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Thread: Motor Racing pics - my early years, 1964-71 ; Pukekohe Racetrack ;by - Roger Dowdingl

  1. #441
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post

    Did they hold an event in 1962 ?? - as mentioned in the article.
    - prior to the 1963 " New Zealand International Grand Prix ". in January.
    Not that I know about.

    A newspaper clipping I have states that "Sealing work on the New Zealand Grand Prix motor racing track at Pukekohe was completed on Monday afternoon." The clipping was dated December 26 so Monday would have been December 24th. With practice for the Grand Prix getting under way on Thursday January the 3rd and a race meeting being held at Mount Maunganui on December 29, it would not have been possible to arrange an event on the new track.

  2. #442
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - the Paddock area - the sealed area in front of the Tote Building

    Believed to be in 1968; [ or 1967 ?? ] See notes 1969 !!
    Cars in the photo include Jack Nazer Escort Twincam, the Scott Wiseman E-Type Jaguar, with the high spoiler a Lotus Cortina and many others.
    Mini's Imps - a couple of Sport Racing cars, and is that the Dave Silcock Jaguar XK near the E-Type ?
    Names and details of other cars - please add to the thread.

    Photo from Bruce Dyer archives - unsure of the exact date.
    Looks like a good crowd. Is it a Grand Prix meeting !! ??.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #051 Cars in the Paddock Wiseman E-type Nazer Escort 67-68. arch Bruce Dyer.jpg
Views: 894
Size:  64.5 KB

    Notes from Milan Fistonic in comment below post #444.

    " car numbers match up with it being the 1969 NZ GP meeting.

    " 47 Bruce McLean Lotus Cortina
    37 Ross West Lotus 23B
    25 Scott Wiseman E Type Jaguar
    125 Baron Robertson Heron 1500
    74 Ted Dutch Hillman Imp
    63 Jack Nazer Escort Twin Cam

    I think the grey car next to Jack's white Escort is Ross Skinner's Supercharged Cortina. "
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-16-2022 at 01:39 AM. Reason: Milans comment added..

  3. #443
    I don't think that photo is the GP, not enough people on the Hill.

  4. #444
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    I don't think that photo is the GP, not enough people on the Hill.
    That was my first thought but the car numbers match up with it being the 1969 NZ GP meeting.

    47 Bruce McLean Lotus Cortina
    37 Ross West Lotus 23B
    25 Scott Wiseman E Type Jaguar
    125 Baron Robertson Heron 1500
    74 Ted Dutch Hillman Imp
    63 Jack Nazer Escort Twin Cam

    I think the grey car next to Jack's white Escort is Ross Skinner's Supercharged Cortina.

  5. #445
    Maybe one of the practice days? I was at the 69 one and at practice too. The hill was absolutely jam packed, as was all the way down to the hairpin, even the inside of the track looks sparse.
    Is that the Riley Lotus 19B between Ross West and Scott's E type?
    Last edited by Oldfart; 08-15-2022 at 02:12 PM.

  6. #446
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    Maybe one of the practice days? I was at the 69 one and at practice too. The hill was absolutely jam packed, as was all the way down to the hairpin, even the inside of the track looks sparse.
    Is that the Riley Lotus 19B between Ross West and Scott's E type?
    I thought it was Baron Robertson's Heron as the number looks like 25. He did use that number at earlier meetings, but with 25 on Wiseman's Jaguar, he took the number 125 at the GP. The fact that the number on the car hasn't been changed could indicate, as you say, that it's a practice day.

  7. #447
    Quote Originally Posted by Milan Fistonic View Post
    I thought it was Baron Robertson's Heron as the number looks like 25. He did use that number at earlier meetings, but with 25 on Wiseman's Jaguar, he took the number 125 at the GP. The fact that the number on the car hasn't been changed could indicate, as you say, that it's a practice day.
    I couldn't read the number, I was just looking at the colour. For me the heron was always at it's best when blue with Peter Ackroyd

  8. #448
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Ardmore 1958 .. the ARDMORE " FIFTY " event

    Before Pukekohe 1963 - 2023, there was Ardmore 1953 - 1962.
    The New Zealand Grand Prix Meeting were held there in January each year and both Auckland and Northern Sports - Car Clubs ran " Little Ardmore " event after the GP meeting.

