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Thread: Northern Sports Car Club - the early years.

  1. #81
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Club Circuit Pukekohe - a circuit that was " sacred sites - lost tracks .

    Quote Originally Posted by Allan View Post
    I remember two incidents on the "club" circuit as it was known. In the first one one of the competitors was too far forward according to the start official and was asked to move back a few feet which he did, only to leave the car in reverse so when the flag dropped he went one way and the rest of the field went the other. I don't recall too much damage. In the second incident a competitor came round the stables corner, got into a major tank slapper, then veered across the grass in the centre of the track. There was only one car parked in the area and the un-named competitor got that car dead centre between the doors.
    Allan, I remember another incident at the club circuit for the quickfire meeting that was run and televised around 1970.
    A Triumph 2000 or 2500 broke a halfshaft coming past the stables on the right hand bend the halfshaft and wheel left the car and speared down the track. the errant part hit / was hit by a Mini in the front and looked like this afterwards [ no pic of the Triumph but here is the Mini ].

    Name:  Mini, Pukekohe club meeting 1968 #3, Mike . ... !! .. CCI01092015 (2).jpg
Views: 2310
Size:  178.6 KB

    Hand drawn plan of the club circuit - from the NCSS Motorsport Day 1978 Regulations and Route Book.

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p8 sprint regs and track planCCI22122015 (564x800).jpg
Views: 2262
Size:  134.0 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 01-15-2016 at 10:07 PM.

  2. #82
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Gordon Brown Special - a request from Gordon Brown

    Name:  GBS Gordon Brown Special - Muriwai Beach races 1949;50 !! #3.jpg
Views: 2377
Size:  139.8 KB

    Article in the Western Leader, the Suburban Newspapers West Auckland Edition is the following article.
    there was previously a call by a someone through the NSCC website some months ago for information on the car, now Gordon who is 100 years old and still driving is looking for it.

    Name:  GBS Gordon Brown Special Western Leader article 28 Jan 2016 v2, CCI28012016 (2) (540x750).jpg
Views: 2191
Size:  178.0 KB

    Would suggest contacting the Western Leader, to get in contact with Gordon if anyone has information.
    Western Leader, their phone number New Zealand 09 8370340

    The Graham Vercoe Book " Historic Racing cars of New Zealand ", published in 1991 had this to say about GBS, Gordon brown and his " Specials ".

    Name:  GBS Gordon Brown Special #1, CCI31012016_0001 (409x800).jpg
Views: 2076
Size:  118.9 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 01-31-2016 at 01:40 AM. Reason: car article added #### 47

  3. #83
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Gordon Brown Special - continued .

    The Western Leader article was advised to me by my sister who lives in Massey, and new I was interested in the Cars of Gordon Brown, yesterday she took the article to Eddie Dowding, as he knew Gordon at the time of its construction, Gordon also lived in Herne Bay for a time as did Eddie, not at the same time though. Eddie was there from around 1929 to 1955.
    Any information one the car please pass on to the Western Leader, or to me and I will contact them. either PM me or post on this thread. Am putting the picture, Western Leader Article and the Extract from Graham Vercoes book, on Facebook, to hopefully get some interest, and locate the car.

  4. #84
    Roger, I am sure you know the reputation of the Vercoe book. While I admire Graham for tackling this immense task, do not rely on the veracity of it.

  5. #85
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    Roger, I am sure you know the reputation of the Vercoe book. While I admire Graham for tackling this immense task, do not rely on the veracity of it.
    Agree Oldfart, [ both with the correctness of the book and the fact he even attempted it, - gives a base to work from ]. As Gordon says in the newspaper article car built in 1947, not 1949 but gives another photo of the car, which my Uncle Eddie remembers, more about getting the message out with my post.

  6. #86
    I was around at the time and was particularly interested in Gordon Brown’s Ford Ten special as I also utilised a Ruckstell rear end in my Fiat Special. I would say1947 is correct. I recall, that a full article on the car was published in the first or second issue of a short lived sports car magazine at the time and it was this that promoted my interest.

    To the best of my memory Gordon Brown built only one car, which first off amounted to the sole means of family and personal transport. Fairly promptly he acquired an early Ford V8 saloon and also used this in competition. Incidentally, as was then usual the special was never trailered. Whatever, the car was the first of an ongoing series and certainly deserves recognition.

