Ken, he will be at Taupo, will make sure you two catch up again....we can ask him then. Sounds good ???
Printable View
Ken, he will be at Taupo, will make sure you two catch up again....we can ask him then. Sounds good ???
The Morgan is a well known car, as I have found out from Graham Kyle, a Morgan racer at the time ;
" The Morgan 4 / 4 was Peter Gendall, he drove Ron Roycrofts Bugatti Jaguar in a 50's Ardmore New Zealand Grand Prix. "
The car was quite modified over its life - more to follow
Got there again, was back in Auckland for 6 weeks,met up with ERC and Kevin H and his wife, missed seeing GeebeeNZ Gra3m3 .. have posted some photos on the MX5 thread
Here are other cars :
Attachment 56146
Attachment 56147
Attachment 56149
Attachment 56150
American Military - had a Dinky Jeep as a youngster
Attachment 56151
American style English engineering - !!
Attachment 56148
More to follow English and some Europeans
Attachment 56153
Attachment 56154
Attachment 56155
and MG's
Attachment 56152
Attachment 56156
" Who let the Frogs Out " !!
Attachment 56157
977 was a popular number 977ARX and MG977.
Rays MGF now sold -am told only 6 more cars to go - according to " Her indoors " - then they will both be walking - better keep a couple !!
Attachment 56158
A C Ace - have seen it before here
Attachment 56159
An English JEEP General Purpose as G P became JEEP.. or in this case an early Landie !!
Attachment 56160
The UK branch of the General - Vauxhall .
Attachment 56161
Attachment 56162
McRae Porsche Spyder replica
Attachment 56163
an Alfa for Bruce !!
Attachment 56164
Some American Muscle !!
Attachment 56165
More from the US of A..
Attachment 56166
The MX5 that got away - somehow the name of a previous photo carried through !!
Attachment 56167
Number plate says it all
Attachment 56168
and that is all !! - 'til next time !! -November I hope, can't do Aug - Sep - Oct
Attachment 56324
Attachment 56325
1954 - Keith Roper in his 100 at speed on Winters Road.
Attachment 56326
and a group of cars at Dunedin in 1960 the Special is one of Ferris De Joux's creations -either Vanguard or Holden powered !! This one would seem to be Vanguard powered - see the entry list
Attachment 56327
The entry list for the Race - thanks Graham Woods
Attachment 56328
Credits are on the photo's
The number 6 Standard 10 is Cliff Knight of Northland (Far North really) he did a tour of every event available for 2 years with that car. Lovely man, rcent years he was running an E type Jag as a "Saloon" at Speedway events (or was it a stock car?) I note with interest, every saloon that completes 5 laps gets half what the winner does. That's a great gesture, and £10 back then was quite a bit of money!
Steve's second book in the series of Cars in New Zealand from 1950 to 1970's.
Uses pictures from brochures with contributions from various people, I managed to sneak into the book, as did quite a few other people;
Attachment 57624
Ken H -that photo!! Slideways Roger ..
Attachment 57625
Attachment 57626
Attachment 57628
Attachment 57629
Attachment 57627
Not sure if on Bookshop shelves yet as mine arrived in the post this week.
Remi purchased the Tony Herbert car and was seeking information on it.
The car photos appeared in an article in " Sports Car Talk " magazine issue #3 in 1989 written by Richard Gray who was detailing the restoration of a Ginetta G15 a well known NZ car with Rego HL7470 now G15, the car fully restored and remains in new Zealand.
Here is a bit of Ginetta History from Richard's article. from issue 3 the 1989 Edition.
The magazine was an annual publication by the " Sports Car Club of New Zealand inc ".
Attachment 57715
Attachment 57716
Attachment 57717
Attachment 57718
Close-up of photos from the magazine pages above;
The G4 chassis
Attachment 57719
Tony Herbert at speed - track not known, Photographer not stated [ now believed to be Ross Cammick have seen identical image in colour ] ; assume from Richard Gray - archives.
Attachment 57720
The article is 9 pages and then a further 11 pages on the G15 rebuild.
Would be good to see photos from Remi of the car as it is now and any work being done to it.
As an aside, my ex-lodger in the UK, bought one of the Ginetta single seaters (G8?), formerly raced by Stuart Graham.