    In 1958, because of the nonavailability of Ohakea - Information from Milan Fistonic - an Event was held on the 1st March 1958 - with the main Race the Ardmore " FIFTY ".

    Entry Lists from the event - there were no Programmes as such and even this paper has a space for " Late Entries ".

    Thanks to Don Tilsley for this information - the piece of paper is rather " Tatty " but complete.

    Name:  Ardmore 1958 #043 Ardmore 50 Entry List Page 1 Event 1st March 1958 orig arch Don Tilsley (546x8.jpg
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    Name:  Ardmore 1958 #044 Ardmore 50 Entry List Page 2 Event 1st March 1958 orig arch Don Tilsley (541x8.jpg
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    A big entry list with some famous names - Bruce Mclaren, Dennis Hulme, George Lawton who became Internationals and lots of others Ross Jensen, Merv Neil among them - including a couple of Guys who were at the NSCC Reunion - Allan Woolf in his Ford " 8 " 980, and John Windelburn in his Austin A35 among the small saloons.

    I hope there are some Results out there.

    The Main Race
    - there is the list of Entrants in two Heats to qualify, to be in the final of 24 cars for the Ardmore " FIFTY ".

    The event was organised by the NZ International Grand Prix Association as a " National " meeting, when Ohakea got cancelled - as mentioned by Milan.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-01-2022 at 04:52 AM.

  9. #449
    The results from the March 1, 1958 meeting at Ardmore.

    Name:  img316 (2).jpg
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    Name:  img317 (2) - Copy.jpg
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  10. #450
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Ardmore " FIFTY " 1st March 1958

    Thanks Milan for the results. More information about an event that I did not know much about.

    There is mention of the event in Ron Roycroft Diary about races in the 4 and 1/2 litre Blue Ferrari. Ron came 2nd.

    Interesting is the comment about being the First " National " event organised, as the Grand Prix is an " International " event.

    Extract from Ron Roycroft records - as published in a Special Edition of New Zealand Classic Driver in 2012.

    Name:  Ron Roycroft #061 Roycroft Competition Notes 4.5 litre Ferrari February 1956 - January 1960 NZCD.jpg
Views: 760
Size:  106.8 KB

    Photo re-added !!
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-30-2022 at 04:18 AM. Reason: photo re- added ##47

  11. #451
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    " last weeks of schooling, " - me too !!

    A rather late reply to Ken H..
    " Excuse me Roger for using your thread but I wanted to add some 1965 racing. This was during my last weeks of schooling, school C etc.. "

    You are excused - With the closing of Pukekohe next year, and not wanting to create another thread - this will be the " North Island " story of now closed tracks and others that are in use - with the Dunedin thread for the South Island events.

    I have come across a series of photos from the 1965 " Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race " and the " Wills Six Hour Saloon car Race ",
    by John [ Larry ] Lawton - who has provided photos from NSCC events Trials and Races, now on that thread.
    He was also at the track and from where the photos are taken we all must have been close but did not know each other.

    I also was in my last weeks of schooling - having to sit UE Exams but only getting a higher leaving certificate for attending the 6th form -was good at playing cards and eating my lunch,a big disappointment to my father.

    A John Larry Lawton photo from 9th October 1965 .. Austin 1800 - that retired from the Wills Six Hour Race Car #25.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #158 Wills 6 Hour Austin 1800 Peter Ellis Roger Staniforth #25 retired 9 Oct 65 Jo.jpg
Views: 785
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  12. #452
    World Champion
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    Roger and Ray Bell,
    Why were Holdens and Falcons not competing in these events in 1965 ?

    I repeat this Australian race once again which was one week before the Pukekohe event.

    (Ken H)

  13. #453
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Why were Holdens and Falcons not competing in these events in 1965 ? ...

    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    Roger and Ray Bell,
    Why were Holdens and Falcons not competing in these events in 1965 ?

    (Ken H)

    Ken H,
    you probably know the answer but here are my theories ..

    Is there an eligibilty criteria in the Programme that you have for the Gold Leaf and Wills Event -
    Was there a local assembly criteria or did the Big Guys GM and Ford decide that only their British Car brands could enter .. Ford with " Cortina " and " Zephyr " and GM " Vauxhall ".
    I think the next year there were even more Vauxhalls and the new Mark 4 Zephyr V6 in 1967 definitely so..

