I have acquired a number of publications, some in not perfect condition, that I will start posting photo's from.
I have acquired a number of publications, some in not perfect condition, that I will start posting photo's from.
John Harvey giving Peter Brock a push
Alan Moffat
Bill Brown
Brian Foley, Alfa,Mike Stillwell's BDA Escort
Starting grid
An early Falcon in Trouble
Last edited by markec; 01-16-2013 at 08:58 PM.
Bob Jane getting back on line followed by Peter Finch, John Mann
Btyan Thomson,Ron Harrop, Bob Jane
The John Kay / Peter Finch Camaro, Calder
Brian Sampson Celica,Pat Cren V8 Cortina
Jim McKeown with broken disk
John McCormack Charger
Last edited by markec; 01-16-2013 at 09:15 PM.
Torana that had just attacked the sign
Bob Jane V8 Torana
Brian Thomson VW, F5ooo powered, ahead of Bob Jane Monaro 350 Sandown
Ron Harrop EH Holden
Jim Smith Rover Repco V8 Powered
Rod Coppins Pontiac
An oops from Bob Jane
Peter Finch Comaro avoiding the spinning Bob Jane
Darralyn Huit in her porsche engined VW
John McCormack Charger with Bob Darnell's V8 Torana
Rod Stevens Mini
Tom Naughton Porsche,Stillwell Escort
An over steering mini
Peter Brock with the first of the 5 litre Sports Sedans
Bob Janes 350 Monaro
Adrian Lynch mk 1 Cortina
Dick Thurstons Corolla on its way over as Alan Brazell go past, Sandown
Charie Occhipinti Corvette
Alfa Romeo Spyder
Ranald McLurkin, 302 ford power
3 Clubmans playing ring a ring a rosy
Lional Ayres, Rennmax Repco V8, Calder
MG getting it all wrong
Barry Randall's Rennmax, 2.5 litre Repco
Moffat's Falcon being serviced during the Sandown 250 that he won
Bryan Thomson Torana,Laurie Nelson Charger,Murray Carter GTHO Falcon
Leo Geohegan Charger E49 followed byjohn Harvey's Torana
Brock about to pass Bill Evans Datsun 1200
Brocks 6 cylinder Torana in front of Moffats V8 Falcon
Brocks L34 Torana
Tony Farrell's RX3
Murray Carter' Falcon at a night meeting at Calder
Last edited by markec; 01-16-2013 at 11:43 PM.
Robin Keitly Torana Sandown
Stewart McClead 240K datsun about to be passed by Brian Ovendon's Charger
Brock's L34 308 SL R 5000
Roger Bonhomme rolling his Galant
Geoff Brabham Bowen P6, Lawrence Bennet's Elfin 600,Terry Perkins Elfin 620
John McCormack Elfin ML6 Leyland
Johnnie Walker Lola 330
Brian Shead, Cheetah constructor in an F3 mk5 Cheetah
Peter Gethin Chevron B34
Johnnie Walker heads Kevin Bartlett and John McCormack at Calder 1972
Johnnie Walker, Kevin Bartlett
John Leffler in Max Stewarts Elfin MR5
Teddy Pilette VDS Chevron ahead of Max Stewart Lola 330
F2,Bruce Allison Birrana 274 ahead of Chas Talbot's similar car and John Leffler's Bowen P8
Graham McRae GM2, nickname "Cassius"
Peter Gethin wins race and series as Frank Matich pits with a cloud of steam
F2, Tony Farrell Dolphin brabham BT36 replica with broken rear wing
Bob Muir Birrana 273
Ken Smith March732 just in front of Alfredo Constazo Elfin Mono
Graham McRae following JohnnieWalker's Repco Holden powered Lola 330
The late Ian Cook F2
David Oxton Begg FM2 leeds Clarrie Cooper's Elfin MR5
Leo Geoghegan Birrana 274 leading Enno Busslemann Birrana 273
Ray Winter Mildren F2
John Goss Aunger-Matich A53
Brian Cameron Brabham BT30 tangled with Chas Talbert
Graeme Lawrence Lola Sandown
Thanks Markec, awesome slice of history.
Great history, my favourite is the Corvette!!!