He also picked up the Lola T212 (minus engine and gearbox), now owned by Billy Apple, on behalf of a Kiwi. Towed it behind his 1116cc Mini, from Cheshire to Nottingham... Fitted a Lotus Twin Cam and at Loton Park (I think), knocked a corner off!
Further to September 2018 - Am going to use this thread for photos and news that doesn't fit into the Austin Healey or Northern Sports Car Club thread- will cover Specials and other events I come across that should be shared..
Roger 17th December 2018
Bringing the thread to the fore - as currently collecting information on " Specials " - starting with the previously featured " Bugley ", then The " De Soto ", " Mistrals " [ as they are not Bucklers and David Montgomery from the UK would not approve !! ]. Then others as I find things [ stuff ].
Lloyd Gleeson is a Classic car guy originally from Thames, still has a 1969 Morgan that he raced in 70's and 80's in NZ - Car originally purchased new in the UK, then exported.
The De Soto Special. the early 1950's one.
Question by Lloyd Gleeson; and some comments by others.
“Anyone know this car’s origins, or where it ended up? It’s the De Soto Special raced by Bill Culver in the ‘50s – shown here spinning out of the 1955 Ardmore GP and nearly being clobbered by Tony Gaze (Ferrari) who was lapping him. Bill owned the Kopu Service Station south of Thames and the Special was often to be seen parked on the forecourt (a magnet for car–mad passers-by!) When the Service Station was sold in the ‘60s, the racer was towed to Tararu (on the coast just north of Thames) to a rented lock-up, but when that property was up for sale some years later, the car was no longer there. About 20 years ago I bumped into to Jock Hill (who had been Bill’s mechanic) and asked him if he knew the fate of the old racer and all I got from him was a somewhat cryptic “Not a clue”, and unfortunately didn’t have time to press him further” .
Merv Hanna commented
“Zambucka,s first race was Wigram 1950, qual. 8th finished 4th. Ron Sutherland drove the car in 1953, did well in sprints. Geo Palmer bought the car in 1954, FTD standing quarter at Rotorua.
Bill Culver raced it in 1955 including the Ardmore spin. As of 1991 the car was reported to be in storage at Thames. “
- as an aside Ron Sutherland and brother Merv ran a Midget type car which will be the subject of another article - was raced against the Roycroft / Jack Boot " Bugley " - the Riley Bugatti mentioned on the NSCC thread.
Details from Graham Vercoe book “ Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand “ pages 107 – 108
Published in 1991.
There is a photo of the car on the third [ back ] row of the Ohakea showing race #21
Edited ; [ Italics mine ]
" Fred Zambucka ivory two-seat open [De] de Soto Special appeared at Wigram in 1950, and it proved quite a handful. I was powered by a 4099 cc de Soto six engine, and Zambucka had considerable success with it, especially after lengthening the chassis and fitting triple carburettors for 1951.
Zambucka was fourth in the Wigram race. At Ohakea a cotter-pin shook loose and dropped into the sump. Leaving a valve wide open and causing an inevitable breakdown after just six laps.
He shared FTD with George Smith at the Don Bucks Road Hillclimb [ Massey, West Auckland ] in April that year and won the North Island Champion Beach race in 1952.
Ron Sutherland drove the car in some races for Zambucka, and took FTD at the Port Waikato Road sprintin December 1953 with a standing quarter [ mile ] of 16.3 a and flying equivalent in 9.3 s.
The next owner, George Palmer,did 15.2 for the standing mark at Rotorua in 1954 taking FTD.
Bill Culver had a nightmare moment in the car at Ardmore in 1955 [ where the photo’s are from ] after spinning in front of a considerably faster Ferrari driven by Tony Gaze.
The car is believed to be still in storage in Thames. "
Engine shown as 4099 cc 6 in 1954 but 3368 cc 6 in 1955 Chassis was Z1 [ Zambucka One ] Presume there may have been and engine change, maybe because of capacity rules.
Photos of the car ; from the 1955 Ardmore Race and loaded up for the trip home
Attachment 59280
Attachment 59281
Cover of the Graham Vercoe book ;
Attachment 59282
The car was in an entry list posted on the Austin Healey thread.
Have several photos and a couple of entry lists - showing the car - photos from various people some TRS members as are the entry lists.