  7. #87
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Gordon Brown Special -

    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Sheffield View Post
    I was around at the time and was particularly interested in Gordon Brown’s Ford Ten special as I also utilised a Ruckstell rear end in my Fiat Special. I would say1947 is correct. I recall, that a full article on the car was published in the first or second issue of a short lived sports car magazine at the time and it was this that promoted my interest.

    To the best of my memory Gordon Brown built only one car, which first off amounted to the sole means of family and personal transport. Fairly promptly he acquired an early Ford V8 saloon and also used this in competition. Incidentally, as was then usual the special was never trailered. Whatever, the car was the first of an ongoing series and certainly deserves recognition.
    Trevor, thanks for your comments, always good information .. my sister showed Eddie Dowding the article, as he remembered Gordon and his car too !!. Not sure if it has been mentioned but Jack Boot, who owned the Riley Bugatti, or was Bugatti Riley, was Eddie's brother-in-law and my Uncle too!!. Jack passed away before I knew him though, too young the date of the GBS is my year of birth, 1947 is quite a while ago, but 1916, Gordon's year of birth even more so..

    Note ; Jack Boot passed away in February 1945 - so well before I arrived.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-22-2020 at 09:43 PM. Reason: Jack Boot passing 1945 ..

  8. #88
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Gordon Brown Special - a request from Gordon Brown continued

    Here is the text from the request posted on NSCC's Facebook Pages in January 2015.
    " Can you help?
    A member of the public is trying to find a old car he built and raced. The information we have is below:
    Known as: G B Special
    Built by: Gordon Brown
    Year: 1947 approx
    Ford 10 Motor
    Hillman 4 Speed Box
    Ford T 2 Speed Differential
    Plus many other bits
    Rego: 235622
    He raced it with the Northern Sports Car Club at the Muriwai Beach Meeting in 1948.
    Also he has a little shield showing it got 1st in the Open Saloon Handicap at the N I Beach Championships 28/03/1953.
    He has been searching for this car for a while but cannot find where it may be. If you know of the whereabouts or have any information on this car please get in touch with us. "

    I am assuming that " the member of the public " is in fact Gordon Brown. the picture was posted also separately.

    Name:  GBS Gordon Brown Special - Muriwai Beach races 1947-48 !! #3 (1).jpg
Views: 1641
Size:  139.8 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 02-13-2016 at 07:00 AM. Reason: Picture added #### 47

  9. #89
    As far as I know this special was only used in competition by Gordon Brown and the fact that it was a very usable road going machine, means that it could have become used only only as such, to become ultimately worn out and discarded. Other more basic similar cars of its time continued to be used more exclusively in competition and as a result several have a recorded history.

    Even so the search is very worthwhile as the car is of real significance as it was the first of an ongoing trend in Ford Ten specials. Let us hope for success.

  10. #90
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Ford and other Specials of the time of Gordon Browns car

    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Sheffield View Post
    As far as I know this special was only used in competition by Gordon Brown and the fact that it was a very usable road going machine, means that it could have become used only only as such, to become ultimately worn out and discarded. Other more basic similar cars of its time continued to be used more exclusively in competition and as a result several have a recorded history.

    Even so the search is very worthwhile as the car is of real significance as it was the first of an ongoing trend in Ford Ten specials. Let us hope for success.
    Thanks Trevor, and speaking of Ford Specials, ERC has posted a " Standford " in his collection Just a Mix of Pics, taken recently, of a 40's type special, and presume a mixture of Standard and Ford ..
    Here is another Ford powered Special, this time a mixture of 1930's and 1950's engineering, Ford 10 motor [ 1950's ] in a 1930's BSA based Special. seen before but different photos.

    Name:  BSA Special - Lyle Chambers car. #12 side view . CCI26082015 (3) (792x800).jpg
Views: 1641
Size:  176.6 KB

    Name:  BSA Special - Lyle Chambers car. #13 , rear 3 quarter view  CCI26082015 (2) (800x791).jpg
Views: 1705
Size:  155.6 KB

    Name:  BSA Special - Lyle Chambers car. #19, at Mt Albert 1980 . CCI26082015 (3) (787x800).jpg
Views: 1634
Size:  175.8 KB

    Would also like to know the whereabouts of this Car, Lyle Chambers BSA Special, built in the 1950's from a 1930's BSA Four wheeled front wheel drive saloon.. twin tube chassis with the BSA Front and Rear suspensions components welded on, any info post on here or PM me, cheers.

