevor Sheffield plate 245,749 1951 -56 plate Q arch T Sheffiel.jpg
Views: 395
Size:  138.6 KB

    I subsequently obtained details of the " Mt Wellington road races " from Don Tilsey RIP in 2023 which appear on this thread - now need to find the details.

  8. #508
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Triumph Sports Car Club TSCC, Triumph Car Club - Auckland TCC - now ATCC

    The " Auckland Triumph Car Club " which began life in 1975 as the " Triumph Sports Car Club " and later became " Triumph Car Club - Auckland " is having its 50th Anniversary Celebrations.

    I received an Email recently from one of the organisers Mike Hayes as follows;

    " We are in the throes of organising a reunion of the Triumph Car Club.

    Our intention is to have it at the premises of
    - "John Morrison on Universal Drive in Henderson on 3rd May from 7pm."

    This will also be an opportunity to check out John's great collection of vintage and veteran cars.
    The format will be BYO Drinks, bring a plate and any photos or memorabilia you may have.
    At this stage we are collecting email addresses and contact details "

    There was attached a list of former members they were trying to contact.

    If anyone is interested please let me know and I will pass details on to the TCC Committee, or give you the Email addresses.

    Mike Hayes
    Verena Steele
    Jens Fogelberg - who I knew from my days with TCC and the NZ TR Register back in the late 1970's early 1980's
    and the Morrison family.

    Remember competing in the Triumph TR4A at the Morrisons property on Lincoln Road in 1979 in an Autocross on the back of a large Commercial Section - great fun.

    Name:  AHCCNZ events #119 B JOCO 1982 Portland Triumph sticker colln R Dowding.jpg
Views: 31
Size:  123.3 KB

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