The Reverse Direction meeting April 1966 - Pukekohe
Originally Posted by
Roger Dowding
The pictures are my own taken with a basic Kodak Camera with no adjustments possible, just point and shoot;.
The thread has changed it's purpose, now includes other peoples pics and news items ..
It is :" The Pukekohe Story " 1963 to now !!
April 1966 meeting ; the Reverse Direction one ; never tried again as too dangerous and quite a few accidents including
Ron Browns Mini; as mentioned Ron was Assistant Clerk of the course that day ; he was the Team Mate of Allan Boyle who also ran a Cooper " S ".
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Dennis Marwood - Cooper
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Ivan Segedin - Mustang [ The Fleetwood Mustang - with the feature of the time stack exhaust pipes, many a good bonnet wrecked ].
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The Sports cars get ready - Car on left trhe Orchid Special with a De Joux body Bucklers with similar bodies , Daimler SP250 Honda S600 [ another photo later of this car ]
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Information regarding the April 1966 meeting at Pukekohe ;
this from Bruce Blacklock
" The reverse direction meeting was to test a theory put forward by the great Jim Clark, who felt the normal direction was dangerous if a car came unstuck approaching the top of the hill. He felt it would fly into the hill stand. The track had approval for one meeting only to be run in that direction. Without the necessary approval a permit would not have been issued by MANZ. The hedge and fence at the end of the back straight were removed after negotiation with the land owner to provide a run off. "
There has been a picture from Milan Fistonic on the Facebook page " Old New Zealand Motor Racing " showing the small saloons,just after the start going up the Hill known for many years as Rothmans
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The Reverse Direction meeting April 1966 - Pukekohe another photo
Following on the comment from Bruce Blacklock;
" The reverse direction meeting was to test a theory put forward by the great Jim Clark, who felt the normal direction was dangerous if a car came unstuck approaching the top of the hill. He felt it would fly into the hill stand. The track had approval for one meeting only to be run in that direction. Without the necessary approval a permit would not have been issued by MANZ. The hedge and fence at the end of the back straight were removed after negotiation with the land owner to provide a run off. "
Here is the Milan Fistonic photo ; After the start, they have been up the hill to " Rothmans " and are heading down to go through the Esses and on to the Hairpin. [ note from Milan ]
Bob Meek in the A40 near back of pack
Graham Park on the outside of the lead car, Graham thinks
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Imagine the track going the wrong way - everything off camber, slower approach to the hairpin, but what about Railway, 90 degree left after the long straight, no wonder there were a few offs.
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Posted before Ron Brown - from a magazine on racing at Pukekohe
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Rothmans to the Hairpin and the drain ------ !!
Originally Posted by
Milan Fistonic
Roger. The cars are coming down the hill from Rothmans
Milan, they are indeed, have just passed the " summit ".
You must have been near the flagpoint that was above the ditch !
Thanks for the photo. - will edit the comment, cheers.
Ron Browns accident, was I understand a bit further from Rothmans towards the hairpin, somewhere near the " Woolshed " often seen in photo's
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Emergency Vehicles at Pukekohe - early 1960's
Photo on the Dog Box Club thread - there is a post regarding the Baypark Fire Truck - A Dodge that replaced an F100 that replaced a Ford Ranchwagon.
Here [ photo borrowed ] is the Ranchwagon, with a Tow Truck, Dodge Ambulance and the famous Timing Bus.
Attachment 57678
The Dodge - an older shot.
Attachment 57679
A recent photo- the vehicle is for sale and should be saved for NZ Motoring History.
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A Big Boy at Pukekohe. - 7 Litre Pontiac - in Feb 1967
a Milan Fistonic photo at the meeting ;
Attachment 58458
My own photo's the same meeting !!
On the Hairpin ;
Attachment 58459
On /Off the Hairpin ...
He did win, not sure if the same race ..
Attachment 58460
Thanks Milan - have borrowed the photo.
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Ron Brown sits in his Blue 997 Mini next to the yellow Imp of Roy Harrington.
Ron Brown wrote - " Pukekohe, mid-60's. Roy Harrington and myself at the head of the pack lining up for another 1000cc race. Original dummy grid area, above and to the left of the track crossing. "
Alan Boyle added - " Ron Brown sits in his Blue 997 Mini next to the yellow Imp of Roy Harrington who is standing behind my G/friend Margaret. Ken Sleath at far right, Ken died some years ago. . In the Centre in Blue jacket Peter Hutt, Ron’s mechanic ex Dominion Motors, where Ron also worked, Pukekohe late 1966 to 68 ? "
I am picking 1967 - 68 ..
The Ron Brown archives Photo.
Attachment 58779
Posted before Ron Brown beside his Mini - unsure if the same car - ** See note below the photo's
This is April 1966 - the Reverse Direction meeting.
before Ron had a bad off in the sweeper between Rothmans and the Hairpin [ back to front of course - usually Hairpin to Rothmans Hill !!
Attachment 58780
after - loading onto the trailer ..
Attachment 58781
** Ron advises that the " Reverse Direction " meeting Mini was a 1293 cc not the 997 in the colour photo.
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Pukekohe - some entry lists .. Thanks to Graham Woods.
November 1971 ..
Attachment 58893
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1971 most likely the GP meeting " International " .