  11. #91
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Speedway races 1975 Western Springs

    A couple of newpaper pages - an article on NSCC races at Western Springs, seqnmac27 Sean posted them on the " Old Speedway Photos " thread, have put them here as the thread is linked to NSCC's facebook page and website.
    some well known names.
    Remember races at Western Springs as part of a Heatway Rally one year, they ran races between the arrival of the Rally cars for a Special Stage around the track, unsure if the same event

    Name:  NSCC 1975 Speedway races - Sean McBride #1 DSC_0009.JPG
Views: 1891
Size:  125.1 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1975 Speedway races #2 Sean Mcbride DSC_0010.JPG
Views: 1895
Size:  98.5 KB

    thanks Sean
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 02-24-2016 at 09:23 PM.

  12. #92
    Here's a report on a1949 NSCC event won by Gordon Brown in his Special.

    Name:  NSCC Trial 1A.JPG
Views: 1919
Size:  180.8 KB
    Name:  NSCC Trial 1B.JPG
Views: 1937
Size:  120.9 KB
    Name:  NSCC Trial 2.JPG
Views: 1919
Size:  82.9 KB

  13. #93
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The Jack Boot trophy trial


    thanks for that, Laurie Powell was there in his V8 Ford ..
    Jack Boot was a relation of mine [ he married Dot, my Uncle Ed Dowding's sister in law ], passed away a long time ago [ February 1945 ] as when I was growing up Dot had remarried .. I must pass the article on to Ed Dowding, he will love it, at 96 still has a reasonable memory, and enjoys car related stuff especially to do with NSCC.
    Jock Aitken used to repair my first car a 1960 Mini, back in the late 1960's when he had a little garage near the University in Grafton, [ now the motorway ]

    May 2020 - now have photos of both the Gordon Brown and Jock Aitken Specials - both Ford 10 based
    and look a bit similar - as well as the photo of Jock's car in the article.
    There is also a photo of Jock and Laurie Powell in his Ford B$ V8, all at Seagrove in 1947.


    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-18-2020 at 03:34 AM. Reason: more info #### 47

  14. #94
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Bardahl Series Hillclimbs 1979 -80

    The Bardahl series Hill Climbs were run by 8 different Car Clubs in the Auckland Frankton Waikato area over the
    " summer " starting in late October and finishing in February.
    The 8 Clubs involved were ; in order of events ** a correction ;
    Hamilton Car Club, Round 1 Pekanui Rd, Puketotara, near Pirongia 27 October 1979
    Northern Sports Car Club, Round 2 Cossey’s Farm, Drury, 04 November 1979.
    Auckland Car Club, Round 3, Mclachlan Road, Kaukapakapa, 18 November 1979.
    Triumph Sports Car Club, Round 4, West Road Clevedon. 25 November 1979
    Pukekohe Car Club, Round 5, Bright Road, Waiuku 09 December 1979
    MG Car Club, Round 6, Bald Hill Road, Waiuku 16 December 1979.
    Auckland University Car Club, Round 7 Stoney Creek Albany 26 January 1980
    Hisbiscus Coast Motorsport Club, Round 8 Bayers Road [ Farm ] nr Silverdale ?? February 1980.

    Posted the Round 2 results earlier from NSCC
    here is Round 3 run by Auckland Car Club, some well known names appear, this was a well supported round.

    Name:  NSCC events ACC Hill Climb #1 p1 18;11;79 CCI31052016 (520x800).jpg
Views: 1384
Size:  133.2 KB
    Name:  NSCC events ACC Hill Climb #3 p1 - 2  18;11;79 CCI31052016_0002 (591x800).jpg
Views: 1411
Size:  153.7 KB
    Name:  NSCC events ACC Hill Climb #4 p3  18;11;79 CCI31052016_0003 (611x800).jpg
Views: 1413
Size:  91.5 KB
    Name:  NSCC events ACC Hill Climb #5 p4 18;11;79 CCI31052016_0004 (629x800).jpg
Views: 1422
Size:  86.0 KB

    The 1301 - 1600 class appears twice [ bad editing - the pages were foolscap not A4 ]..