    Vauxhall PC Velox / Cresta and Zephyr Mark 4 V6, front of the field.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #56 sml 1967 Gold Leaf 3 Hour Wills 6 Hour The start Wills 6 Hour CCI12102015_0002.jpg
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    The Australian Ford Falcon wasn't big in the NZ market until around 1967 - 68,from memory.
    Trentham Ford plant was building CKD British Fords, not sure about GM.

    Copy of the Wills Six Hour Race - Entry List - Ken H and Milan Fistonic archives - not sure whose copy it is..
    A lone Vauxhall in the list, but lots of Fords, and a selection of Europeans too Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Renault Citroen, Peugeot and Simca, plus a lone Datsun ..

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #032 Wills 6 hour race programme entries (2).jpg
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    The Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race had different criteria

    The Entry List.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #031 1965 Wills Gold Leaf 3 hour race K Hyndman M Fistonic .jpg.jpg
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    The results of both Events - from Graham Woods archives, probably from Motorman Magazine.

    Name:  Motor Racing Pukekohe #033 1965 Gold Leaf and Wills results Graham Woods.jpg
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Size:  169.7 KB

    The photos on the 1965 Gold Leaf and Wills Event 9th October 1965 are coming - just checking my notes..

  14. #454
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Gold Leaf 3 hour and Wills 6 Hour races Pukekohe October 1965

    Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race - John Larry Lawton Photos.

    The Oxton Daimler - White Nose and Stripe - Car #19 and a Lotus Cortina
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #140 Gold Leaf 3 Hour Oxton Daimler SP250 #20 Lotus Cortina Oct 65 John Larry Lawt.jpg
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    The Segedin " Fleetwood Motors " Mustang
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #141 Gold Leaf 3 Hour Segedin Ford Mustang #22 Oct 65 John Larry Lawton.jpg
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    The Stanton Palmer Honda S600 - did Matich actually compete ?? -
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #142 Gold Leaf 3 Hour Stanton Palmer Honda S600 #24 9 Oct 65 John Larry Lawton.jpg
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    The Roger Smith Daimler SP250 - Car #18 .. Registration BV449. with White triple stripe
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #143 Gold Leaf 3 Hour Roger Smith Daimler SP250 #18 Oct 65 John Larry Lawton.jpg
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    Big guns in the Wills Six Hour Race - were the Jaguar Mk 11, 3781 cc Saloons.

    Archibald - Sprague and Ward - Coppins on the opening lap.
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #160 Wills 6 Hour Sprague Archibald Jaguar MK2 #37 Coppins Ward Jaguar MK2 #36 win.jpg
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    Ward Coppins Jaguar - the Winners.
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #159 Wills 6 Hour Coppins Ward Jaguar MK2 #36 winner Oct 65 John Larry Lawton.jpg
Views: 775
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  15. #455
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Gold Leaf 3 hour and Wills 6 Hour races Pukekohe October 1965 the Wills..

    Between the two events Gold Leaf 3 Hour in the morning and the Wills Six Hour - there was " Minispinning ".
    Actually a Mini and an MG Midget, with Paddy Hopkirk and Timo Makinen demonstrating, Paddy in the MG and Timo in the Mini
    Here at " Rothmans Hill - they also did spins in the grid part of the staright and in front of the Main stand.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #148 Wills 6 Hour Mini MG Spinning Hopkirk MG Makinen Mini Oct 65 John Larry Lawto.jpg
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    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #149 Wills 6 Hour Mini MG Spinning Hopkirk MG Makinen Mini Oct 65 John Larry Lawto.jpg
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    Then there was the Main race -
    This occurred too - a Parade Lap - presume before the event, as some cars were not available after the race.

    The " All Female " Crew in one of two of the smallest cars in the Field Fiat 500 Bambina.
    Evelyn Hadfield and Margaret Hough.
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #150 Wills 6 Hour  Fiat 500 #1 parade lap Evelyn Hadfield Margaret Hough 9 Oct 65 .jpg
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    From the smallest to a car in the large - Over 3000cc Class - the lone Vauxhall Velox of M E Reynolds and A G Washer
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #151 Wills 6 Hour Reynolds Vauxhall #35 Oct 65 John Larry Lawton.jpg
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    Tall heads and a couple of the smaller cars an 1100 [ BMC ] and an 850 [ Fiat ] - Renault 1100 just tucked in behind.
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #152 Wills 6 Hour 1100 D Marwood B Innes Fiat 850 T Bailey R Harrington Oct 65 Joh.jpg
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    The lone Peugeot - the Lucas brothers Murray and Graham..
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #153 Wills 6 Hour Murray and Graham Lucas Peugeot 404 #33 Oct 65 John Larry Lawton.jpg
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    More to come - the last set - from John Larry Lawton ..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-01-2022 at 04:48 AM.