Attachment 58895
Sports car and Formula Ford race 1971
Attachment 58896
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Wills Six Hour Races - 1963, 1964, 1965
Entry lists for the first Three Years of the Wills Six Hour races. Thanks to Graham Woods for the images.
The Standard Production Car Races - they were preceded by the Gold Leaf 3 Hour race for factory modified cars Mini Cooper S, Lotus Cortina etc
- some were not saloons as Austin Healey 3000's and Daimler SP250's ran, as seen on photos posted previously
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1965 Gold Leaf 3 Hour Challenge Race the FLEETWOD MUSTANG.
Originally Posted by
khyndart in CA
I remember being at this race and it was the first time I had seen a Mustang race. I thought the Segedin /Simmons "Fleetwood" Mustang was the most magnificent car in the world. (It still looks great, it never ages in my opinion.)
Ken H, agree, love that car and you have the 1965 programme for the meeting - copied here.
Attachment 59269
and a Peter Bruin photo of the start with the Bill Dunster - now Ross Cammick AH 3000 and those Daimler SP250's ..
Both shown before - but puts them together !!.
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Pukekohe - 1964 at the Elbow - Saloon Car Race the GP meeting
Photo from Allan Dick archives
Attachment 60895
Rod Coppins 38/39 ! Ford Corvette, Ivan Segedin Anglia, Garth Souness 32 Ford Corvette,
then one of the Lotus Cortina's Paul Fahey or Alwyn Marshall ??
Is it a Ford or a Chev. for Rod Coppins - not in the entry list if the same meeting
Entry list from Graham Woods
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Pukekohe 1965 - busy at the Elbow again
Photo from seaqnmac archives the 1965 Shell Annual
a colour shot at that Elbow ;
Attachment 60946
posted before ?? at the same corner Jack Inwood photo's from Steve Twist archives.
" Auckland Star " photographer on the Stables roof
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The " Humber Zephyr " that became the " Humber Jaguar " - Frank Radisich
A photo I had not seen before ;
[ ** don't remember would be more correct as would have bought the magazine from the shop across from Kelston Boys High ]
- from the NZ GP meeting January 1965.
Photo from Milan Fistonic [ ## correction - please ignore note on the photo's - my error ]
Milan commented that he hadn't seen any mention of the crash or a photo in Motorman. maybe Don was elsewhere.
Did it fall over [ yes ] - or were they just - servicing it [ no ] ??..
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Doesn't look any better this way up either ..
Attachment 61290
It fell over - there is damage to the fence
Here in Humber - Jag guise in May 1966 - by then Frank had moved on to an Anglia Twincam.. Terry Boyle driving
Bigger engine needed "Bigger " wheels ..
my own photo.
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Pukekohe - Programmes - more recent 1985 - 86.
A couple programmes I was sent by BMC BOY - thanks Ross.
1985 Benson and Hedges;
Attachment 62069
Entry List - including a friend John Trigance in a Corrolla GT
Attachment 62070
1986 NZ Grand Prix
Attachment 62071
List of Officials - with the recent MSNZ awards a few of these Old names were there :
Attachment 62073
Previous winners Ardmore and Pukekohe - and First New Zealander home
Attachment 62072
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Fleetwood Mustang, some photo's and things
A few photos have emerged recently of the Fleetwood Mustang .. so will put a bit of a story together.
In the meantime a photo.
Photo by Peter Bruin - from Ross Cammick's archives ..
Start of the 1965 Gold Leaf Three Hour Challenge Race for Imported / Modified Cars that preceded the Wills Six Hour race for Standard Production Cars [ NZ assembled CKD cars I think ]
Attachment 62110
The Red Austin Healey of Bill Dunster is a 1959 BN7,3000 which BMC BOY has owned since 1973 and restored in 1978, - it has had some refurbishment more recently.
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Track Changes - from 1964 to 1986.
Pukekohe 1964.
Attachment 62120
Pukekohe in 1967 added the Elbow to railway section creating the 3 circuit configuration " Club " using the loop,the new shorter track and the Original - now the long track.
In 1986 there was this proposal
Copy of Sunday Star article 23 November 1986 - Milan Fistonic archives.
As has been noted only the Pit Lane entry was created and slightly different to this plan.
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The Map /Plan only
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It didn't happen and the Club Circuit disappeared also. Must check the year of that.
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150,000 views and growing ..Thanks Guys !!
Been on the track a few times myself as seen here !!
Ross " BMC BOY" Cammick photo from 1979.
Attachment 62128
Photo my own camera - may have been the same event. Sprints, two cars away at the same time about 16 - 20 cars on track at the one time.
Some Sprint events used the full circuit, others the " new " part Elbow to Railway - been on both.
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Have run out of my own photos, Sharing others on the Track and the Cars that Raced on it.
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Pukekohe 1968 Big Chev and a Vauxhall
" John Riley in his Chev Impala at the Pukekohe Club Circuit in August 1968. From the Auckland Car Club Bulletin. "
- Milan Fistonic archives.
Attachment 62182
( note disregard the " Dawson " reference on the photo - my oops - now corrected on my file.
My own photos of a Chev and Victor - same meeting ? If so will enable me to correct dates on some pics of mine.
Presume the Victor was the 3.3 litre Six version not a 2 or 2.2 litre 4 cylinder..
coming :
Attachment 62183
and going :
Attachment 62184