November 1964 meeting from Milan Fistonic.
Attachment 59341
On the grid with an Anglia - large rear wheels -unsure if the twin wheels
Attachment 59342
In the pits - caption says twin rear wheels
Attachment 59343
Racing with #112 as are some of the other photos yet entry lists are #148 April and #151 November
Attachment 59344
In colour - lots of Chrome and good paint must be an early meeting - on Wire Wheels - Alan Boyle photo
Attachment 59345
** Note from Milan Fistonic in next post Colin Lumsden De Soto had at the December 1964 meeting -
" 12/12/64 - 112 "
Just found the Entry List 12/12/1964 the ACC meeting Race 5 Allcomers arch Graham Woods
ACC meeting their " Winter Meeting "last of the season April 1964 - entry list from John Hatton TRS member - was in his Mark One Zephyr
Attachment 59346
Ray Bell - hope this helps a 5 litre V8 - presume a " Firedome " de Soto engine
From Wikipaedia - not always reliable
" Firedome production ended at the end of the 1959 model year.
For the 1960 model year DeSoto offered two models, the Fireflite and the Adventurer. For model year 1961, a model named only "DeSoto" was sold as a two-door hardtop and four-door hardtop. The end of the DeSoto marque came on November 30, 1960, 48 days after the 1961 models were introduced, ending 32 years of production. "
Firedome engine " 361 cu in (5.9 L) V8 " in 1959 prior to that a 4.8 litre 291 cu in " So not sure what Colins Motor was.
These are the numbers the De Soto raced with. All at Pukekohe.
7/12/63 -143
22/2/64 - 148
4/4/64 - 148
7/11/64 - 151
12/12/64 - 112
27/2/65 - 174
It also raced at Matamata in 1964 with 61 and 1965 with 63.
Roger- the wikipedia probably covers only the American market.- thus left hand drive
All right hand drive were Canadian assembled, usually base models- different specs to USA.
Safe to say I remember Diplomats, but not many of these shapes.
As I mentioned in the A-H thread, the Diplomat had a Plymouth body from the firewall back, the front was, it seems, largely Dodge panels while the grille was a mixture of whatever they had lurking around by the looks of things.
Most Canadian production was based on the Plymouth body in that era. Dodges with Plymouth's distinctively different fins abound in Canada. The last Diplomats sold in Australia were the '54 models, which sold here through to '56. After that they were morphed (as were the similar Plymouths) into the Chrysler Royal, an Australia-only model.
Any De Sotos marketed in Australia from that point were locally assembled by Buckle Motors (yes, Bill Buckle) from US-derived CKD kits and were nothing like the Diplomats. Simultaneously the Chrysler Australia plants assembled US-derived Dodge Custom Royals and Plymouth Belvederes, all three makes being sold at high prices as premium marques. Canada, meantime, produced Dodge Mayfairs and other models with names differing from US models. Some rationalising seems to have taken place in 1960 and Canadian Dodge Phoenixes were assembled here to set the pattern for Chrysler's big car marketing for the next dozen or so years.
Thanks for the information on this particular car...
Ray-My Dad had one of these Aussie assembled Chrysler Royal, brand new in early 1960s, push button auto, 6 cylinder.
Never see any of them on the roads now.
All this Aussie involvement with Chrysler, Plymouth info is new to me, so thank you for posting this.
I worked at GM franchise so we had continued rhd Chevs and Pontiacs -Canadian -cars available in our showroom till 1968
So after this information, would the Lumsden car-right hand drive- be a Canadian or Australian car ?
Milan Fistonic, Ray Bell and John McKechnie - Guys -thanks so much for all the extra information - now gathered on one thread too !!.
Milan - interesting that Colin didn't venture too far, Pukekohe, Matamata [ Alan Boyle may have more photo's of it as he went there to watch around that time from a showroom on a corner ]
Race number 112 appears on all the photo's I have so must be from the same meeting in December 1964.
*** October 2019 The Austin Healey 4000 of P A T [ Peter ]McLoughlin a Healey 3000 with the Austin 4 litre A125/A135 Six installed was raced at that meeting - more on this car on the Austin Healey thread - a story in progress at the moment.
What will the next car be that we look at ?? -