  16. #456
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Gold Leaf 3 hour and Wills 6 Hour races Pukekohe October 1965 the Wills..

    The last of the John Larry Lawton photos -

    English and European Cars ..

    Simon Taylor and John Manby Rover 2000 - the Class winner
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #154 Wills 6 Hour Rover 2000 #28 Simon Taylor John Manby class winner  Oct 65 John.jpg
Views: 775
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    More Hadfield's - Don and S Hadfield - the sole Datsun Bluebird 1300
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #155 Wills 6 Hour Don Hadfield S Hadfield Datsun  #17 Oct 65 John Larry Lawton.jpg
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    The Ray Thackwell R I Moore Alfa Romeo [R I Moore - was that Ronnie Moore the speedway motorcycle guy ?? - Answer in the results in a previous post #453 - Ronnie Moore
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #156 Wills 6 Hour Alfa Romeo Berlina #13 Ray Thackwell R I Moore 9 Oct 65 John Lar.jpg
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    More Europeans the Paul Fahey Barry Cottle Fiat 1500 " Crusader " and one of the Mini's
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #157 Wills 6 Hour Fahey Cottle Fiat 1500 #18 and Mini 9 Oct 65 John Larry Lawton.jpg
Views: 761
Size:  52.0 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-03-2022 at 04:06 AM. Reason: Ronnie Moore ###47

  17. #457
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Gold Leaf 3 hour and Wills 6 Hour races Pukekohe October 1965 the Wills..

    But wait, there's more - well one more from John Larry Lawton.
    The Austin 1800 of Peter Ellis and Roger Staniforth was a non- finisher - retired with mechanical issues.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #158 Wills 6 Hour Austin 1800 Peter Ellis Roger Staniforth #25 retired 9 Oct 65 Jo.jpg
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    A long way back in this thread are some of my photos.
    Shown again here .. taken from outside the track - I think my father was trying to get me to go home but still had a couple of shots left.
    Renault 1100 and the sole Simca
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #17 Wills 6 Hour French connection #1, CCI12102015_0002 (800x570) (2).jpg
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    Zephyr 6 - just like the car I went in, and one of the Alfa Romeo plus others around the loop.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #19 Wills 6 Hour, Zephyr 6 and Alfa Romeo #3, CCI12102015_0001 (800x562) (2).jpg
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    To finish - the beginning - Front Cover of the Programme that Ken H posted on here a number of years ago. in Post #82..

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #030 Cover Wills 6 Hour race programme 9 Oct '65 Ken Hyndman.jpg
Views: 755
Size:  138.1 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-31-2022 at 04:28 AM. Reason: Post #82 ###47..

  18. #458
    Probably not Ronnie. Middle name Leslie. Sergent has him active 1951 to 1957.

  19. #459
    Quote Originally Posted by GregT View Post
    Probably not Ronnie. Middle name Leslie. Sergent has him active 1951 to 1957.
    It was Ronnie Moore the 1954 and 1959 World Speedway Champion.

  20. #460
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe 1965 The NZIGP Meeting January 1965

    More John Larry Lawton photos.

    The Grand Prix - the start.

    Front of the field

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #102 1965 NZIGP Start Main Race John Larry Lawton .jpg
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    Rest of the field

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #101 1965 NZIGP Start Main Race John Larry Lawton.jpg
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    Start of one of the Sports Car Races

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #106 NZIGP Sports car race -start Lycoming fr John Larry Lawton.jpg
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    The Lycoming being pushed back to the pits.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #108 NZIGP Sports car race pushing the Lycoming wrong way John Larry Lawton.jpg
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    The Willys - Corvette

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #104 1965 NZIGP meeting Red Dawson Willys V8 Coupe close up John Larry Lawton .jpg
Views: 742
Size:  49.2 KB

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