    Also have the MG Car Club round 6 and the Hibiscus Coast MC round, unsure of the date of that as no details on the sheet ..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-20-2018 at 03:55 AM. Reason: Rounds in order ###47

  15. #95
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Bardahl Series Hillclimbs 1979 -80

    More results HCMC and MG rounds, the MG one is hard to read, my copy is covered in coffee stains, No not red wine or beer, Coffee I am sure.
    HCMC this was on a very large sheet so copied in two parts that over lap. Skip from Ken Booker, just below my name to Marty Finch
    I figure it is the HCMC round as the number of competitors entered, there were always many more runner from the host club, I think some guys only did their own club events..
    I think HCMC's was at Bayers Farm or Bayers Road, have found it on the map and seems the right place.
    Name:  NSCC events HCMC Hill Climb #7 part 1 Jan 1980 CCI31052016_0001 (653x800) (612x750).jpg
Views: 1287
Size:  178.0 KB
    Name:  NSCC events HCMC Hill Climb #8 part 2 Jan 1980 CCI31052016_0002 (657x800) (616x750).jpg
Views: 1337
Size:  181.7 KB

    MG Car Club Bald Hill - scene of the TR photo slideways.

    Name:  NSCC events MGCC Hill Climb #9 part 1 Jan 1980 CCI31052016_0003 (487x800).jpg
Views: 1297
Size:  118.8 KB

    Name:  Triumph-TR4a-MG-Car-Club-Hillclimb-Bald-Hill-2-CCI28092015_0001-Blur-1160x691.jpg
Views: 1283
Size:  151.6 KB

  16. #96
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Bardahl Series Hillclimbs 1979 -80 a correction

    I may be confused with the AUCC, Auckland University, and HCMC Hibiscus Coast Clubs events,
    Can anyone help, Have a feeling as mentioned that the AUCC was near Pareremoremo Prison near Albany, and HCMC was Bayers or Bayes Road nearer to Waiwera / Puhoi.

    BMC BOY took a photo of the TR at Bayers, but it doesn't help with the location, Back to Google Maps I guess.

  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    The Bardahl series Hill Climbs were run by 8 different Car Clubs in the Auckland Frankton Waikato area over the
    " summer " starting in late October and finishing in February.
    The 8 Clubs involved were ;
    Auckland Car Club, Mclachlan Road, Kaukapakapa Round 3, 18/11/1979.
    Auckland University Car Club, Bayers Farm ? near Paremoremo Prison, Albany ?
    Hamilton Car Club, Hamilton Round 1 ? October 1979 ?
    Hisbiscus Coast Motorsport Club, near Silverdale Jan 1980 ?
    MG Car Club, Bald Hill Round, Waiuku Round 6, Jan 1980.
    Northern Sports Car Club, Cossey’s Farm, Drury Round 2, 4/11/1979.
    Pukekohe Car Club, Bright Road, Waiuku
    Triumph Car Club, West Road Clevedon.

    Posted the Round 2 results earlier from NSCC
    here is Round 3 run by Auckland Car Club, some well known names appear, this was a well support
    Name:  NSCC events ACC Hill Climb #1 p1 18;11;79 CCI31052016 (520x800).jpg
Views: 1384
Size:  133.2 KB
    Name:  NSCC events ACC Hill Climb #3 p1 - 2  18;11;79 CCI31052016_0002 (591x800).jpg
Views: 1411
Size:  153.7 KB
    Name:  NSCC events ACC Hill Climb #4 p3  18;11;79 CCI31052016_0003 (611x800).jpg
Views: 1413
Size:  91.5 KB
    Name:  NSCC events ACC Hill Climb #5 p4 18;11;79 CCI31052016_0004 (629x800).jpg
Views: 1422
Size:  86.0 KB

    The 1301 - 1600 class appears twice [ bad editing - the pages were foolscap not A4 ]..

    Also have the MG Car Club round 6 and the Hibiscus Coast MC round, unsure of the date of that as no details on the sheet ..
    Howard Collier, semi retired here in mangawhai selling beatifull pieces of his land that he purchased many years ago

  18. #98
    Is Andy Mercers Marina V8 any relation to Graeme Parks same beast ?

  19. #99
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Hirst View Post
    Howard Collier, semi retired here in mangawhai selling beatifull pieces of his land that he purchased many years ago
    Kevin, remember Howard and the Escort with a straight cut and very noisy gearbox, was known as " Captain Howdy " at the time

  20. #100
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Is Andy Mercers Marina V8 any relation to Graeme Parks same beast ?
    John, I am unsure I do know that one of the Marina V8's was rolled at the Bright Road Hill Climb during this series, unsure if ever rebuilt and also remember a comment that one had been taken back to the 4 cylinder engine and restored, could be the same car, I am unsure and too far away these days to find out. John Windleburn also ran a Pontiac or similar at the PCC Bright Road event, it had been burn't out, arrived with no roof a bench seat [ from memory ] and a big roll hoop. passed scrutineering OK, and was loud.

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